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Displaying items by tag: Korea

Thursday, 03 September 2020 09:34

Korea: Prayers

As we focus our prayers on the Korean peninsula, we share these prayers that have been collated by our friends at NGI:

Dear God, our Father in Heaven!

1. We Pray for North Korea and its People!

'I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.' Phil 1: 20-21

The North Korean leadership has been more strict on its sanctions like prohibiting the entrance of foreign books, but we fixate our faithful eyes on the ways of the Lord who works above all circumstances humans can merely perceive.

We pray that every family in North Korea gets to own a Bible.

  • According to Release International, an international organization that monitors and reports persecution of Christians worldwide, 250,000 prisoners in 14 prison camps are suffering from disease, hunger, and physical abuse, and about 70,000 of them are estimated to be Christians.

We pray that Christian prisoners there never give up on their faithful walk-on following Jesus.

  • It has already been 18 years since UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) endorsed the resolution to denounce the unjust circumstances of human rights in North Korea, but there has not been any promising news or improvements to the situation there. North Korea has continued to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, participate in ongoing extortion, oppression, and persecution all while allowing the decline of the North Korean people’s welfare and food provisions.

We, with deeply sorrowed hearts, pray that God pours just, righteousness, and knowledge of God in North Korea.

As COVID-19 lingers, Jangmadang (North Korea’s marketplace) has been temporarily shut down, and the common people’s economy has continued to decline, causing growing hunger and poverty. It is not clear how many are suffering from hunger due to North Korea’s exclusivity and extreme secretiveness.

And though it seems as though there is nothing we can do to help, we as believers in Christ CAN and MUST PRAY.

2. We Pray for South Korea and its People!

 'If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.' 2 Chron 7:14

 God of Ebenezer, who has always protected South Korea by your big guiding hands, we earnestly seek your forgiveness of our complaints and resentment despite your grace.

  • Please forgive our leaders who are corrupted and have fallen into sinful ways; we pray that you enlighten them with your wisdom and revelation so they become pathways of your blessings.
  • We pray for your forgiveness of all your people who have left your ways and leaned on their own understanding in their lives.
  • Please forgive all the churches who have committed a sin of ‘forgetting to pray for the nation and its people.’
  • We pray that the crisis we are currently facing turns into an opportunity for peaceful reunification, which eventually becomes the pathway of world evangelization.

Please help NGI’s ‘Nehemiah One Million Prayer Petition Campaign. (www.pray4nk.org) Raise awareness of it among those who love North Korea and always remember its people in their hearts. Lead more people to commit to this campaign and lift up their prayers to God.

We pray that each and every one of 5,455 individuals that have signed up for Pray4NK Campaign would continue to remember the people in North Korea, as God always remembers them, and pray for God’s big, mighty hands to work in the lives of North Korean people.

Our beloved prayer warriors, please spread the word about NGI’s prayer petition campaign. (www.pray4nk.org) Invite your family members, friends, whoever is around you who can be one in heart and pray for the souls and the difficult lives of the people in North Korea.

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:25

North East Asia Prayer Summit – 7-9 April 2020

Global Prayer For Northeast Asia

April 7-9, 2020
Seoul, Korea
Olympic Gymnasium Arena (KSPO DOME)

It is with great honor and joy that we invite you to the Prayer Summit 2020 in His blessed name!

It is truly an act of God's grace to have a global prayer gathering in Seoul, Korea at such an hour.

The world is undergoing drastic shifts in every possible way, and the instability in Northeast Asia has made such shifts all the more precarious. For us intercessors, this means one thing - it is time to pray... to seek the Lord, to anticipate His renewing work, and hunger for revival-all with greater desperation.

Every revival was birthed in the place of prayer - the place of seeking His face. And God responding to our seeking is revival. Jesus' first coming ignited what would be an unstoppable blaze of revival sweeping through church history, fanned by His Church eagerly yearning for His Second Coming. Now we stand in the last chapter of this history. We stand as a revival generation called to await and prepare for the greatest revival history will ever witness - the return of the Lord.

So, we gather on April 7-9, 2020 in Seoul, Korea, to set aside three days to cry out in repentance and press in for unity and revival. Would you stand with us in this great privilege of bringing His Kingdom here in Northeast Asia and beyond?

In our concerted prayer, may we witness a new revival be ignited, and may the Triune God alone be glorified.

