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Displaying items by tag: Bishop Peter Sekhonyane

Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:34

UPRising South Africa – 4-6 October 2019

UPRising South Africa - ‘PRAYER By Youth For Youth’ - 4-6 Oct 2019

United Prayer Rising - South Africa arose out of the 2016 UPRising event in Seoul, South Korea.  The South Africa delegation came home with a burden - to see young people across South Africa reconciled and praying in unity for the needs of their generation, the Church and of their country.

‘There is only so much we can do for this generation’ - those are the words of Parents, selective leaders and the government.  Young people seem to have become impotent in our societies. Everything that is bad is associated with ‘young people’.

It is almost like our surname is ‘trouble, rape, robbery, gangster-ism, drugs, pain, loss, hopelessness, drunkards, thieves, poverty and death’.

Somehow, that's what our parents see when they look at us, that's how society sees us, that's how the government sees us and we have to admit there is truth in that.  Because we have become hooligans and we cannot tell right from wrong.

Admitting that means we know that there’s a problem and there is a way to solve it. Nothing is beyond God, nothing is impossible with him. Change and transformation are Gods specialties. Hebrews 1:3 declared that all things were created through Christ. This declares that we, as young people are created through Christ, for Christ, in Christ's image and likeness and therefore that means that we are overcomers, pace-setters and game-changers.

We, the young people of UPRising (United Prayer Rising) are saying that as young people in the church, we are Uniting in Prayer, Rising as a body of young people, forming a revival wave, taking a stand, marching to the gates of Hell to give the devil back his surname and take our Identity back. And Uniting in prayer together, black or white, every tribe, putting our differences aside and praying non-stop with every young person across South Africa, Africa and around the world. Because where there is United Prayer, (Psalm133:1-3) God is present and where God is, there is hope, love, transformation and honour.

Let’s Unite in prayer and be more than Joseph who got to see Canaan, or David who smote Israel’s biggest enemy.  Let’s acknowledge Christ who changed our surname from evil to Good, and gave us life.

UPRising South Africa aims to unite young people from across the provinces in united prayer for justice, peace, healing and reconciliation in our nation.

UPRising South Africa aims to mobilise young people in every street, every township, every city, every province to Pray, BELIEVING.... and to see great and wonderful things happen as a result!

Join us! Get in touch, plan to be at UPRISING SOUTH AFRICA 2019, spread the word!

We will gather. We will pray. We will see change across our country.

4th - 6th October, Orange Farm, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Bishop Peter Sekhonyane - IPC Leadership Team

More at: www.uprising-south-africa.org