IPC Connections
An invitation to participate: 24:14 vision to see all unreached people groups engaged with a Kingdom movement We would like to ask for your prayerful consideration and help, to widen the canopy of prayer over the 24:14 vision. Please could you take a look at the attached information about “1…
For decades we have strived to openly share news and prayer requests from Asia, as we seek to help God's people extend the kingdom of Jesus Christ. In this newsletter we have a deep burden to share with you, and we ask for your fervent prayers and intercession for our…
Our nation has come out of the dark tunnel of ISIS with a heavy burden of mass corruption and many political parties. The nation is heading for an election mid of May, we need a Divine intervention to choose the right person that will bring the ship to the right…
Greetings in the name of our mighty Lord Jesus Christ. Today we had blessed prayer meeting in House of Prayer. Yes, God is continuing His works in Nepal through His people. Please pray for our newly formed central government and the 7 states of Nepal, very small country but more…
By the year 2020, 40% of the electorate will be Millennial. According to recent surveys almost 70% of Millennials said they would vote for a socialist. The good(?) news is that they couldn’t accurately define what socialism is. Lots of room for education. So little time. Unless the Lord intervenes,…
SEAPC is a United Prayer Initiative for the Healing of the SEA nations in order to affect the 7 spheres to bring forth the Testimony of the Kingdom causing an “Awakening” to those who listen to His voice as they serve in their gifting in the different Spheres such as…
Blessings UPRISING family, We haven’t stop seeing a divine intervention in the country of Bolivia after UPRISING. Certainly heaven and earth are crying out for manifestation of the sons of God. A powerful prayer movement of unity among the body of Christ and the people have started in Bolivia! Important…
California is almost like a country of its own due to its large size, population, and economy. It is also perhaps the most powerful trend-setter for the rest of the USA and the world as the home of Hollywood. Some prayer leaders in California are asking us to pray about…
Thanks to those of you who were able to cover the Global Uprising (United Prayer Rising- World Youth Prayer Assembly) when the international team met with the Indonesians last month. It was an anointed, valuable, productive gathering that brought us to consensus about calling on-fire youth and others in the…
Whole villages were flattened and water sources spoiled by a powerful earthquake on February 26th that killed at least 20 people, residents said on Wednesday as rescuers struggled to reach the hardest-hit areas in Papua New Guinea’s remote, mountainous highlands. The magnitude 7.5 quake rocked the rugged Southern Highlands province…
Lesotho’s Redemptive Purpose is that 'It is the Lighthouse of the Region', this naturally links us with South Africa because we are land locked within her but let me focus on Lesotho for now. Prophetically, the LORD is mightily at work in Lesotho. Spirit of Prayer is intensifying. The LORD…
https://clarionproject.org/pressure-pays-trumps-threats-pakistan/  “Although Pakistan claimed it was fighting terror (the military says it lost more than 7,000 soldiers fighting al-Qaeda, the Pakistani Taliban and ISIS since the 9/11 attacks), you rightly said it wasn’t enough. The country’s obvious support for the Afghan Taliban, the Haqqani network (another Afghani terror organization) and…