Steering Committee for Prayer Summit 2020

Contact: +82-70-7826-2020 / +82-10-4089-1069
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.prayersummit2020.com

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:51

IPC Calendar

50 Days of Prayer for Revival of Korea and the Korean Church – 1 Sep to 20 Oct

Everyday at 8pm, ANI Centers (Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu)

10 Days - 24-7 Virtual Prayer Gathering - 29 Sep - 9 Oct 2019

12 Days of Prayer for Transformation of Iberoamerica- 1-12 Oct 2019


Nationwide Prayer Assembly - South Korea – 3 October 2019

United Prayer Rising – South Africa – 4-6 October 2019


South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019


Hindu World 15 Days of Prayer - 20 Oct - 3 Nov 2019


Go 2020 Prayer Gatherings - 1stMay 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


06bUPRising Events Calendar

UPRising South Africa – October 4-6, 2019, Johannesburg
UPRising North Mindanao - October 28-30, 2019 - Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

UPRising Magpet - November 8-9, 2019 - North Cotabato, Philippines

UPRising Mexico - November 7-10, 2019 - Juarez, Mexico

UPRising Australia - July 14-18, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

UPRising New England - November 19-21, 2020 - New England, USA

Friday, 07 June 2019 05:35

East Asia Younger Leaders Gathering

220 younger leaders from China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong gathered from 25-28 March in South Korea, for the first-ever Lausanne East Asia Younger Leaders Gathering. Young leaders from every region of East Asia found friendship across and within dividing lines and rediscovered the power of faithful communal witness, focusing on ‘The Essence of the Gospel - Unity in Diversity’. Nearly a quarter of the world’s population live in East Asia, with its full spectrum of political, cultural, geographical, and religious diversity. Their history is fraught with longstanding animosity between nations; but Christianity in the region is full of cross-pollinating friendships. The Korean translation of the Bible was born in China and one of the first leaders of the Korean church was discipled by a Japanese Christian. Today the East Asian Church is utilising the hands and feet, ears, brain, mouth and heart, to bring the gospel to East Asia and beyond - no matter the cost.

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 14:25

Call for prayer for peace on the KoreanPeninsula

Evangelical Call to Prayer for Peace on the Korean Peninsula March27, 2018

As American Christians with diverse approaches to force and nonviolence and yet all committed to pursuing peaceful relations among people and nations, we unite in prayer for permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. We do this mindful of the millions of lives, including more than 230,000 Americans, that would be threatened by an escalation of conflict there.

We are heartened by proposals for dialogue between our national leaders at a time when increasing tensions seemed to be marching our countries perilously in the direction of greater conflict, if not war. We call on all Christians everywhere to join us in praying for a just and peaceful resolution.

We pray for wisdom for our political, diplomatic and military leaders as they work across differences toward a goal of peace, security and freedom. We pray that God will bless the efforts of citizens who seek to bridge the vast differences between our countries.

Decades of people-to-people contact between North Korea and the United States- through business, educational and other humanitarian exchanges - have put a human face on those who are sometimes characterized by one another as enemies. So, we pray with empathy and in a spirit of friendship, noting the image of God in every human being. However profound the differences between our governments, we do not view the North Korean people as our enemies. On the contrary, we desire only the best for the people of North Korea.

Most of the nearly two million Korean-Americans are Christians, and many belong to evangelical churches. This community too has contact with North Koreans through humanitarian and family
ties. South Korea is also home to many evangelical churches, including some of the world’slargest. Many of these Korean brothers and sisters have been praying for North Korea for years and we humbly join them. These connections with Koreans in North Korea, South Korea and the United States strengthen our resolve to seek God for mercy and, so far as it depends on us, to pursue peace between our respective countries.


Leith Anderson – President -National Association of Evangelicals
President/CEO & FounderFaith and Community Empowerment
Dr. John P Hartley Chair
Evangelicals for Peace
Rev. Johnnie Moore Founder
The Kairos Company
Nikki Toyama-Szeto Executive Director Evangelicals for Social Action

More info at:http://www.evangelicalsforpeace.org/northkorea

PRAY: Let us continue to pray that the expected upcoming meeting between President Trump with Kim Jong Un will be used of the Lord to end the conflict, denuclearize the Korean peninsula and even to make possible the reunification of the two Koreas.

Thursday, 30 November 2017 11:33

North Korea 'devastating' EMP Threat

Only a few weeks after a team of experts warned Congress that the nation faces an “existential threat” from North Korea from a possible electromagnetic pulse attack, a new report says the rogue nation is mapping a specific plan.

Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner wrote in his “Washington Secrets” column that the White House “is being warned that North Korea is mapping plans for a ‘devastating’ attack on the United States with an atmospheric nuclear explosion that would disable the nation’s electric grid, potentially leading to the deaths of virtually all impacted.”

He said President Trump “is being urged to create a special commission to tackle the potential for an electromagnetic pulse attack, one similar to the iconic Manhattan Project.”

Bedard cited Marine Corps veteran Tommy Waller, an advocate for an EMP commission, now the director of special projects at the Center for Security Policy.

“The first and foremost thing he must write is an executive order establishing his own EMP commission in the White House – a task force that draws from the experience of the previous EMP Commission,” Waller wrote.

Waller said that after “massive intelligence failures grossly underestimating North Korea’s long-range missile capabilities, number of nuclear weapons, warhead miniaturization, and proximity to an H-Bomb, the biggest North Korean threat to the U.S. remains unacknowledged – nuclear EMP attack.”

“North Korea confirmed the EMP Commission’s assessment by testing an H-Bomb that could make a devastating EMP attack, and in its official public statement: ‘The H-Bomb, the explosive power of which is adjustable from tens of kilotons to hundreds of kilotons, is a multi-functional thermonuclear weapon with great destructive power which can be detonated even at high altitudes for super-powerful EMP attack according to strategic goals.'”

One of those experts who delivered the warning to Congress, Peter Pry, told WND it is the deep state, entrenched bureaucrats whose loyalties likely lay with a previous administration, that is indifferent to a threat that testimony has confirmed could kill 90 percent of the people in the affected region within a year.

Get the real story about EMP in the ground-breaking “A Nation Forsaken” by F. Michael Maloof, as well as “Lights On” by Jeffrey Yago, from the WND Superstore.

Pry, a nuclear strategist formerly with the CIA who served as chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission until it was terminated in September (the same month North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb, which it described as capable of a super powerful EMP attack), said liberal Democrats still are running a lot of Washington even after President Trump’s election.

“The people who sabotaged the EMP Commission, Obama holdovers, are still at the Department of Defense. They have not been replaced by the Trump administration. This is happening not just with the vitally important EMP Commission,” he said. “Our society, the Trump administration and the people who voted for Trump are paying for the failure of Congress to support Trump appointees quickly.

“At the same time during the Obama administration, he had twice as many appointees appointed to positions in government than Trump has. It’s not President Trump’s fault – these people are undermining and opposing the policies that President Trump has enacted, including the case of the EMP Commission.”

Pry explained Obama administration bureaucrats, who believed Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 presidential election, did everything they could to sabotage and undermine the commission.

“They held back money for a whole year. They held back security clearances. They tried to stop the commission’s staff from working, arguing that ‘you need a contract in order to work for the EMP Commission.’ They wouldn’t even let me work, or other staff, pro-bono. We did anyway.

“Had Hillary won, we would never have received any of our funding or security clearances. It was all after she clearly lost and Congress intervened that they relented at the last minute. A commission that was supposed to have been able to work 18 months at EMP ended up with resources and support from the Department of Defense that enabled us to put in six months of work. That’s no way to provide for the national security of the country against an existential threat like EMP.”

An EMP comes from a nuclear explosion at altitude over the United States. The blast would disrupt electronics in line of sight, including those computer and other systems that deliver food, fuel, energy and communications to Americans.

Further, repairing or replacing those systems easily could take months, or even longer.

The result would be a run on food currently in stores, and starvation when those supplies failed, as replacements would be impossible without those delivery systems.

Pry detailed how an EMP attack would be more devastating than an asteroid hitting.

“We have a population of 320 million Americans today – we are only able to sustain that population because of our technology. Our modern technological economy and all of our critical infrastructure that support that economy is keeping 320 million Americans alive,” he explained. “Communication, transportation, business and finance, our industrial capability, even food and water depend on electricity. When you subtract electricity, when you cause a nationwide blackout, blackout the electric grid and all the life-sustaining critical infrastructures, how can you now support 320 million people? How many people can you support?”

Pry said many downplay the threat of an EMP attack by claiming the conditions resulting from the attack would be similar to “time traveling” to a time when people were less dependent on electricity. But in reality, he warned, the “aftermath of an EMP would be an unprecedented environmental catastrophe.”

There would be a ripple effect to the problem, too.

