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Displaying items by tag: authentic transformation

Monday, 03 July 2017 16:46

Lord! Heal our Land

Steve Botham shares some feedback from Alistair Petrie's recent visit to the UK for the 'Healing the Land' tour. 

Alistair and Marie Petrie, along with the World Prayer Centre team travelled across the nation during May to talk about Healing the Land. Alistair packs a huge amount of research and thought into his teaching and we will not attempt to give a full summary here. More can be got from his books and teaching material. But he had some very key messages to give and we want to capture some key themes.

The land is mentioned 1717 times in scripture, it is a major theme. God is constantly reviewing our stewardship of the land and the Word gives a range of pictures of dry and unproductive land and of land in abundance and harvest. We had one day for farmers and the rural community and Alistair spoke of his friend Jim who has seen his yield rise from 10,000 bushels an acre to 100,000 bushels and who exports to 80 countries. After confessing some sin on the land from his father’s time God healed his land and brought spectacular increase. So healing the land can have a clear physical impact, but it also links to those whose ministry is in the city, here the land maybe our streets, businesses, schools and community but God still wants to bring blessing.

What causes “dryness” and lack of fruitfulness on the land? It can be issues like pride, denominationalism, disunity, a spirt of control, fear, a famine of the word of God, immorality, negative words or curses, or bloodshed. These issues can give access to the demonic. The starting point for healing will be seeking God’s wisdom and doing some research.

Authentic transformation starts with seeking God’s presence and asking Him to bless our ministry whether it be in business, government, the community or the church. We need to commit to humility, holiness, unity, integrity, openness and God shaped prayer. Alistair talks about seeking God and asking questions – why is there no revival? Why are non-Christians blinded to the truth? What are the barriers to God moving? What do we need to repent of? As we seek God we are waiting on a vision – what will it look like when the spirit is moving here? What will happen when God is the “boss” of the city? What will happen when there is high expectancy and hunger in the church?

Alistair talked about the fear of the Lord. This is mentioned 365 times in the scripture. It focuses on fear like that of sons who are fully focused on obeying and pleasing their father. They want to be right with Him and have a deep appetite for His awesomeness. Paul tells the Philippians “work out your salvation (live your Christian life) with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12. Psalm 25.14 says “The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear Him, and He makes known to them His covenant.” This is a remarkable verse of promise – as we learn to fear the Lord and put Him above everything else we enter into covenant with Him.

Finally it was very helpful to have Alistair’s perspective on what is happening in the UK at the moment. As someone who frequently travels the globe to see revivals and moves of God in many countries he was very encouraged by the spiritual changes and deeper hunger in the UK. He said we are in a time of shaking – characterised by a range of ‘suddenlies and unexpected things’ His belief is that God is shaking the UK to inform. Purify, direct and correct His church.

To find out details of Alistair Petrie's next visit to the UK, join the WPC mailing list on our home page.


Rev. Dr. Alistair Petrie is the Executive Director of Partnership Ministries, a global ministry that teaches the principles and relevance of the Gospel and its relationship to the Marketplace. Partnership Ministries is positioned as a ministry for the 21st Century Church and combines prayer and research in order to prepare Communities, Cities, Nations, and the Marketplace for lasting revival, authentic transformation and the release of Kingdom culture. His most recent book - In Holy Fear - was released in 2015 which addresses the topic of the Fear of the Lord in a prophetic and practical manner as the "missing ingredient" for authentic community transformation.

Published in WPC News