Financial Support

Your Support Fuels Global Prayer

Every gift to International Prayer Connect makes a real difference. Your generosity enables us to mobilize united, strategic prayer for the most unreached places on earth. Because of faithful supporters like you, we are seeing miraculous breakthroughs—hearts transformed, churches planted, and cities and nations impacted.

We are already seeing the power of prayer at work! In Turkey, an 18-year-old named Hakeem, who had suffered from a severe blood disorder his whole life, was miraculously healed after coming to Christ. His healing and testimony led to hundreds in his village turning to Jesus. This is just one of many stories where God is answering prayers, bringing salvation, and transforming lives in some of the world’s darkest places. Your support and prayers help make these moments possible.

Watch this video…

The Value of Regular Support…

One-time gifts help us respond to urgent needs, while monthly donations provide the steady foundation we rely on to sustain 24/7 prayer initiatives, equip prayer leaders, and connect believers across generations and nations. Regular giving helps us plan ahead, ensuring this vital work continues.

Leaving a legacy gift in a will is another powerful way to support IPC, investing in a movement of prayer that will endure for generations.

Thank You…

Thank you for standing with us.

Choose the giving option below that suits you best, or contact us for more information. Together, let’s see Jesus exalted through a global canopy of prayer!

Stripe for Card Payments / ApplePay / Google Pay in USD + multiple currencies, or


TrustBridge - Make international grants and big gifts to IPC in multiple currencies.

If you use the Zelle app, you can send your payment directly to the International Prayer Connect bank account using our office email address:
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International Prayer Connect is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is dependent upon donations and will bequests to fund our ministry.

Thank you for your support!