“Gas line pipes are going to blow up – you’ll have firestorms in cities from exploding gas pipelines. Chemical spills, toxic clouds industrial accidents, where fires break out because of the failure of safety … systems,” he said. “This huge chemistry set that is our society isn’t just going to sit there and black out; in many cases, it’s going to detonate and basically turn into bombs. In seven days, the nuclear reactors will go Fukushima and spread radioactivity everywhere.”

Jeffrey Yago, a licensed engineer and certified energy professional, says the danger of an EMP attack is very real.

“I think in the future of this country, we’re going to certainly see not only more power outages in more areas, but they’re going to last a lot longer,” Yago said during an interview on The Hagmann Report. “I’m not talking about a two-day outage [caused] by a storm or a weeklong outage by something like Hurricane Sandy or Katrina, but we’re talking potentially, these problems could impact major parts of the United States for months, not days.”

Yago believes if America continues on its current path of escalating tensions with North Korea, an EMP attack will be imminent. He suspects China, North Korea’s biggest ally, would rather see North Korea attack the U.S. with an EMP weapon than with a more conventional nuclear missile. A nuclear missile would destroy buildings and other infrastructure that China, the U.S.’s largest foreign creditor, may hope to own one day. An EMP attack would destroy America’s electrical grid while leaving other critical infrastructure intact.

Plenty of experts in the public and private sectors are aware of the EMP threat to America’s power grid. Multiple studies have been published, including “Securing the U.S. Electrical Grid” by the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress in 2014, “Electric Grid Vulnerability” by the staff of two Democratic congressmen in 2013, and “Large Power Transformers and the U.S. Electric Grid” by the U.S. Department of Energy in 2012.

Get the real story about EMP in the ground-breaking “A Nation Forsaken” by F. Michael Maloof, as well as “Lights On” by Jeffrey Yago, from the WND Superstore.

More at: http://www.wnd.com/2017/11/warning-n-korea-mapping-specific-plan-for-devastating-emp/#P7hXxjs1JO0v2m0S.99

Also see: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/09/05/millions-american-lives-could-be-at-stake-as-north-korea-threatens-to-attack-power-grid.html

Thursday, 30 November 2017 11:32

North Korea Further Briefing (Dec 2017)

I trust you have been following the news about the current threat from North Korea that could impact both Asia and North America, especially if Kim Jong Un, fires another ICBM and accidentally hits Japan or South Korea, prompting retaliation and war, or shoots a nuke a couple hundred miles above North America in what is called an EMP or electro-magnetic pulse attack that could knock out power grids and put the lives of millions in the continent at stake.

Please see the article below and pray for a wall of protection around the countries of Asia and North America. The Psalmist reminds us over and over that the Lord is the one who protects our nations. He is our only security in the final analysis. He is our "strength and shield", "a fortress of salvation" and hears our cry for mercy (28:6-8) so let's pray accordingly in this tense time.

I was in Washington DC last week and met with one of the USA's national security people who is an expert on North Korea also a woman of prayer. She said the crisis is likely to get "more intense" and that we should pray there will be no miscalculation on either side. Let's please therefore pray that God would give wisdom and restraint to all the political leaders involved whether in North and South Korea, Japan, China, Russia and the USA.

During a national prayer call that focused on the Korean situation last night, I quoted a theologian who penned those famous words: "History belongs to the intercessors who believe the future into being." Let's trust God together and believe for a peaceful solution to this grave situation.

Please watch and pray over the news from the Korean peninsula. This is the most threatening and dangerous situation the world faces right now and it looks to be worsening.

Pray: that the North Koreans will back down from their provocative actions.
Pray: that Kim Jong Un will either change course or be removed by his own government or by Chinese intervention.
Pray: that a military confrontation that could take the lives of hundreds of thousands or even millions would be averted.
Pray: ask that God would give special wisdom and restraint to President Trump, President Xi Jinping of China, President Moon Jae-in of South Korea as well as all other leaders involved in the current crisis that a peaceful solution can be found to ending North Korea's nuclear threats and weapons program.

Please refer to our previous articles on the IPC Prayer Website: http://www.ipcprayer.org/ipc-connections/item/9956-praying-for-north-korea-nov-2017.html

John D RobbChairman
IPC Prayer Connect

Sarah Lee writes: The situation is more precarious than ever. In fact, the crisis we are seeing is one that is unprecedented. The present South Korean government is pushing ahead with near-communist policies at full-throttle. In the midst of the threats being hurled from North Korea, such governmental steering has enraged some people, confused others, and brainwashed even others with false ideologies.

