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Displaying items by tag: challenge

Thursday, 01 December 2022 21:45

Woman with Down's syndrome loses abortion law appeal

Heidi Crowter, who has Down's syndrome, lost her appeal over a law allowing abortion up to birth for a foetus with Down’s. Legislation gives a 24-week time limit for abortion unless the child could suffer from physical or mental abnormalities, including Down’s. That law was made in 1967, when Down’s children could not even go to school because of their extra chromosome. Pray for judges to move with the times. Heidi said the rules discriminated against people with Down's and do not respect them. Her original court case against the Government was with Maire Lea-Wilson, mother of a Down’s son; she will now go to the Supreme Court. BPAS argued, ‘The claimants say foetuses should have human rights; this was never decided in UK law and goes against many years of legal precedent.’ 90% of women whose unborn children were diagnosed with Down's terminated their pregnancies in 2022.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 18 February 2021 20:50

UK must quadruple planned crisis spending

Researchers calculate that £190 billion is needed to get the UK economy back on track – four times as much as the chancellor has committed so far, and a figure which broadly matches the ambition of US president Joe Biden’s new administration. This UK stimulus should be devoted to supporting businesses, workers, and households hardest hit by the pandemic, restoring public services and helping the growth of sustainable, ‘future-proof’ industries and jobs. The thinktank said, ‘Failure to deliver such a boost risks condemning the UK to a stagnation trap with about half the rate of economic recovery. It would mean lower business investment and leave unemployment at more than 10 per cent in spring 2022.’

Published in British Isles

Core Values: 

  • Love is the Greatest Super-Power
  • Jesus told us to Go – To share His love with everyone, everywhere
  • Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Matthew 19:14)
  • There is no Junior Holy Spirit
  • The 2+ billion children in the world under age 15 are the great “untapped” harvest force
  • God is fulfilling His word, He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction. (Malachi 4:6)

Question: What is the Go 2020 Kids “Good News” Super Challenge?

It is a challenge for children to, “Share God’s love – The Greatest Super-Power – with someone who needs it today.”

How can we share God’s love – especially now during this “Social Distancing” time?

  • Reach out to people who are afraid and let them know you care by praying for them
  • Invite them to be a Prayer Covenant for Children Prayer Partner with you
  • Help others know that God loves them by sharing stories or videos
  • Share your story or God’s story with others using tools like the Jesus Film for Children or The Best News Ever
  • Identify the best way to pray for or share with others within your ministry “family.”
    • Go 2020 Kids Tool Kit - https://www.go2020usa.com Under Resources
    • Go 2020 Kids YouVersion App – https://my.bible.com/reaching-plans/19639
    • Jesus Film for Children on the free Jesus Film App
    • Become like Hadassah and do your own VBS
    • Teach the Children how to use the tools you use like the Wordless Book
    • Ask the Super-Coach what he wants you to use

 Structure for Go 2020 Kids “Good News” Super Challenge

Create some excitement and motivation with an Olympic challenge for Kids with different suggested categories - but with some flexibility for children to be creative.

Let the different “families,” i.e., ministry tribes, determine how to engage within their family and existing structure.

We will work to develop a “Coaches” resource platform to help parents, grandparents, children’s ministry leaders and others discover “best practices” to coach their children to engage.

Capture the stories of “God at work” in and through the children and share them.

  • Post them on the Go 2020 sites and, hopefully, on a Go 2020 Kids Landing Page (under construction)
  • Create ways for kids to share these stories with others using “social networking”

Let children inspire other children to be part of the Go 2020 Kids Good News Super Challenge

  • How God’s love is the Greatest Super-Power
  • How God loves to use children to bring His love to others
  • How they can hear God’s voice and be part of His mission – now

We will work to identify key influencers who can help to cast the vision and encourage the children

  • Christian athletes
  • Christian musical artists
  • Christian community leaders
  • Pastors

New Wine and New Wine Skins

  • God’s heart for children is bigger than our current wine skins
  • God wants the 2+ billion under 15 to know him and be on mission with him
  • Children love to be included and they love challenges
  • Children have relational DNA
  • Children don’t know what they can’t do yet and are not hiding behind masks
  • There is no Jr. Holy Spirit
  • An Olympic kind of challenge that invites them to participate has huge potential
  • A coaching model for parents and others can help us embrace children as the agents of mission verses the objects of mission
  • Letting the different “tribes” use their own tools will invite “ownership”
  • Perhaps an Olympic kind of competition will create a kind of “viral” spread
    • Tribes against tribes
    • Communities against communities
    • Nations against nations

Critical Action Points

  • Develop Effective Communication Platforms
  • Build A Leadership Community with Global Capacity

The Current working group:

  • Go 2020 Kids Team (Global)
  • Other Global and Local Prayer and Mission Networks

More at: https://go2020kits.outreach.com/free-resources

Friday, 12 October 2018 00:10

Bishop challenges Government on climate change

Following a report by a UN panel (see article ‘New UN report on climate change’ in world section), the Bishop of Salisbury said that the evidence shows that climate change risks are now critical. Ours is the first generation to know and understand this, and probably the last to be able to do something meaningful towards climate justice. ‘We have a narrow window now to act if we are to protect God’s creation for generations to come.’ He challenged the Government to lead in this change. ‘Building on the ten-year anniversary of the Climate Change Act, an ambitious UK Government would seek to be a world leader by committing to a target of net zero emissions by 2050.’ Christian Aid reported recently that major cities in the world including Houston, Shanghai, Jakarta, and London are in danger of being flooded if sea levels continue to rise at the current rate.

Published in British Isles