IPC Connections
See some of the USA testimonies from Florida, South Dakota and Tennessee. We are cheating a bit to say 50 countries because Puerto Rico is part of USA but they seem to regard themselves as another country. These countries included in the 50 are Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada,…
From: Pastor Austen Ukachi, Lagos, Nigeria | IPC Leadership Team You are probably as shocked as I was to learn of the spate of attacks and deaths that greeted the New Year in Nigeria. Worshippers who had just had Crossover Service in their church in Omoku, Rivers State, were gruesomely…
(and the “progressivism” that pushes this distortion) Friday, January 05, 2018 by: Ethan Huff (Natural News) A mother from New York is taking a bold stand against the LGBT mafia and its relentless and demonic war against innocent children. Kristie Sisson says that transgender activism and its youth-centric indoctrination agenda…
While everyone was preoccupied celebrating the New Year, Planned Parenthood hoped nobody would notice that they released their 2016-2017 annual report to little fanfare. Planned Parenthood committed 321,384 abortions last year alone – nearly identical to the number of lives they ended through abortion each of the previous two years.…
Many Churches have been ordered and faced closure of their meeting places. These pressures signal a coordinated campaign of the intensified action against Churches by the governing authorities. So far, two Churches, the House of Hope and the Church in the south have been closed for meetings and activities. Nine…
The situation on the Korean Penninsula remains critical.  We would highlight the following articles and encourage our prayer partners to continue to mobilise prayer across your networks, into this tense standoff. See our recent articles HERE North Korean leader: The launch button is on my desk - Israel National News - Kim…
If you are in prayer ministry and care about the work of the Lord in the Middle East region, this event is for you. You are invited to participate and to contact the organizers at the email or phone below. Date: Feb 28 - March 3, 2018 Theme: RESET: 'Remaking…
by Raymond Ibrahim
January 21, 2018 at 5:00 am https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/11775/persecuted-christians-open-doors In short, the overwhelming majority of persecution that these 215 million Christians experience around the world — especially the worst forms, such as rape and murder — occurs at the hands of Muslims. If time is on the side of…
You have probably heard about the massive attack on an international Hotel in the Capital City on Sunday, where a dear sister of us was murdered. Two days later a well-known NGO who worked the country for many years was attacked with many people killed. This building up of armed…
Yemen has been undergoing a major civil war over the past three years. Cities are continuing to be bombed and the infrastructure is collapsing. The media reports that over 10,000 people have been killed with three million displaced from their homes. There is severe famine in parts of the country.…
By John D. Robb For today's hyperactive missions leaders, apart from opening and closing meetings, saying grace at the table or as a special consolation in time of emergency or stress, prayer is most often treated as a harmless pastime rather than a strategic resource. In our attitude we often…
URGENT CALL TO PRAYER You are probably as shocked as I was to learn of the spate of attacks and deaths that greeted the New Year in Nigeria. Worshippers who had just had Crossover Service in their church in Omoku, Rivers State, were gruesomely murdered by heartless cultists. Over 15…