The threats from North Korea saying that it will make Seoul a sea of fire is being ratcheted up even more, and this has greatly contributed to the rapid fraying of a near 70 year old alliance between South Korea and the U.S. Many analysts and experts see this fraying as the first step toward the communization of all of Korea.

Pray: that the tides would turn and that the South Korea-U.S. alliance would be reinforced.
Pray: That the destiny of this alliance — and this nation — cannot be left to the hands of the sympathizers of the North Korean regime.

We are feeling with every cell in our bodies that the only hope for this nation is in Christ alone. We are seeing a new fire being ignited in the prayers of the Korean Church. New prayer gatherings with new strength are rising up throughout the nation. For this, we praise the Lord!

I am thankful that we are able to join in the midst of prayers being lifted up to the Lord in our respective places.

Thank you again, for your prayers in such a critical time.

In His hope and faithfulness,


SEAL team that took out Osama bin Laden joins drills in Korea

Korea JoongAng Daily
Mar 14, 2017

The U.S. Navy’s Special Warfare Development Group, better known as the SEAL Team 6, will arrive in South Korea soon for joint military drills and take part in an exercise simulating the removal of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, according to the Ministry of National Defense Monday.

The counterterrorism unit is best known for its removal of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in May 2011, known as Operation Neptune Spear. It will be the team’s first time participating in the annual Foal Eagle and Key Resolve exercises, which will run through late April…

Also set to touch down in South Korea is Delta Force, a special mission unit of the U.S. Army whose main tasks include hostage rescue and counterterrorism, said the Defense Ministry. Together with SEAL Team 6, they will practice removing Kim Jong-un and destruction of North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction.

“It will send a very strong message to North Korea, which is constantly carrying out military provocations,” a ministry official said.

F-35 stealth fighters will also fly from U.S. Navy bases in Japan this month and carry out strike simulations on key North Korean facilities. A joint amphibious landing operation, which will kick off next month, will see the deployment of support ships the USS Bonhomme Richard, USS Green Bay and USS Ashland.

The beefing up of U.S. special operation forces in the drills comes after North Korean leader Kim said in a New Year’s speech that the country was in the “final stage” of test-firing an intercontinental ballistic missile, the first of its kind, and pushed through two separate missile tests earlier this year, the latest on March 6.

North Korea claimed through its state-run media that the most recent drill was aimed at striking “the bases of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in Japan.”

Washington and Seoul stress that the annual military drills are purely defensive, although Pyongyang sees them as a rehearsal for an invasion. South Korea’s military said around 290,000 domestic soldiers and 10,000 U.S. soldiers will participate in this year’s drills, which by scale would be approximately the same as last year, the largest to date.

BY LEE CHUL-JAE, LEE SUNG-EUN [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]

North Korean Genocide


To the Leaders of Korea, America, China, Russia, Japan, the United Nations and the Entire International Community,

We Refuse to Allow the North Korean Genocide to Continue Any Longer. Over 4,000,000 Innocent North Koreans have been Murdered through Starvation by the DPRK regime since 1995, and an estimated 1,000,000 North Koreans have been Murdered as a result of Slave Labor, Rape, Torture, Brutal Beatings, Human Experimentation, Starvation, and Execution in North Korea’s Political Concentration Camps. The Very Existence of these Concentration Camps makes the North Korean State Illegal, Illegitimate, and Criminal, and Demands the Immediate Intervention of the International Community.

Our Demands, based upon the foundation of International Law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are as follows:

1.  The Immediate and Total Liberation of All North Korean Political Concentration Camps
2.  Compensation and Reimbursement to All North Korean Victims of Slavery, Starvation, Torture, All Concentration Camp Survivors in addition to All Execution, Experimentation and Murder Victims' Families for Immeasurable Loss and Suffering
3.  The Immediate Stepping Down from Power of the DPRK Leadership
4.  Prosecution of Kim Jong-un and All Individuals Responsible for Commissioning or Carrying Out Acts of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

Worldwide Coalition to Stop Genocide in North Korea (Non-partisan)

The following petition commemorates the 65th anniversary of the Korean War's outbreak. Please consider sharing it with all of your networks and encouraging those you know to sign. This website has more information and helpful videos on the situation in North Korea that will stir your heart and motivate your prayer and action.


