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Displaying items by tag: Nelson Chamisa

Thursday, 17 August 2023 20:44

Zimbabwe: elections

On 23 August citizens will vote in presidential and legislative elections. President Emerson Mnangagwa is seeking re-election; Nelson Chamisa is running for the newly created Citizens’ Coalition for Change. The presidency is decided by absolute majority; for the legislature, the National Assembly, 210 of the 270 total seats are single-member constituencies. The remaining 60 seats are reserved for women parliamentarians and are awarded proportionally. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is responsible for administering the vote. With no meaningful reforms to ensure ZEC’s independence and the uneven playing field for political parties, international rights groups are expressing concerns over whether the country is capable of holding credible and fair elections. The president misuses state resources for campaigning, and last year relatives of ruling party politicians and loyalists were appointed to the ZEC as election commissioners. Police block opposition party meetings and rallies, and public broadcasters give preferential coverage to the ruling ZANU-PF party.

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