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Displaying items by tag: Testimony

After Omar, from Morocco, risked watching a video entitled 'The Koran is NOT the Word of God', he found himself questioning the authenticity of Islam. After weeks of research, he became convinced the Bible was the true Word of God and embraced Christianity. He shared the videos with his coworker Ali, and both men eventually accepted Jesus into their hearts. Though his newfound faith brought joy, it also led to hardship: his brother-in-law, an extremist, separated him from his wife, Fatima, labelling him an infidel. After a year, Fatima, disobeying her brother, returned to Omar. However, she remained unconvinced about Christianity. When she needed surgery, it was the local church that cared for her, not her friends. Over time, seeing the love of Christ in action led her to accept Jesus. Christianity in Morocco, despite societal pressures, continues to grow as more people seek truth in Christ amidst disillusionment with Islam and its institutions.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 October 2024 00:27

Basketball star quits NBA to follow Jesus

After two years in the NBA, former Atlanta Hawks forward AJ Griffin Jr announced his retirement to follow Jesus full-time. Griffin, 21, shared his decision in a heartfelt YouTube video after being released by his current club following the NBA Summer League, where he averaged 11.6 points per game. Griffin expressed excitement for this new season, saying, 'I’m not here to please man but only my Father in Heaven’. Quoting Hebrews 11:6, he hopes his decision inspires others to trust God fully. Griffin’s family, including his father (who also played in the NBA), has supported his faith journey. His walk with Christ deepened after the tragic passing of his two-year-old nephew Jayce a year ago. During a worship service, Griffin prayed with his family as they mourned. Now, feeling called to leave basketball, he looks forward to sharing the Gospel and pursuing God’s plan for his life.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 26 September 2024 20:35

Street preacher shot in the head, not expected to live

Hans Schmidt, a street preacher and military veteran, was shot in the head while sharing the Gospel in Arizona. Unaware of the gunshot, he drove to his church, Victory Chapel, with blood streaming down his face. On the way to the hospital, he suffered a seizure and became unconscious. Doctors gave little hope, telling his wife Zulya that the outcome looked grim. They expected death, and detectives even spoke of an autopsy. However, prayer warriors across the nation began interceding for him. Hans was placed in a medically-induced coma and remained unresponsive for a month. Then, miraculously, he woke up and spoke. His wife was astonished and overjoyed. Against all odds, he fully recovered, returned to his family, and resumed playing the drums at church. He has also forgiven his assailant, who was never found. Now, he continues preaching the message of God’s love, focusing on the importance of forgiveness.

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A powerful testimony shared tells the story of Abdu Murray, who had a life-changing encounter with the Holy Spirit after visiting a church. Curious about Christianity, he decided to attend a church service with no intention of becoming a believer. As he left the service and began walking home, something extraordinary happened: he was suddenly forced to the ground by an unseen power. He described the experience as overwhelming, realising he was being confronted by the presence of God. In that moment the Holy Spirit spoke to him, revealing the truth of Jesus Christ. Abdu immediately repented, embraced Christianity, and has since become a committed follower of Jesus. His testimony serves as a reminder of God's relentless pursuit of the lost, even in the most unexpected circumstances. This remarkable encounter with the Holy Spirit not only transformed his life but has also inspired others in his community to seek God’s presence.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 29 August 2024 23:01

Man born blind now serving as a pastor

A remarkable story from God Reports shares the miraculous healing of Pastor John, who was born blind and later healed by Jesus. Raised in a devout Christian family, John’s parents never gave up on their prayers for his sight. At the age of eighteen, John experienced a divine encounter during a church service. As he was being prayed for, he suddenly felt warmth in his eyes and gradually began to see for the first time. This miraculous healing not only restored his vision but also strengthened his faith and commitment to Christ. He dedicated his life to serving others and sharing the Gospel. Today, he leads a congregation and uses his testimony to inspire and uplift those facing their own challenges. His journey from darkness to light is a testament to the power of faith and God’s miraculous work in our lives, showing that no situation is too hopeless for God to transform.

