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Sunday, 13 March 2011 18:38

Japanese geologists calculated that Friday 11th March’s earthquake shifted the Earth’s axis by 10cm. an American source quoted in Reuters said it threw the earth off its axis point by at least 8 centimeters.

The power of the earthquake caused the shape of the country's coastline to change and the landmass we know as Japan moved by between 2.5 and 3 meters sideways in the ocean. The 24 hour day of the 11th March was increased by minutes.

Sources: BBC Radio 4 and BBC Website

A prophecy given at a Swanwick Prayer Conference on Wednesday 9th March - three days before the earthquake.

'As God revealed His Name in the Old Testament, He is revealing Himself today.
God will quickly change the character in a nation.
As in the days of Noah, I can change landscapes quickly.

Tuesday, 01 June 2010 18:53

The gun battles in Kingston to capture Jamaican drug lord Christopher ‘Dukas’ Coke are similar to Mexico's long war on its drug lords. See Mexico drug baron  Leaders in both countries had to make courageous decisions when they decided to confront the most powerful drug lords with guns and the rule of law. They also decided to send their worst drug lords to the United States for trial. This takes tremendous courage. The drug gangs are tightly woven into each nation's politics, a co-existence ending up badly for the country, as Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding now admits. When he turned against established drug lord ‘Dudus’, the battle turned parts of Kingston into a war zone, as street battles are necessary for cleansing Jamaican society.

Pray: for a complete cleansing of Kingston, no longer labelled one of the murder capitals of the world, but called a city of blessings. (Pr.11:11)







Saturday, 28 May 2011 09:10

As Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara is officially inaugurated in front of heads of state from around the world, Oxfam warned of more than 300,000 people displaced from their homes within the country and in neighbouring Liberia being in ‘dire’ need of assistance because the conflict in the months following the presidential election triggered a severe humanitarian crisis with only 35 per cent of the UN's appeals for funds being met. The shortfall in donors amounts to a funding gap of $200 million. In neighbouring Liberia, between 200 and 400 refugees continue to arrive daily from the Ivory Coast, yet the response is only 44 per cent funded.

Pray: for funding to be released so that agencies can meet the needs of the displaced in Liberia and Ivory Coast. (Deut.25:4)



Tuesday, 12 April 2011 16:47

Archbishop Jean-Pierre Kutwa of Abidjan said shootings have reduced but it is a disquieting calm and very tense. People are barricaded in their homes, some without water, electricity or food as they await the finale to the battle in an indescribable tragedy. Internationally recognised President Alassane Ouattara needs to take over the presidential palace and the national radio and television network headquarters. The local Church feels, ‘Without control of these three structures Ouattara cannot establish himself in the eyes of Ivorians as the legitimate authority of the Country.’ It is reported that both sides have recruited mercenaries and militias to fight the past months battles.

Pray: for all weapons and missiles to be laid down by state-run military and hired foreign militia. (Ps.118:17)


Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:32

30,000 people are trapped in a church compound in Ivory Coast as fighting worsens. A priest who did not want to be named said many who had sought refuge at the mission were migrants from West African countries who had been working in the cocoa plantations. Many arrived with gunshot wounds. Forces loyal to UN-backed President-elect Alassane Ouattara are on the offensive on several fronts against the army loyal to ‘President’ Laurent Gbagbo who refuses to stand down despite losing November's election. The UN has accused pro-Gbagbo forces of shooting civilians and killing at least 10 on Monday. A group of Gbagbo supporters burnt another man alive. One million people have fled the violence. The priest appealed for his mission to be treated as a safe haven by all the fighting forces and says there is not enough food or sanitation for those inside.

