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Displaying items by tag: slavery increasing

Thursday, 04 May 2023 22:09

Modern-day slavery increasing

Potential victims of modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK rose by over a quarter in the first three months of 2023 and is at the highest level since identifying them began. Albanian nationals accounted for 1/3rd of potential victims. British nationals (up 25%) were the second most commonly referred nationality; third most common was Sudanese (5%). The role of anti-slavery commissioner has remained vacant since Dame Sara Thornton left the post in April 2022. Speaking at the Home Affairs Committee’s new inquiry into human trafficking, she described the failure to find her replacement ‘deeply regrettable’ and suggested there could be a conflict of interest because the Home Office was in charge of the appointment. Worldwide, almost 50 million people live as slaves today. In the UK alone there are estimated to be over 100,000 victims silently hidden in places like car washes, brothels, nail bars, and restaurants in our neighbourhoods and streets. See

Published in British Isles