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Displaying items by tag: new year resolutions

Thursday, 21 December 2017 10:32

Resolution 2018

World Prayer Centre is calling on Christians across our nation to start 2018 in a different way. This is no ordinary year. It is the year of Turning. There is a trumpet sound telling us to awake, to get ready and to dedicate ourselves to the Lord in 2018.

So we invite everyone with a passion to see the good news of Jesus renew His church and transform lives to join us. Pray through this resolution below as God mobilises His people for His amazing purpose.

  1. In 2018 through the power of the Holy Spirit, we commit to be better Disciples of Christ Jesus, Son of God, our Saviour, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
  2. We resolve to humble ourselves, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways.
  3. We proclaim 2018 a year of Turning for the church and nation through our consecration, dedication, reconciliation and celebration.

We are inviting the Body of Christ to join us on our discipleship journey to:

  • Turn from anything and everything that grieves His Spirit - pride, unbelief, idols, disunity, self-righteousness, critical attitudes and in humility and repentance…
  • Turn our hearts and minds to Him.

As disciples, our desire is to know Jesus more, to keep Turning and being refined.

We believe that 2018 will also be a year when the Church asks the nation to turn - in our proclamation, preaching, witnessing, caring, loving of our neighbours, and in our praying, we are declaring “It is time to turn.”

We shall not invite the nation to turn to religion, or turn to faith, not even turn to the church. We are inviting them to turn to Jesus, the Light of the world, the forgiver of sins, the Lover of our souls who is the only way to a wonderful relationship with God the Father.


Please make this declaration out loud as your spiritual resolution for 2018:

I resolve to be a better disciple. I consecrate and dedicate myself to Jesus. I commit to serve Him, and serve others and to stand as an agent of turning for my family, community and nation.


2018 - A Year of Turning. God says, “If we turn, He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal the land”. 2 Chronicles 7:14


Download a PDF version to use in your church, small group or prayer meeting.


Published in WPC News