Displaying items by tag: army

The Haitian government has announced a recruitment drive for its military, attracting thousands of young men eager for jobs amid widespread gang violence and economic hardship. Many, like 21-year-old Maurenceley Clerge, see joining the military as a rare job opportunity in a deeply impoverished country. They want to improve their lives and serve their country, despite the risks of kidnapping, torture, or death. The army, disbanded in 1995 due to its notorious human rights abuses and involvement in coups, was reinstated in 2017 when the UN peace-keeping force withdrew from the country. The force currently has around 2,000 soldiers, but aims to more than double its size. More than 3,200 killings have been reported in Haiti from January to May, with gang violence leaving more than half a million people homeless in recent years.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 21 March 2024 21:36

Army must 'prepare genuinely for war'

A new report, backed by former UK defence and security chiefs, emphasises the need for the Army to genuinely prepare for war to effectively deter threats. Key contributors have warned of the army's diminished credibility due to prolonged reductions in size and capability, risking falling below the national critical mass. The report, responding to concerns over inadequate defence spending and global conflicts like Russia's war in Ukraine, suggests that the UK army is no longer considered a top-level fighting force within NATO. It proposes the formation of a 'New Model Army' that is battle-ready and respected, to demonstrate strength to both adversaries and allies. The document proposes a war-ready command structure in Whitehall and recommends a dedicated task force to facilitate necessary changes, akin to the successful Covid vaccine campaign. The report concludes with a plea for bold and decisive action to restore the army's fighting capability within realistic budget constraints.

Published in British Isles

Sudan's army has reclaimed the state broadcaster's headquarters in Omdurman, marking a symbolic victory in its eleven-month civil war against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The RSF had held the building since the conflict began but had not been able to transmit from it; state television has continued to show pro-army content, broadcast from elsewhere in the country. Despite UN calls for a ceasefire during Ramadan, intense fighting has continued in several parts of Khartoum. This recapture signifies a major setback for the RSF, which had used the headquarters as a stronghold. The conflict, stemming from disagreements between military and RSF leaders over a political transition to civilian rule, has displaced millions, devastated Khartoum, and triggered ethnic violence in Darfur. International efforts to broker peace have faltered, and the humanitarian toll remains dire, with warnings of growing hunger and continued displacement.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 10 November 2022 21:24

Pakistan: political dangers

After an assassination attempt on ex-PM Imran Khan, the born-again Muslim, a political battle between him, the civilian government, and its military backers is spilling onto the streets. Khan is campaigning for snap elections and his return to power. The flurry of accusations, questions, and investigations after he had been shot in the leg does not bode well for political and social stability in the world’s fifth most populous country, the only nuclear-armed Islamic republic. Within 24 hours of being shot, the physically fit 70-year-old went on camera to deny that he was the target of a lone-wolf attack; rather, he blamed it on a plot hatched by PM Shehbaz Sharif, the internal security minister, and a senior military intelligence officer. Without offering any proof, he demanded they all resign and encouraged his supporters to keep protesting. Pakistan has lost many leaders whose killings have never been properly investigated.

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On 28 January a contact in Nigeria discovered over 500 bullet shells used in the killing of eighteen Christians in Ancha village, located about two hours from the capital of Plateau State. Villagers said the attackers were Fulani militants dressed in black while others wore the uniform of the Nigerian army. Thirty soldiers with AK47s were stationed in a classroom in the community when the attack happened. The converted classroom served as a barracks for the soldiers. Despite being stationed inside the village, the soldiers did not defend it against the invading militants. Instead, they stood by and watched as houses were burnt, cars and food were destroyed, and villagers were killed. During the attack, the soldiers protected only their two vehicles and the converted classroom. This attack is just the latest in a years-long pattern of militant violence committed against Ancha and neighbouring villages. Often bullet shells found belong to the army.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 June 2021 23:13

