Displaying items by tag: Revival

Thursday, 01 August 2024 22:37

Japan on cusp of revival, ex-atheist says

Atheist businesswoman Akane Fujimoto had achieved success in her career and personal life, but she felt a deep sense of emptiness. As a nominal Buddhist, she decided to pray to the God her mother had embraced a decade earlier: 'If you exist, if you love me, if you have a purpose for my life, please reveal yourself to me.' 'I felt God hugging me deeply,' she said. 'I repented for the first time and couldn’t stop weeping. Everything I was searching for was found in God’s love.' Now she is passionate about bringing revival to Japan, a nation often considered resistant to the gospel. Despite these challenges, she remains optimistic. 'I heard sharing the gospel is hard in Japan, but it’s actually quite fun’, she says. 'Material comforts can't compare to the fullness of Christ.' She believes Japan's resistance - rooted in pride, social pressure, competitiveness, and suspicion - can be overcome through genuine relationships and sharing the pure gospel. She experienced a personal breakthrough when she forgave her father and led him to Christ. 'For the first time, I saw him weeping like a child’, she recalls. 'The Holy Spirit told me it was time.' Now he attends church, and Akane is confident that revival is unfolding in Japan.

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Thursday, 27 June 2024 23:45

Papua New Guinea: over 300,000 baptised!

CBN News has reported that over 300,000 people have reportedly been baptised in Papua New Guinea, marking a significant spiritual event. The mass baptisms occurred during the PNG for Christ campaign, a collaborative effort by several organisations. Pastor Ted Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist world church, and his wife, Nancy, led daily events during the two-week campaign. He has recently confirmed that the number of baptisms has surpassed 300,000. Wilson attributed this to the 'Holy Spirit power being poured out on Papua New Guinea’. The campaign saw dramatic changes, including drug lords destroying their marijuana crops and being baptised, prisoners converting, entire villages embracing Adventism, and miraculous healings. Pastor Miller Kuso, PNG United Mission’s personal ministry director, coordinated the events, visiting numerous sites across the country. Prayers are requested for the newly baptised individuals and the leaders who are guiding them in their new faith.

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Jennie Allen has witnessed a remarkable revival among young people, particularly on college campuses across America. Speaking at various universities, she has seen Generation Z’s growing interest in faith and the Bible. 'It is so real’, Allen says. 'They actually are hungry for God. It’s been the most beautiful thing.' She described how college-age audiences eagerly respond to her Gospel messages, sometimes resulting in impromptu baptisms in pick-up trucks or local creeks. Allen first noticed this intense hunger in 2018 at Texas A&M, where students responded passionately to her talk about sin. 'They were willing to be honest; they wanted God’, she said, emphasising their genuine interest. This revival has deeply impacted Allen, strengthening her focus on ministering to young people with the Bible’s message of grace and redemption. She is committed to her mission, saying, 'I want to serve God, and I want to serve them well, and I don’t want to hold back.'

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 April 2024 22:31

Asbury: ‘Outpouring really hasn’t stopped’

On 8 February 2023, what began as an ordinary chapel service at Asbury University evolved into a 16-day 'outpouring' led by students, attracting individuals from numerous universities worldwide. Dr Sarah Thomas Baldwin, a professor whose book on this outpouring will soon be published, has described the lasting influence of the revival. Despite the initial exhaustion following the event, the campus experienced a revival in spiritual engagement. Students returned with renewed energy for worship and prayer, significantly raising the spiritual temperature. She recounted the early days when students gathered spontaneously post-chapel, leading to joy, repentance, and deep spiritual connection. The outpouring not only captured media attention but also solidified a strong community among campus leaders. Today, the spiritual lessons from the event continue to inspire and draw individuals seeking depth and hope in challenging times, reinforcing their commitment to deepening their faith in Jesus.

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Unite US, led by Tonya Prewett, is spearheading a wave of student baptisms at public universities, beginning with Auburn University and expanding to three other universities, each witnessing hundreds of baptisms. The movement, fuelled by Prewett's vision to address student struggles, saw about 5,000 students at its first event with 200 baptisms. Emphasising follow-up, Unite US collects contact details of baptised students for spiritual support through local churches and ministries. Many participants report transformative experiences, including overcoming depression and addiction. Keynote speakers like Jonathan Pokluda note a rising revival among college students, seeking a deeper, daily faith beyond routine church visits. This revival trend, mirroring the spontaneous Asbury Revival, signifies a profound shift towards personal faith and active community engagement among university students.

