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Displaying items by tag: airlift

Thursday, 23 May 2024 22:26

Canada: giving thanks for Canairelief heroes

On 11 May family, friends, and many people who were involved in the Biafran airlift during the Nigerian civil war gathered at St Andrew’s Church, Toronto to dedicate a memorial plaque to four Canadians who died when their plane carrying food and medicine crashed on 2 August 1969. The plaque also honours all ground and air crews who worked for Canairelief and Joint Church Aid. Their work resulted in the largest non-governmental humanitarian airlift in history, funded entirely from public donations. Prayer Alert’s editor, David Fletcher, attended the ceremony, which also recognised the founders of Canairelief, one of whom was his father, Henry Fletcher. For more information, a full-length documentary about Canairelief (‘Operation Lights Out’) is available online to rent or buy.

Published in Praise Reports