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Displaying items by tag: Ethne

Saturday, 01 August 2020 15:23

The Power of United Prayer for Unreached People

Have you heard the Clarion call? Or the Buzz words in this season? Collaboration, Catalysing, Community, Connections, Pivot, Urgency, Global Harvest and Global Repentance….

Today is the moment for united prayer for those, who despite 2000 years of believers witnessing to and following Jesus Christ, still have not had access to hear the Good News amongst their peoples.

The cry goes up from those who are living in darkness and Jesus commands us to GO and make Disciples of all peoples.

The Ethne Prayer team hosts MONTHLY REGIONAL ONLINE PRAYER CALLS for those who are currently unreached from the Gospel of Jesus.

You are welcome to take this opportunity to join one of our REGIONAL team calls. Perhaps God has been prompting you to make an hour’s commitment each month to pray with others in your part of the world for those who are far from Jesus?

Here are the details:

South Asia: First Wednesday 6pm IST write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information

AFRICA: Last Thursday 9pm Kenya time   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (calls in French and English)

MANI : Last Wednesday 2pm Nigeria last Wednesday of each month at 2pm Nigerian time. Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information

Europe: Mondays weekly, 3-4pm UTC write to Debra at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information

Latin America Last Wednesday of the month 10:00- 11:30 EST This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  (this call is in Spanish)

North America: Third Tuesday  7 pm – 8 pm Central (UTC -5) on Zoom  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

The Global Prayer Call for Unreached groups is every second Thursday at 3pm UK time (9am Central) https://zoom.us/j/7867380647 this call is hosted by the Ethne team with an invited guest speaker who is an expert on the unreached groups in focus.

Please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.

Jenny Oliphant

Coordinator of the Ethne Prayer Team and member of the International Prayer Council.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018 13:38

Strategic Prayer Training Materials

The Ethne Strategic Prayer Group together with the Fellowship of Prayer Strategists gathered as a small group of prayer strategist/intercessors, 5-9th November 2017 at SIL Centre Dallas.

We had the ambitious project to collate and revise existing material on prayer training with additional new material to produce simple, replicable prayer training material for the profile groups listed below.

The aim was to multiply and mobilize the body of Christ to pray effectively for the remaining unreached groups and those with little access to the Gospel. During the initial listening prayer time together we were aware that the material needed to be simple, without jargon, as easy as possible to translate into other languages and to be used across the world with the diversity of learning styles and contexts that this brings.
We would like to share with you some of the outcomes of our week together.

Identified Types of Prayer Training Needed:

1. General
 Prayer Training for Strategic prayer for the unreached: 
This would be for new believers, those on the journey to faith, some church contexts, small groups and one on one discipleship groups.The key concepts for this material are that it is simple and easy to replicate and teach to others. We also felt that the training package needed to be relational at the core: to encourage both listening to God and listening to others.

Our delivery for this training is through the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) format. We have produced a one side sheet with over 50 DBS studies in series sets which reflect basic principles of strategic prayer, principles of disciple-making movements and replication. We have a short postcard-sized “cheat sheet” with the “How to lead a DBS”. The key component that has been added to the DBS format is 2 extra questions; “What does this passage say about prayer for those with little access to the Gospel?” and in the sharing section, “Who would it be hard to share this passage with?”

 Prayer training for new prayer coordinators and/or those wanting to sharpen their skills to serve in organizations, networks and partnerships;
We started basing this training on previous material on the FPS website (https://prayerstrategists.net/) for training in prayer for prayer strategists in an organisation or network. The final paper is still in the writing stage but will have components from the DBS material for prayer mobilisation that has been written for field strategy teams (see below point 5)

 Prayer training for a Pairing Project which would be matching communities of prayer with frontline field workers representing specific unreached people groups (UPGs)/teams. 
We called Jonathan Fritz who birthed the idea of “Inherit the Nations” on which this concept of Pairing is based. Jonathan was in agreement with the Ethne Prayergroups to take the concept forward and also to involve the newly formed coalition 24:14 with this material (https://www.2414now.net/). The orientation material is for both the frontline worker representatives as well as the prayer communities’ leaders.
The training component included the General Prayer Training DBS sheet, in addition, the Prayer Strategy teams material (see section 5) and adapted introduction letters to field workers and the praying communities. We worked on a security document to facilitate trust and secure communication between the two groups.
At the heart of the Pairing Project is the development of a trusting friendship between field workers who share real-time needs to see breakthroughs amongst the UPG that they are reaching, and the sharing of revelation and input from a prayerteam who are committed to praying every week for one hour. Both sides of the pair would record what God is saying and share it with the other for the mutual encouragement to see breakthrough amongst the least reached.
4. Training for Children learning about and praying for UPGs;

The impetus for the Ethne Prayer Training event was largely inspired from a previous meeting in London in June 2017 when God broke into our group listening time and brought to our attention the urgency to focus on training in prayer for children. We recommend you take a look at this youtube clip Aim lower, think smaller, give up and have a cup of coffee.

The children’s prayer training material will be aimed at 3 age groups; 3-6 years, 7-10 years, and 11-14 years old. The children will climb aboard an imaginary ship that will travel across the world to visit different UPGs in each of the 12 Ethne regions. When they reach their destination, the children will hear a real story of a child who is from a UPG and who have encountered Jesus. They will be able to hear how Jesus met the child and will also hear a memory verse from the Bible with a moral about trusting Jesus. The younger children will then colour in a picture of the outline of the child from the UPG, the older children will also see a map of where the UPG child lives, and have the General Prayer Training DBS questions printed on the reverse side of the take-home colouring sheet. There will also be a card with the UPG profile and 3 prayer points to take home.

 Prayer strategists with field strategy teams involved in discipleship making movements amongst UPGs.

This training material was largely prepared by the Fellowship of Prayer Strategy team (FPS). The training is divided into 4 modules based on the acronym P R A Y. The first module is close to being ready for release. It is composed of a diagnostic tool for field teams to access their prayer culture and depth of understanding of what strategic prayer looks like in their team. Prayer is the strategy for field teams to see a breakthrough into UPGs. There is also a set of DBS studies teaching on aspects of the first module P- Prepare the Way for the Coming of His Kingdom together with a bibliography and additional articles.

Introduction – Prayer as Strategy – Envisioning the God-sized reality from His heart and co-labouring to pray it into being under His direction

Strategy 1– Prayer as Conversation with God—The role of intimacy with God in igniting movements to Christ
Strategy 2 – Prayer Training & Mobilization-- Sharpening our Prayers and Partnering in Prayer
Strategy 3 -- Prayer Shield Teams—Identifying and relating to personal/corporate intercessory teams to strengthen effectiveness and fruitfulness
Strategy 4 – Prayer Research—Spirit-guided research into the supernatural underpinnings of reality to help produce more informed, effective intercession and outreach.
God blessed us with grace and unity to tackle this ambitious project. He also led us to explore how we could multiply the prayer training using the general training (1, above,) to sow and multiple prayer strategists through our personal networks, organisations and friendships. This training workshop represents 600 man-hours of effort from team members representing 5 continents. (Africa, Europe, the Americas, Asia)

If you would like more information please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Every Blessing,

Liz Adleta and Jenny Oliphant 

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