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'Revival on the Border,' led by Pastor Tony Suarez, surpassed its target, drawing about 9,000 people to Christian revival events in El Paso and McAllen, Texas. Initially aiming for 5,000 attendees, these late March gatherings included prayer, tent meetings, and nearly 70 baptisms. The nightly events were unexpectedly peaceful, and Border Patrol agents actively participated, requesting prayers. A 'prayer army' ministered across the US border, distributing Bibles and prayers. Impressed by the faith of the agents, Suarez's team found a tranquil atmosphere, contrary to national headlines. He plans to continue this expansive evangelical initiative. See

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 February 2024 22:16

Malaysia: fifty years since revival

In 1973, Solomon Bulan resigned as a secondary school advisor in Bario, Malaysia, confessing his lack of personal conviction. His emotional confession triggered a community-wide revival marked by repentance and reconciliation. The movement, known as the Bario revival, spread across tribes and communities, sparking four waves of spiritual renewal over eleven years. This led to cultural transformation and contributed to the growth of the Malaysian church. Despite periods of spiritual dryness, faithful intercessors sustained subsequent revivals. The revival's impact extended beyond spiritual realms, healing the land and fostering a vibrant worship culture. Prayer meetings, spontaneous worship, and evangelism became commonplace, emphasising God's power to transform lives. In recent years, efforts to commemorate and reignite the revival have seen the formation of intergenerational prayer movements like Tribal Gathering 2023, uniting believers across Malaysia and Southeast Asia in anticipation of a new move of God. The heart of this movement lies in young leaders seeking to awaken and mobilise the church for spiritual transformation.

Published in Worldwide

Evangelist Nick Hall, founder of Pulse, a global evangelistic organisation, has embarked on a transformative mission to saturate North Dakota with biblical truth. In 2023, Hall witnessed a spiritual revival sweeping across America, with remarkable moments like the Asbury outpouring and mass baptisms. Hall perceives this as a reformation, where societal hopes have faltered, drawing people closer to God. He marvels at the unprecedented openness and hunger for the Gospel, particularly among the youth. Amid a cultural embrace of self-centred ideologies, Hall finds cause for celebration in the growing light of faith. He trains young evangelists nationwide through Pulse and recently concluded The Reason Tour in North Dakota. Hall's North Dakota roots drive his desire to reach every corner of the state, touching lives in recovery centres, nursing homes, and juvenile centres. The tour has already ignited positive transformations. His vision includes fostering unity, prayer, and a shift in the cultural narrative in North Dakota, reminding Christians of their ultimate hope in Christ amidst societal challenges.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 October 2023 09:43

Arkansas: 'God is on the Move'

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes organised a Fields of Faith event at a high school football stadium in Hot Springs, Arkansas, which drew over 3,000 attendees, mainly students. This gathering, part of a global movement, featured a pre-rally with free food, games, live music, and student testimonies of faith. Micah May, FCA South Central Arkansas's multi-area director, noted a special presence of the Holy Spirit at the event, with hundreds of students praying and lives being transformed. He mentioned a sense of revival stirring in the world and expressed gratitude for being a part of it. Similar revival gatherings for high school and college students have been occurring throughout 2023, reflecting a growing spiritual awakening. May concluded by giving glory to God, emphasising His role in these transformative experiences.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 10 August 2023 22:21

USA: revival among Generation Z

Generation Z grew up with iPads and iPhones. They are connected to technology. American Survey Centre calls 1/3rd of this age group 'religious nones' (no religious affiliation). A summer camp leader says, ‘It’s essential we preach and teach the Bible, sharing the love of God to them when they're young - before the world has a chance to beat them up, chew them up and spit them out.’ This year, 3,000+ campers accepted Jesus as their personal saviour at Crossroads Summer Camp. The camp leader attributed this surge in salvations to the goodness of God compared to what the world has to offer. The Crossroads leader said,‘I think they've seen the materialism of our world. The ideologies that are being shoved down their throats. They're all empty. When they feel the presence of God, when they taste and see that the Lord is good, nothing else will satisfy them.’

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