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Friday, 16 March 2012 08:25

The Israel Air Force (IAF) struck two targets in the Gaza Strip overnight Wednesday, in response to Palestinian terrorists' violation of an informal cease-fire agreement. A fragile hours-long calm came after four days of violence with 200+ rockets fired from Gaza and 26 Palestinians killed in IAF strikes - 22 believed to be terrorists. Hostilities began Friday after the IDF killed two Islamic Jihad terrorists charged with plotting a cross-border terror attack from Sinai. Wednesday’s direct hits came in response to a Grad rocket fired into the southern town of Netivot. IDF Chief of Staff said that rocket attacks such as the one in Netivot would be met with Israeli air strikes. Schools were cancelled in towns and cities located between 7 km to 40 km from the Gaza Strip. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that ‘quiet will bring quiet’ but warned Israel would strike anybody trying to attack it.

Pray: God's protection for innocent lives caught up in this latest fracas and His wisdom in all decisions to be made. (Ps.16:1)



Thursday, 22 August 2013 19:03

Recent protests by hundreds of Israelis in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv reflect indignation over the decision to release 104 Palestinian prisoners - many of them convicted terrorists guilty of murder. Polls show 85% of the Israeli public is opposed to their release. Terror victims’ organizations have been vocal in opposition to the government’s decision and are supported by Israelis across the political spectrum. Prisoners' crimes range from cold-blooded murder of people by placing bags over their heads and then shooting them, to Molotov cocktails killing women and children travelling in busses. Protests are also stirring on social media. A Facebook circulated info-graphic compared Israel’s releasing terrorists for the sake of peace, to the United States releasing all the terrorists of Guantanamo Bay in exchange for peace talks with al-Qaeda and the Taliban. A protestor whose brother was murdered by one of the terrorists to be freed said the government are giving the wrong message to Israeli youth ‘that their blood has no worth’.

Pray: for those in authority, that God would reveal his way forward for all negotiations and agreements. (Deut.29:29)


Monday, 11 July 2011 21:20

A Jewish ultra-Orthodox group singling out Messianic Jews for abuse is harassing a couple they claim are manipulating minors into becoming Christians. The group, Yad L’Achim, placed leaflets around the home of Serge and Naama Kogen, in a suburban community West of Jerusalem, and took out a full-page ad in a local newspaper giving the couple’s address and telling residents they were part of a missionary group ‘targeting’ the community. The Kogens are native Israelis and hence not part of any missionary group. About 20 of the group’s supporters demonstrated outside the couple’s home denouncing them over megaphones for 90 minutes. The protests came after Yad L’Achim lost a court case against the Kogens and their congregational leader accusing them of ‘proselytizing’ minors. During the protest, a distraught 16-year-old girl, the alleged target of the couple’s ‘missionary’ efforts, said all of Yad L’Achim’s claims were false.

Pray: for the harassment of this couple to end and for courage for their congregation as they live out their faith. (Ps.133:1)


Friday, 01 June 2012 08:45

Pastor Steven Khoury from Holy Land Missions in Jerusalem received a 30-day notice of eviction from the owner of the building where his church currently worships. ‘The pressure from the Muslim community is so strong that the landlord is given no other choice but to do this,’ Khoury said. ‘With 30 days to move a church community, another Band-Aid solution of renting accommodation is not a viable solution. Our church community needs permanent roots.’ The congregation has entered a time of fasting and prayer while Khoury increases efforts to find something permanent. ‘We are fortunate to have rented from a kind moderate Muslim family - but it has come with a price.’ The church has been vandalized and believers have been physically attacked. Nevertheless the church grows so much that worshippers are standing in the hallways to hear the gospel.

Pray: that believers will be protected, find a new larger location for their church and continue to grow under the anointing of God’s Holy Spirit.(1Ch.17:9)



Saturday, 14 August 2010 14:00

Almost 400 rocket attacks were launched from Gaza to Israel since the 2009 cease-fire; the most recent one completely destroyed a rehabilitation centre for children with special needs in Sderot last Saturday. On any other day the unit would have been packed with children and therapists, resulting in devastating losses. The centre provides therapy and workshops for special needs children living in the entire country. Because there were no casualties the assault received little media cover and vulnerable children with special needs have lost facilities providing appropriate care. This attack followed an Iranian Grad missile hitting the city of Ashkelon Friday morning. Hamas-controlled Gaza has targeted Ashkelon (population of 125,000) since March 2008. Israeli Intelligence confirm Hamas has now assembled over 5,000 missiles with a range of 40-25 miles.