Pray: for the Christians within the compound to be strengthened as they attempt to comfort, calm and minister to the terrified hiding in the compound. (Ps.119:122-123)


Monday, 14 March 2011 19:36

Christian aid workers are providing medical assistance to thousands of people fleeing unrest in Ivory Coast. The country has been hit by months of unrest as incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo refuses to hand over power to his rival Alassane Ouattara, the internationally recognised winner of last November’s presidential election. The instability has turned to violent conflict in recent weeks as rival forces clash in the Ivory Coast’s commercial capital Abidjan. The violence has triggered an exodus of more than 70,000 people, around half of whom have crossed the border into Liberia. Most of the refugees in Liberia are concentrated in the border village of Butuo, where ACT Alliance member Finn Church Aid has been supplying the clinics with medicine and other medical supplies since December.

Pray: that the aid workers in the Ivory Coast will receive all that is necessary to meet the needs of the refugees. (Ps.132:15)



Thursday, 16 June 2011 14:25

Two peasant brothers were brutally crucified on ‘the example of Christ’ as forces loyal to Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara continue to target perceived supporters of his ousted Christian predecessor, Laurent Gbagbo. Raphael Aka Kouame died of his injuries; incredibly his younger brother, Kouassi Privat Kacou, survived the ordeal. The pair were badly beaten and tortured before being crudely nailed to cross-shaped planks by their hands and feet with steel spikes on 29 May. The brothers were falsely accused of hiding weapons in their home village of Binkro, which has been targeted by Ouattara supporters as the birthplace of a key enemy. The brothers repeatedly denied any involvement in a weapons cache, but their pleas were ignored. This is just one of the many atrocities that have been committed as fighting between Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters has continued in the wake of the disputed presidential election last November.

Pray: for the protection of the believers against such atrocities. (Ps.5:1)


Friday, 22 June 2012 10:02

Increasingly Europe is hosting refugees from Islamic countries. The following example is from Italy, ‘Our outreach is in Milan. Italy has one of the lowest birthrates in Europe and is becoming increasingly dependent on immigration to maintain the economic status quo. 40% of immigrants are Muslims coming to Rome and Milan seeking work. This year the Milan government gave official recognition to 17 mosques (there are more illegal ones). Most of the mosques are run by the Muslim Brotherhood, a fundamentalist organization - so Muslims immigrating here are indoctrinated into a fundamentalist Islam. Yet Christian outreach to Muslims is practically non-existent. We have been operating since February out of a local Pentecostal church, witnessing during the days, distributing literature in different languages and holding prayer times with the believers. 10-15 Muslims a day take NTs in their own language .

Pray: for evangelistic European believers to have wisdom as they befriend Muslims, pray for many Bangali, Urdu, Farsi and Arabic church plants. 

Saturday, 27 October 2012 09:32

Following Prayer-Alert’s report last week entitled,’ Muslim leaders discuss Jerusalem.’ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rebuffed European criticism over the construction of new housing units in a Jewish neighbourhood of Jerusalem, insisting that the Holy City belongs to the Jews. Last week Israel's Interior Ministry approved the construction of 800 new apartments in the southern Jerusalem neighbourhood of Gilo. Gilo is home to tens of thousands of Israeli Jews and new construction there is by no means out of the ordinary. However, Britain, France and the European Union immediately expressed their displeasure with Jewish sovereignty over the entirety of Jerusalem, calling the new apartments an ‘obstacle to peace.’ Netanyahu said the world can call it whatever it wants, but his government will not ‘impose any restrictions on construction in Jerusalem.’ The Israeli leader added that Jerusalem ‘is our capital’ and the Jewish nation has a connection to Jerusalem that is as ‘ancient and powerful’ as the connections Europeans have to their respective capitals.

Pray: continually for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps.122:6-7)



Wednesday, 02 March 2011 14:53

At this time of internet and cell phone assisted revolution, Arab bloggers, academics of Islamic studies and observers are saying in the media and in private, ‘If Binyamin Netanyahu's government and its lobby in Washington were rational they would be rushing to plan Israel's evacuation from the occupied territories and encouraging the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. That is because they would understand that the Arab revolution will not stop at the gates of the West Bank, especially when it is the occupation that unites virtually all Arabs and Muslims in common fury.’

Pray: for a negotiated solution for the West Bank before the regional violence erupts there. (Ps.118:17-18)