Escaping from North Korea in search of freedom | Yeonmi Park | One Young World - YouTube


10 SHOCKING Facts You Never Knew About North Korea - Higher Perspective


Higher Perspective | Facebook


WW3 Red Alert North Korea Warns : Kim Jong Will Launch NUKES ‘at Any Time And Place’- NATO Prepares For A Nuclear Conflict

N Korea warns 'inhumane' US that Kim will launch nukes 'at any time & place' 
-North Korea  has vowed to launch a nuclear strike on the US “at any time and at any place” if “hostile activities” against the communist state continue .

Pyongyang has issued the terrifying warning less than 24 hours after senior US officials tabled measures to choke Kim Jong-un’s assets. 

North Korea's most high profile defector has claimed Kim Jong-un would fire a suicidal nuclear weapon at Los Angeles if he felt his power was being threatened. Thae Yong-ho, the former deputy ambassador in London, and North Korea's most senior defector said the dictator would be prepared to 'press the button' despite the inevitable consequences.

Washington is reportedly considering slapping sweeping sanctions on the totalitarian state should it continue to develop its nuclear capabilities. 

Firstly, nobody really knows whether North Korea actually has a nuclear weapon or a hydrogen bomb. The 2016 North Korean nuclear test produced an earthquake of Magnitude 5.1, which many experts say is too less for a real hydrogen bomb. Why experts doubt North Korea has the H-bomb.

Secondly, North Korea does not have the technology to bomb the US. North Korean missiles cannot reach even Hawaii. They can reach Alaska, but Alaska is sparsely populated [Only 736,732 people] as of 2014. This is not significant. A nuke strike on Alaska would melt a lot of ice .
If North Korea somehow got the technology to bomb the US mainland, the US has an national missile defense system . I'm pretty sure everybody knows what a missile defense system is. A missile defense system is designed to intercept missiles to prevent harm. A common example of this would be Israel's Iron Dome. I don't think any North Korean missile would ever actually touch the US mainland.

Now coming to what the US would do after that. Now America can't just invade North Korea because doing so would put South Korea under risk of artillery fire. So I think American planes will bomb North Korea nuclear facilities and all weapons facilities à la Israel in the Six Day War in an act of neutralizing North Korea's ability to attack South Korea.

What nuclear weapons does North Korea have?

The Washington-based Institute for Science and international Security estimated last year that North Korea had 10 to 16 nuclear weapons at the end of 2014.

This was based on analysis of the country’s production of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium recovered from spent nuclear fuel.

Revised estimates mean that the total could now by between 13 to 21 today.

North Korea vowed in 2016 to restart all its nuclear facilities and announced this year the weapons capability would be strengthened.
When does Kim Jong-un plan to have his weapons ready?

Thae Yong-ho who has defected to South Korea made the chilling revelation during a press conference in December that he plans to be armed within the next 12 months.

The ex-diplomat to London said: “As long as Kim Jong-un is in power, North Korea will never give up its nuclear weapons.

“The North will not give them up even if the country is offered $1trillion or $10trillion in return.”

The aspiring nuclear warlord will see next year as “an opportune time” to ramp up nuclear testing.

Please keep the North Korean situation in your prayers. The people of North Korea need deliverance from their cruel dictatorial regime of Kim Jong Un. Let’s pray that he will be removed from power and that there will be a transition to just and caring rulers. Pray for the reuniting of North and South Korea during this time of crisis and danger. Pray also that President Trump, President Xi of China and others will have the resolve and the wisdom to deal with this potentially dangerous situation that could easily spiral out of control into a nuclear confrontation.

Tagged under
Friday, 24 March 2017 08:40

North Korea: US military action an option

The USA says its ‘strategic patience’ with North Korea is over, and suggests it might decide to take preemptive military action: the option was ‘on the table’ if the threat from North Korea’s weapons programme reached a level requiring it. The USA is now exploring a range of new diplomatic and economic measures, and continues to defend the deployment of its missile systems in South Korea. This angers China, but South Korea and the USA say the defence system is needed against North Korea's aggression (twenty years of persuading it to abandon its nuclear ambitions have failed). On Sunday North Korea had a powerful rocket engine test of ‘historic significance’, which could lead to the rebirth of the country's indigenous rocket industry. This came hours before US secretary of state Rex Tillerson met with President Xi Jinping of China - North Korea's only major global ally. Tillerson was thought to have raised the prospect of financial penalties on Chinese companies and banks that do business with North Korea. See

Published in Worldwide