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Hassan, raised in a strict Muslim household in Lebanon, experienced a tumultuous childhood marked by abuse from his father and later from his radical Muslim stepfather. Seeking acceptance, he delved into Islamic philosophy, even persecuting Christians he encountered. However, a traumatic moment when he witnessed a murder led him to question his faith. This inner turmoil culminated in a dream where Jesus appeared, offering him peace. Initially confused, Hassan spent years searching for meaning, even attempting to convert to Judaism. A turning point came when a friend invited him to a Christian baptism, where he encountered the love of Christ through the congregation. A vision of the cross and a pastor's prophetic message profoundly moved him, leading to his conversion. Today, Hassan leads Christ is Enough Ministries in Montreal, where he shares the Gospel, particularly with Muslims, using his deep understanding of Islam to contrast it with the love and peace he found in Jesus.

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Abraham Aguilar, a senior at Palmdale High School, experienced a profound transformation after a life of rebellion and substance abuse. Raised in a troubled environment, his life changed when he reluctantly attended church with his mother, who demanded his attendance as a condition for living in her house. Initially, he resisted, sitting in what he now calls 'backslider lane’, but the consistent preaching began to break through his hardened heart. After attending a men’s discipleship seminar, he felt God urging him, 'It’s either now or never.' He surrendered his life to Christ, which ignited a passion for evangelism. During his senior year, Abraham boldly shared the Gospel with his classmates, teachers, and even janitors. Starting with a small Bible study group, his efforts led to 895 students accepting Christ by the end of the school year. Abraham’s journey from a backslidden pothead to a fervent evangelist demonstrates the transformative power of God’s grace and the impact of one obedient heart.

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US track star Noah Lyles is praising God after winning the men's 100-metre final in the Olympics. Lyles, 27, who beat Jamaica's Kishane Thompson by 5 milliseconds, expressed gratitude to God both before and after the race. He said, 'I had to find my own journey with God, and a lot of that came through track because there were times when I doubted myself. I said, “God, if you really want me to do this, give me a sign.” He did, and I said, 'I'll never doubt You again.'’' Lyles has faced significant life challenges, including asthma, allergies, dyslexia, ADD, anxiety, and depression. He emphasised that these conditions do not define one's potential. Lyles' mother, Keisha Caine Bishop, expressed her overwhelming excitement at her son's achievement.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 August 2024 22:42

Adam Peaty opens up about faith after Games final

Adam Peaty has shared insights into his faith following his silver medal in the men's 100m butterfly event. Speaking right after his race, a breathless but elated Peaty said, 'I gave my absolute all there. In my heart, I've already won. These are happy tears. I'm not crying because I came second; I'm crying because it took so much to get here. I'm a very religious man, and I asked God to show my heart, and this is my heart.' He missed gold by two-hundredths of a second, tying for second place. He still holds the world record for the breaststroke (56.88 seconds). Peaty has been vocal about his struggles, including battling depression and alcoholism after the Tokyo Olympics. He found solace in faith, meeting pastor Ashley Mull in Melbourne, who introduced him to church. His first visit to a Nottingham church had an Olympic-themed sermon, which resonated deeply with him. Now sporting a cross tattoo on his chest, Peaty said, 'Everything I've done to this point has happened for a reason. I said to myself I'd give my absolute best, and I have! That's the victory for me.' Graham Daniels from Christians in Sport praised Peaty's determination and celebration of God's role in his life.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 August 2024 22:37

Japan on cusp of revival, ex-atheist says

Atheist businesswoman Akane Fujimoto had achieved success in her career and personal life, but she felt a deep sense of emptiness. As a nominal Buddhist, she decided to pray to the God her mother had embraced a decade earlier: 'If you exist, if you love me, if you have a purpose for my life, please reveal yourself to me.' 'I felt God hugging me deeply,' she said. 'I repented for the first time and couldn’t stop weeping. Everything I was searching for was found in God’s love.' Now she is passionate about bringing revival to Japan, a nation often considered resistant to the gospel. Despite these challenges, she remains optimistic. 'I heard sharing the gospel is hard in Japan, but it’s actually quite fun’, she says. 'Material comforts can't compare to the fullness of Christ.' She believes Japan's resistance - rooted in pride, social pressure, competitiveness, and suspicion - can be overcome through genuine relationships and sharing the pure gospel. She experienced a personal breakthrough when she forgave her father and led him to Christ. 'For the first time, I saw him weeping like a child’, she recalls. 'The Holy Spirit told me it was time.' Now he attends church, and Akane is confident that revival is unfolding in Japan.

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