Prayer Guides
54 Days of Prayer for Africa
03 Sep 2022
54 Days of Prayer for Africa A Prayer initiative by the South African Christian Leadership Initiative ( SACLI), toward the healing of Africa from the wounds caused by slavery, colonialism, exploitation and racism To that end, a Pilgrimage of grace is planned - from the 23 - 25 Sept in the Western Cape, South Africa. Important stations of the Pilgrimage will be as follows: It will start in Cape Town and Franschhoek on day one, 23 September 2022;Move to Genadendal( Valley of Grace) and Volmoed on 24 September 2022and end at the southernmost point of Africa where we will launch…
Seed Co - Unceasing Prayer
19 Aug 2022
What would it look like to be one step closer to seeing the promise of our prayers for God’s Word to reach the ends of the earth fulfilled? We welcome you into an exciting new resource to take us deeper into prayer together for the Bibleless! Introducing... Pray for Zero Pray through this interactive experience daily as it zooms in…
Disciple Keys - Movement Prayer Guide
19 Aug 2022
Join many thousands of followers of Jesus around the world in praying for global Church Planting and Disciple Making movements using Disciple Keys! Across each week of the year, we are taking you on an inspiring and challenging worldwide journey of discovery as you are introduced to many of the people groups who have not yet heard the Gospel message.…
The Prayer Covenant Children’s Mobile App
19 Aug 2022
We are excited to announce that The Prayer Covenant Children’s mobile app is now available to download! Ten new animations, which bring each Bible story vividly to life, are included in each lesson along with fun activities and raps that invite the player to sing along. The Lost Sheep animation from the theme, Grace, recently won a Gold Davey Award! …
He Hears Her Voice - Candy Marballi
19 Aug 2022
“Teach us to pray,” was the humble request of Jesus’ disciples over two thousand years ago and remains the heart cry of many of His followers today. Declaring the promises of God through prayer can lead to untold blessings and opportunities. Candy Marballi’s newly released book, He Hears Her Voice, is a prayer strategy that offers proven steps to guide…
Moravian Miracle - Dr Jason Hubbard
19 Aug 2022
The Moravians changed the world By God’s grace, we will too. The prayers of humble believers change the course of history. A band of ragtag worshippers discovered this truth in 18th-century rural Germany, launching a 100-year prayer meeting that birthed the modern missionary movement. Often overlooked, the story of the Moravians comes to life in this incisive, devotional account. Moravian…
Awesome!: Exploring the Nature and Names of Jesus by Dick Eastman (Author), Mark Batterson (Foreword) Prompted by a friend to describe Jesus as he is -- not as he was or will be in the coming days -- Dick Eastman found himself stammering. What followed over many months was a desire to get to know the Jesus who had changed…
Join many thousands of followers of Jesus around the world in praying for global Church Planting and Disciple Making movements using Disciple Keys! Across 2022, we will take you on an inspiring and challenging worldwide journey of discovery as you are introduced to many of the people groups who have not yet heard the Gospel message. They represent billions of…
Fireseeds of Spiritual Awakening - by Dan Hayes
01 Oct 2021
The room was full of God's presence...a feeling of God's nearness impossible to describe. The whole audience began to pray. ...It was not many, but one, born of one Spirit, lifted to one Father above. ...God came to us in Pyeng Yang that night. ...Man after man would arise, confess his sin, break down and weep. Some threw themselves full…
Movement Prayer Guide 2022
01 Oct 2021
This guide builds on Jesus’ promise in Matthew 24:14 that the good news of His kingdom will be proclaimed to every ethne—every people group—before he returns at the end of this age. Given the rapid increase of global population, the only way God’s kingdom is currently growing faster than population increase is through church-planting movements (CPMs)—a rapid multiplication of disciples…