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Displaying items by tag: repatriating British citizens

Thursday, 30 January 2020 21:09

Coronavirus: repatriating British citizens

British Airways has cancelled all flights in and out of China. Thousands of UK citizens on holiday, work visits, or school trips there could struggle to get home. A government-chartered plane with a doctor on board will leave Wuhan early on 31 January. Returnees will undergo health checks and be denied boarding if they display coronavirus symptoms. They must also agree to two weeks’ isolation in the UK to be able to fly. A government source said, ‘We are working hard to get British nationals back from Wuhan, but public safety is our top priority and we are not taking any chances’. 250 Britons are believed to be in Hubei province. The Government faces the challenge of repatriating British citizens if more routes out of China are shut and there is a surge of foreigners seeking to get out. 1,400 returnees from Wuhan since January 10 were told to self-isolate themselves for fourteen days.

Published in British Isles