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Friday, 31 August 2018 04:48

Iran’s mullah-led Islamic regime has sentenced four Christians to harsh prison terms for practicing their faith.

Pastor Victor Bet-Tamraz and his wife ShamiramIssavi, who are ethnic Assyrian Christians, and Amin Afshar Naderi and HadiAsgari, who are Christian converts from Islam, were sentenced to a combined total of 45 years in prison, reported CBN News.

The charges were conducting “illegal church activities” and spreading propaganda that “threaten national security.”

“These Christians were solely arrested for practicing their Christian faith, including attending Christmas gatherings and organizing house churches,” Mike Ansari of the group Heart4Iran told CBN News.

Bet-Tamraz was arrested in 2014 when plain-clothed security forces raided his home during a Christmas party.

He was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2017 by an Iranian Revolutionary Court along with Asgari for “forming a group,” meaning their church activity, “composed of more than two people with the purpose of disrupting national security.”

The court also sentenced Naderi to five years in prison for allegedly insulting Islam.

Issavi was sentenced this year to five years in prison for “membership of a group with the purpose of disrupting national security” and another five years for “gathering and colluding to commit crimes against national security.”

Amnesty International, CBN noted, says Christians in Iran “have been a target of harassment, arbitrary arrest and detention, unfair trials, and imprisonment on national security-related charges solely because of their faith.”The human-rights group said that in the past year alone, “dozens of Christians, mostly Christian converts, have been targeted.”

The four Christians, currently free on bail, are awaiting the verdict of their appeal.“If they are imprisoned, they will be prisoners of conscience,” Ansari told CBN News. “We ask you to continue to pray for the Iranian Christians that are highly persecuted.”

Amnesty International has launched an “urgent action” appeal urging supporters to write to Iranian authorities, asking them to “stop harassment, arbitrary arrest and detention, and imprisonment of Christians, including converts, in Iran.”

Human Rights Watch also blasted the Iranian regime for the crackdown on Christians, the Jerusalem Post reported.

“Since May 2018, revolutionary courts have sentenced at least 208 members of the religious minority to prison terms and other punishments in trials that violate their basic rights,” the group said in a statement.

“The authorities detained more than 300 community members in the notorious Fashafuyeh and Qarchack prisons after late February protests that included violent clashes between protesters and security forces in Tehran.”

The Post said the European Union, according to Iran experts, appears to be prioritizing the preservation of the Iran nuclear deal over human rights abuses.

The EU is seeking to retain the deal after the U.S. withdrew from it in May.

Tzvi Kahn, a senior Iran analyst at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, wrote a policy article titled “The EU’s Passivity on Iran’s Human Rights Abuses,” the Post reported.

“Whereas the Trump administration has issued fresh sanctions against 17 [Iranian] human rights abusers to date, the EU has imposed no new human rights sanctions since the 2015 nuclear deal,” Kahn wrote.


Let's pray for these brave followers of the Lord in Iran and for the fast-growing movement to Christ that they represent. Pray for a new government that will uphold religious freedom and that the Christian movement will explode even more throughout the nation.

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:57

An Australian Christian Lobby blogger states ‘The cultural climate of our day often makes the politically engaged Christian in Australia feel isolated. So many issues are beyond us. Safe schools, the rights of parents, conversion therapy, abortion, euthanasia, religious freedom, moral decay, children’s innocence, political apathy, weakened churches. The voices seeking to redefine truth, justice and morality are very loud and increasingly effective.’ He went on to say, ‘Elijah faced an infinitely more desperate set of political and cultural circumstances. He was overwhelmed and desperately cried out to God, ‘Lord, they have killed your prophets, demolished your altars, I alone am left, and they seek my life.’ God’s astonishing answer was, ‘I have kept for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal.’ God has preserved a great many in Australia who have not bowed the knee.’ We can pray for our Australian brothers and sisters to engage more vigorously, and confidently to make an enormous impact on Australian society.

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:56

Farmers are struggling to afford to feed their animals in Australia's most populous state, New South Wales, which is now officially declared 100% in drought. The area produces a quarter of Australia's agricultural output and farmers tell harrowing tales of failing crops, severe water shortages and inability to feed livestock; having to spend the equivalent of £5,768 per truckload of hay to feed animals, and the threat of large cullings.  Cattle farmer David Graham said he was resigned to waiting for rain, adding ‘In our community you support each other through the tough times.’ Mental health group Sane Australia has said that suicide rates in rural regions are 40% higher than urban areas.

