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Displaying items by tag: medicine ministry

Friday, 27 April 2018 00:21

Niger: ministry through medicine

Statistics state that on average every woman in Niger has 7.5 children, and almost 50% of these are currently under five and malnourished. Over 1.5 million people were affected by food insecurity last year, and millions more experience food shortage during every lean season. A Christian Aid ministry partner established a medical clinic for children and maternity services. Their work is reaching eleven villages and providing nutrition and immunisations to around 450,000 people. Another major project conducted by the ministry is sharing the hope of Christ and planting churches. Currently only about 1% of the population is Christian, but addressing people’s physical needs opens doors to minister. As the people see how loving and kind the ministry workers are, they listen to the Gospel truth and are told how much Jesus loves them. Workers are ambassadors in Christ at all times, in all situations.

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