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Displaying items by tag: pastor denied medicine

A Protestant pastor and human rights defender has been denied medical treatment at Gia Trung prison despite his deteriorating health condition. Pastor Nguyen Trung Ton has long-term Covid-19 and an eye disease causing almost total vision loss. Prison authorities have not allowed him to be examined or treated, have prevented his family sending him medicine, and not allowed them to pay for medical care. Experts have previously voiced concerns regarding his treatment and conditions in prison, including lack of clean water and failure to treat a leg injury sustained from a state agent’s attack. Mr Ton's wife, Nguyen Thi Lanh, is worried for her husband’s life. He has advocated for freedom of religion or belief and spoken out against social injustices. He was jailed for twelve years in 2018 on charges of ‘carrying out activities to overthrow the government’.

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