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Displaying items by tag: Prison ministry

Thursday, 09 November 2017 09:39

Trypraying booklet for prisoners

This came from a request by chaplains who wanted a prisoner-friendly version of the original trypraying booklet. Written in collaboration with prisoners, it is based around the idea of ‘how to pray’ and uses prisoner testimonies, Bible stories, bold imagery and simple wording to introduce the Christian faith and the good news of Jesus. As well as being an engaging read for prisoners, it’s a useful tool for volunteers and workers, that opens up conversation in a natural way.

prisons booklet photo

This version is geared towards male prisoners with a women’s version currently in production.

Churches are being invited to sponsor a minimum of 20 copies for their local or regional prison. The booklet is £1.00 per copy and can be ordered online at: www.thereishope.co.uk/resources/ or email office@trypraying.co.uk or call the office on 0131 202 6449


Published in Books
Friday, 27 January 2017 10:23

Friday Focus - pray for prisons

‘About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.’ (Acts 16:25) Lives can be changed for good in prison. Praise God for all who work in prisons. Pray for protection for prison officers and their families. Also, pray for all involved in the Prison HOPE initiative to link churches, prison chaplains and organisations involved with prisoners, former prisoners and their families. Consider: how could your church pray for and link with the local prison?

(Written by Bishop James Langstaff, Bishop to Prisons)

Published in British Isles