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:55

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) commented on a press release by the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA). Their opening comments were, ‘On 5 July, 2018, the NSCIA published an article titled LET THE TRUTH BE TOLD. In our candid estimation, rather than tell the truth, the article is the exact opposite of the truth. It might have been more proper to have titled it ‘Let the Taqiyya  be told.’ Taqiyya is religious deception and the article they refer to said that Muslims were the targeted victims of herdsmen. NCEF stated categorically that this statement is untrue and Muslims were not victimised, Christians are the victims while the government consents to ongoing genocide and ethno-religious cleansing of communities. NCEF said that the government deliberately obscures the truth as the targets of the Fulani herdsmen are natives of Middle Belt who are mainly Christians. See also next article - Five Christian youths to be hanged.

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:54

Muslim Fulani herders do not make the headlines as often as Boko Haram. Christians in the northeast state of Adamawa have fled because of Boko Haram, only to return and find their property occupied by Muslim Fulani herders. Five Christian youths have been sentenced to hang for killing one Fulani herdsman who in turn had allegedly killed 48 people. Who is stopping the violence? Where is the government's protection for citizens? Where is justice? The lack of response by Nigeria's security services is seen as complicit in crimes against Christians. The Numan Federation in Adamawa is the only predominantly Christian area remaining in northern Nigeria. In recent years migration of Muslim Fulani herdsmen into that area has increased. The judicial, military, and security agencies are all controlled by non-Christians and many fear that the Muslim President may use the violence as an excuse to cancel the 2019 elections and remain in power.

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:54

Sunni Islam was declared the state religion of Comoros in a referendum vote on constitutional reforms in the southeast African island. The amended constitution reads, ‘The state draws from this religion the principles and rules of Sunnite observance.’ Many believe this will have an impact on the country’s small Christian minority. Things are already very hard for indigenous Christians and this kind of specification is expected to make things even harder for them. The referendum was initiated by President Azali Assoumani and gives him the right to run for another presidential term. Previously power rotated between Comoros’ three islands every five years. In April, Assoumani suspended the constitutional court over ‘incompetence’ which observers saw as an attempt to diminish the rule of law in the country. Open Doors says, ‘In mosques and madrassas Muslim religious leaders teach anti-Christian sentiments and government officials obligate parents to send their children to madrassas.’

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:53

A new LifeWay Research study on Christians and prosperity theology concludes that ‘more than a few people in the pews have embraced it’ and ‘evangelicals appear to be to the most eager to embrace a link between God’s financial blessings and their actions.’ Researchers asked 1,010 adults who attend Protestant and non-denominational churches once a month to agree or disagree with three statements: -To receive material blessings from God, I have to do something for God. - if I give more money to my church and charities, God will bless me in return. -God wants me to prosper financially. 1/3rd of Protestants said their church teaches - God will bless them if they donate money. One in four said they have to do something for God to receive material blessings. Two-thirds believe God wants them to prosper.

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:52

There are more slaves today than any time in history. When we stay silent, they remain hidden. America’s Congress is under pressure to cut foreign aid spending, which includes programmes that free slaves. The International Justice Mission (IJM) in America are encouraging people to mobilise their communities to make a stand in the fight for justice via a 100 Postcard Challenge. It is a way for Americans to get involved in the fight for freedom on behalf of children, women and men living in slavery around the world. The challenge involves asking 100 people to sign an IJM's Abolition Postcard and send it to their member of Congress. The idea is that if enough members of Congress realise that people in their state care about abolishing modern-day slavery, and see a growing anti-slavery movement in their state, they will get behind the voices crying out for justice and financially support programmes that free slaves.

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:51

Migrant aid workers in Calais are being intimidated and harassed by French police, with Britons singled out in some cases, according to a report submitted to France’s independent human rights watchdog. Four aid associations on the northern French port, including the British group Help Refugees, published a report detailing 600 incidents against volunteers between November 2017 and July 2018, citing 33 testimonies, 37 incidents of physical violence, including police pushing aid workers to the ground, confiscating phones and forcing people away from food distribution points. Other incidents include repeated identity checks and ‘stop and search’, arbitrary parking fines, threats, and insults. British volunteers were singled out and prevented from giving out food and water.  Those with British passports or British vehicles were barred entry to an area near Dunkirk to distribute meals to the homeless refugees and migrants. Calais' sprawling ‘Jungle’ camp was razed in 2016 but hundreds have returned, with the figures officially at 350 to 400 people.

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:49

M4Europe believe that church planting is God’s initiative and that it’s Christ himself who builds His church. Therefore the authority of the Bible is essential for the content and message of M4. They believe church planting has to be done through prayer, worship and discipleship to Jesus Christ and that God‘s presence and action in a Christian’s life and ministry is more important than strategies, plans and methods. They are church planting, training and coaching across Norway, the Czech Republic, Romania and Estonia and we can pray for the leadership team from these countries,  Øivind Augland, Jirí Unger, Theo Bunescu and Craig Hamer. May they and their teams know God’s anointing as they walk His paths to multiply churches across the nations.