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Displaying items by tag: poor harvests

Friday, 09 September 2022 10:08

Seeds of prayer: fields of hope

At the time of writing, 11 of 14 English Environment Agency areas have declared a drought. Spain’s olive oil production is devastated, and French wine making is threatened (Haggai 1:10-11). The provision of grain, oil, food and energy are challenged. Farmers are in the front line: lost harvests, grazing or planting new crops, and livestock being fed as if it is winter already. This will increasingly impact all relying on agriculture and related industries. Thus, the challenge grows for faithful obedience and wholehearted trust in the Lord, for who He is and not just as provider. Ask the Lord to strengthen believers in this season so we may display faithfulness, generosity, hope and stability to those around us, prompting them to seek the reason for our hope (1 Peter 3:15; Psalm 27:13). May we encourage one another and look to the Lord to supply all our needs, whether He sends drought or rain.

Published in British Isles