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Displaying items by tag: Mark Mudri

Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:25

Australia - Thanksgiving and Issues for Prayer

Australia Honours and thanks the nations for your Intercession

in our looming hour of crisis and hope.

“I have always believed in miracles” declares our unashamedly Christian Prime Minister following his “highly unlikely win” in the May 18 Federal Election. He also secures a far more workable Senate.

The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, Australia, was pivoted on a historic threshold of persecution or reformation, or both. My sense is that we are getting both.

At stake were many affronts to our Judaeo-Christian heritage  including the following:

Legal abortion to full term in all states and territories.
Threat to our relationship with Israel including building an embassy in Jerusalem.
Removal of opening Parliament in prayer including the reference to “humbly relying on Almighty God”.
Defunding of Chaplaincy.
Removal of charitable status for churches.
Imposition of gender fluidity doctrine on our children.
Assault on freedom of thought, conscience and belief in many contexts including the curriculum in our Christian schools.

We have a 3-year window to pray and work to see Australia fulfil her mandate as the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit.

Our Prime Minister has been shown great favour by President Trump by choosing him to have Dinner at the G20 meeting of nations, inviting him to be an observer at the G7 meeting and hosting him at a historic State Dinner in the White House next month. There appears to be a growing closeness between the first ladies - Ivanka Trump and Jenny Morrison. My sense is that our Prime Minister has been raised as an Ambassador of International reconciliation in the midst of tensions between China and America and the escalations in Hong Kong.

 The abortion issue has also flared up in two of our States.

The sequence of Abortion being liberalised was UK, Adelaide South Australia, the rest of Australia, before Roe v Wade opened the global bloodgates for the destruction of young lives and the breaking of the hearts of our women. There is a sense that, if we can wind back here in this source city of Adelaide we could see reversals like in the USA, everywhere. A submission has been prepared by lawyers from the UK, Australia, USA and doctors from around Australia centred on care for women, care for babies, care for children in the womb, care for families and care for life (“5Cs”) movement. An adapted submission is in the hands of politicians in New South Wales. As the fight against the Spirit of Death and Hell rages in the next weeks in the Parliaments of both States, this Saturday, we will be concluding 21 days of prayer near the abortion mill in Adelaide (loveadelaideprayer).

Please pray as you are led along the following suggestions :

That wisdom, counsel and might will be upon our praying Prime Minister especially as he has opportunity to privately minister to International leaders and be an Ambassador of reconciliation between them.
That the Ekklesia in Australia will be willing in the day of His power to maximise the opportunity she has been given.
That healing and hope will touch the hearts of the one in four women in Australia who have an abortion in their lifetime.
That the veil that the wicked one has placed over the eyes of our sisters and our communities will be lifted.
That life will be celebrated without condemnation for those who have been ensnared and that our laws will reflect or Heavenly Father’s heart.
That the Esther’s, Deborah’s, Daniels, Mordecai’s, David’s, Josephs and other modern equivalents are revealed and begin to fully function.

Thank you for this great victory and opportunity as Australia moves toward reflecting our Father’s heart in every sphere of society as the seeds of a  discipled nation.

May your love and intercession for this nation be multiplied and showered on your own cities and nations.

Mark Mudri

Facilitator Advocates Oceania
Executive member Global Council
