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Displaying items by tag: antiChristian

Friday, 25 January 2019 09:39

Anti-Christian bias in government commission

Voice for Justice researchers note that some members of a new commission, whose task is to study extremism and report back to the Government, hold Christophobic and hostile views. The Commission for Countering Extremism will soon publish a wide-ranging study on ‘all forms of extremism’ that will include its scale, the tactics and objectives of extremists, the harm caused, and the nature of current response. It is an independent and impartial public body, and commissioners must ‘not participate in the discussion or determination of a matter where their interest might suggest a danger of bias’. However three members have publicly expressed views that place them in clear conflict with Government guidelines. Sara Khan: ‘If Christians must celebrate same-sex relationships, then atheists must celebrate Jesus Christ’; Peter Tatchell: ‘Menacing Christians are put in the same category as IS and Taliban’; Dame Louise Casey: ‘Pro-abortion and pro-LGBT relationships are tests of integration; Bible-believing Christians are less progressive.’

Published in British Isles