Pray: for the families struggling to cope with unimaginable fear and hopelessness in this volatile neighbourhood to see peace overtake war, and provision for the weak and vulnerable. (Is.2:3-5)


Wednesday, 12 January 2011 14:18

More than half of the country’s children living below the poverty line went without at least one meal a day over the past year due to their families’ economic difficulties. Based on data collected from more than 100 food aid charities countrywide and on in-depth interviews with individuals and families living below the poverty line, the organization’s Alternative Poverty Report for 2010 shows 55% of the estimated 850,300 children in this category had to forgo a nutritious meal every day because of their families’ economic status. This is an increase of 38% over the previous year. During the past 10 years poverty has significantly increased; more than 15,000 families joined the ranks of the poor in 2009, and overall 435,100 families – 1,774,800 Israelis – lived below the poverty line in 2009. For those living below the poverty line recession or economic growth makes little difference in their troubled lives, the poor are abandoned and neglected.

Pray: for the gap between rich and poor to decrease and for the poor in Israel to have a voice. (Ex.23:6)


Saturday, 26 March 2011 09:17

Palestinian militants fired 54 rockets into Israel on Saturday. Meanwhile Hamas police beat up and confiscated equipment from reporters. On Monday, an IAF fighter jet struck a Gaza tunnel running along the border with Israel, as well as Hamas militants in the northern Gaza strip. IDF office released a statement saying that the Gaza tunnel was used to smuggle terrorists into Israeli territory with the intent to execute attacks against Israeli citizens see: The violence comes amid increasing calls for reconciliation between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his bitter rivals, the Islamic militant group Hamas. Abbas is seeking U.N. recognition for a Palestinian state by autumn and is lobbying for votes worldwide. Hamas also used force to disperse a reconciliation rally in Gaza. Israeli residents were advised to stay at home or in bomb shelters.

Pray: for the strengthening of all civilians living under the continual threat of border attacks. (Ps.16:1)


Monday, 29 April 2013 17:12

Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) recently arrested 19 year old Nasser Masarwa, an Israeli Arab on suspicion of fighting with rebels in Syria. They believe he originally joined global jihadi elements in Syria to try to locate his brother who is fighting with the Syrian rebels. Nasser underwent military training with rebel forces, - including weapons training and was offered the possibility of carrying out a suicide bombing against the army of the Assad regime. Nasser said he refused this. Security forces said, ‘Arab Israelis who travel to Syria are exposed to radical ideology and could be exploited for a terror attack in Israel due to their knowledge of targets in the country.’- adding that this represented a serious national security issue. On Wednesday Nasser was charged with ‘contact with a foreign agent, illegal military training, and travelling to an enemy state.’

Pray: for the peace of Jerusalem. (Ps.122:6)




Friday, 16 November 2012 12:35

Israel launched three air raids on the Gaza Strip on Tuesday as military top brass weighed a stronger response to rocket fire from the Palestinian territory. The targets included a training camp of a military wing of Hamas, an arms dump and two rocket launch sites hours after Gaza militants fired six rockets at southern Israel residents. The number of rockets fired on Monday dropped significantly from Sunday when dozens of missiles prompted Israel to stage a series of overnight raids. It was unclear if the slowdown was a step towards a more decisive truce, or a lull. The latest flare-up killed six Palestinians and wounded eight Israelis. Benjamin Netanyahu warned, ‘Israel has the complete right and obligation to protect its citizens. We’ll not sit with our arms folded in the face of repeated, almost daily, attacks.’ The violence coming amid an Israeli election campaign raises concern of a broader Israeli military campaign.

Pray: that this violence will not escalate. (Ez.26:15)


Monday, 11 July 2011 21:18

The division between Arab and Jewish citizens is reflected in institutions, culture and national identities. Palestinian-Israelis reject Zionism as colonialist and racist. The Jews see themselves as the genuine proprietors of the Land of Israel. Both sides reject the most cherished values of the other. However some are working towards coexistence and reconciliation through ‘Musalah’ a ministry with a vision to see reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians first among Christian believers and then to those of interfaith communities. Please click the more button below to discover how they are improving Arab-Jewish coexistence through Summer Camps for the Israeli and Palestinian youth. Please pray for Hebron Camp that that started July 2nd with 120+ children registered and the July 18-23 camp in Petah Tikvah, Israel, giving Israeli and Palestinian children the opportunity to build friendships at a young age and see those from the other side as their brothers and sisters in the Messiah.

Pray: for the follow up for youth who attended these and similar camps of reconciliation amongst the youth, that they will continue to pray and listen to one another. (Ps.138:7-8)
