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Displaying items by tag: stress

March marked the busiest month on record for A&E departments in England, with 2.35 million attendances. This surpasses the previous high, in December 2022. The total for the year up to March was also a record at 26.2 million. While there were slight improvements in waiting times, cancer response, and ambulance response times, these often fell short of NHS targets. Only 74.2% of patients were seen within four hours, missing the interim target of 76%. The number of patients waiting over 12 hours decreased from February, but remains high. For urgent cancer referrals, 75% of cases were diagnosed or ruled out within 28 days, yet the wait for first treatment after a cancer referral increased. Healthcare professionals are overstretched, highlighting the need for a comprehensive cancer strategy. Ambulance response times improved slightly but still exceeded the target times. The data coincide with a period of strikes and increased scrutiny of NHS performance. Research revealed that nearly half of NHS staff are considering work outside the health service; stress and workload are key factors.

Published in British Isles

Some medical students need to work multiple part-time jobs to afford to complete their degrees. Final year students have stopped training because they don't have enough money to survive.

For that year, they get a bursary to live on (maximum £6,458). It is not enough - especially for those from low-income backgrounds. They are campaigning for better NHS bursaries. Penny Sucharitkul hopes to be a vascular surgeon, but the money does not even cover her rent. She is from a single-parent family, and relying on Universal Credit after her father lost his job during the pandemic. On top of studying full-time, she works as a martial arts instructor and a clinical research assistant. She says working-class students are treated unfairly. ‘We're getting up at 6 am, training all day, then going to work again. It’s incredibly taxing on our mental health. We're burning people out before they've even started in the NHS.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 27 August 2020 21:45

Survey revels higher stress levels

A report by the Child Poverty Action Group stated a ‘significant deterioration’ in living conditions for low-income families caused by the coronavirus. 80% of the 285 families surveyed (those with children eligible for free school meals) are in a worse position, and 48% had a debt problem that was new or worse than before. In all, 83% found the pandemic has affected their ability to pay for food, with 76% struggling to pay for utilities. The report tells of problems with how benefits have been distributed - not covering basic living costs, delays and inconsistencies in delivery, and a lack of knowledge about where to get advice or support. Half of the families reported physical or mental health problems caused by money worries. The group recommends a £10 a week increased child benefit, the extension of free school meals to all receiving universal credit or working tax credit, and abolition of the benefit cap to those whose employment is disrupted by the crisis.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 27 August 2020 21:41

‘I became alcoholic during lockdown’

Before lockdown Chris enjoyed nights out with friends and going to football. Alcohol played a part in his life but was no problem. ‘I was in a good place before lockdown, I was keeping fit, swimming five days a week, doing well at work and in a good mind-set.’ His daughter moved out during lockdown, leaving him living on his own - isolated, anxious, uncertain about the future and growing increasingly depressed. Within weeks Chris went from being someone who enjoyed a drink to someone who needed a drink, and began experiencing withdrawal symptoms. ‘I wanted to cut down and stop, but I wasn't in control, that was frightening.’ But with help and encouragement of his family and a rehabilitation service he's been sober for over 70 days, determined to lay his demons to rest. Rehab agencies report a 500% increase in calls since lockdown.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 May 2019 23:14

Civil servants and MPs under pressure

Stressed civil servants are encouraged to talk to counsellors about the pressures they are under. Some believe that quite a few MPs may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder as they cope with coffins dumped at their constituency surgeries, smashed windows, death threats, round-the-clock negative social media, and endless cancelled plans, putting their relationships and health under huge strain. Brexit anxiety is having a detrimental effect on people's mental health. See and

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 June 2017 12:33

Going to church good for your health

We live in a stressful world. It is stressful to hear that British authorities are currently investigating 500 active terrorist plotters, 3,000 persons of interest, and 20,000 others with links to militancy. Security officials say the number of radicalised individuals has become unmanageable and the latest terrorist attacks in Great Britain are ‘just the tip of the iceberg, and it’s an enormous iceberg. Meanwhile a transgender man who stopped taking testosterone is now pregnant, and the CofE is to vote on creating a liturgy to celebrate sex changes (see article above). Are your stress levels increasing when you read the news? A new report indicates that those who attend church services may reduce their mortality risk by 55%. The remedy for stress is not found in our fallen culture but in our risen Lord.

Published in British Isles