Germany: far right abuse and racism

The German defence minister told the armed forces that reported racist and sexual abuse in a German platoon based in Lithuania has put their entire reputation at risk. The most recent incidents were a sexual assault against another soldier, singing anti-Semitic songs, and in April singing songs to mark Hitler’s birthday. There is a pattern of far-right extremism in the army: a soldier allegedly racially abused a non-white fellow soldier, and four German soldiers made animal noises when a black French soldier walked past. Far-right incidents in the elite KSK commando unit triggered calls for it to be disbanded as it had become partly independent of the chain of command. Police seized explosives and weapons at the home of a KSK soldier. Military intelligence said there were almost 600 suspected far-right supporters in the army, the KSK being a particular problem. Twenty members are suspected of right-wing extremism.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 15 April 2021 21:52

Russian forces mass on Ukraine border

A long-simmering conflict in eastern Ukraine is escalating into a flashpoint for superpower rivalry, as a Russian military build-up is met by the deployment of two American warships to the Black Sea. Putin has ordered the largest movement of troops, tanks and missiles along the Ukrainian border since the Crimea 2014 invasion. About 85,000 troops, tanks, missile trucks, armoured vehicles and long-range guns are being transported by train to Crimea and strategic locations near the disputed region. Amongst the armoury are anti-aircraft missile systems last used in 2014 to destroy a civilian Boeing 777 over Ukraine, killing 298 people. Many fear Moscow is on the point of a full-scale invasion, and see the Ukrainian authorities preparing for this possibility. Putin's deputy chief of staff said Ukraine faced 'disintegration' if it pushed Russia into war. Meanwhile Washington is flying reconnaissance planes to monitor Russian activity. See also

Published in Europe
Thursday, 25 February 2021 20:58

Myanmar: chilling army document discovered

An army document has been discovered instructing soldiers to ‘punish and break down’ ethnic-minority Christians and anyone objecting to the military regime. The discovery came as the army ramped up armed patrols in Karen and Kachin States. Since December 2020, the military have increased ceasefire violations in Karen State, shelling villages in order to clear land for new roads and military installations. The official document states military personnel should fire 12mm weapons (equivalent to a machine gun) at individuals or use a 38mm weapon (a gun to launch grenades) on groups of civilians. The directives include special instructions to round up any dissenting civilian doctors and nurses and to report on any local leaders who are not fully cooperating with the military. There are many Christians amongst both the Karen and the Kachin ethnic groups, and thousands of Christian villagers fled to remote jungle areas when persecution began.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 15 August 2019 23:40

Army 40% under strength

Ministry of Defence data show that numbers in infantry units have consistently been falling over the past five years. Some UK combat regiments are operating at almost 40% less than their required strength, due to declining recruitment numbers. A quarterly report noted a 7.6% drop in army personnel on 1 January. Defence secretary Ben Wallace has been urged to address the issue. Tory MP Bob Seely criticised the firm Capita, which began managing recruitment for the MoD in 2012. He said, ‘I’m afraid to say that Capita have not been a success. If you talk to people who are wanting to go into the Army, the most common way they describe it is shambolic and chaotic.’ A Capita spokesperson said that they are in the middle of a re-set, which started last year but is already seeing excellent results.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 February 2019 00:07

Nigeria: elections on 16 Feb and 2 March

Rev Mathew Sukada, from Jos, has cautioned Nigerians, ‘Do not kill yourselves over politicians; they do not even know you and will reconcile with each other long after you are gone’. He said some politicians were more concerned about their personal interests, and cautioned youths against being used as thugs to kill and destroy. ‘Politicians seeking to use you for selfish reasons will offer you peanuts to fight and kill for them. When you get killed, they won’t remember you. When you get injured, they won’t have time for you. When you are caught, they will deny you. You must learn to be wise and protect yourselves against destruction. As Christians, you have a duty to serve only God, your Creator.’ An army commander told troops, ‘Let me warn and remind you of the need to remain apolitical in the performance of your duties during the election period. Defaulters will be severely dealt with. You must be professional, patriotic and respectful of the rights of citizens.’ See

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