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Friday, 22 June 2012 09:46

The Australian parliament is about to have a federal debate on a bill allowing gay marriage. Meanwhile in the UK 300,000 people used an online poll telling a parliamentary inquiry what they think about two pieces of legislation to legalise same-sex marriage. The Scottish Government’s consultation on redefining marriage revealed widespread opposition. See this weeks British Isles article 7. Tokyo advocacy groups for Gay Rights responded positively to American President Barack Obama’s public announcement of support for same sex-marriage in the US. Asian gay rights issues have started slowly but surely moving into the public domain. see: Denmark, the first country to allow gay couples to enter into civil unions now allows homosexuals to have full wedding ceremonies at church. Eight out of the eleven countries with legalised same-sex marriage are situated in Europe. Fourteen European countries have legalised civil unions.

Pray: against a growing deluge of proposed concessions to redefining marriage.(Lev.18:22)

More: a bid for swift consideration of a bill to allow gay marriage.6403015319


Thursday, 01 August 2013 17:12

Over the last couple of years the Gather network has discovered over 90 unity movements in cities and towns in the UK that are focused on mission and prayer for their areas. It has been a surprise for us all to see what God has been doing under the radar in some cases over the last 20 years. But that's not the end of the story. This movement of city and town wide transformation has been expanding all over the world. This is a grass roots movement with leaders of Churches putting down their differences and competitive natures to form long lasting friendships that results in a developing culture of honour, respect, love of diversity and encouragement. It is a Kingdom paradigm rather than an empire mentality with Church leaders seeing themselves as part of the one Church in that place.

Pray: for more of God's enabling power to envelop the nations - pray that recent events would be just the beginning of global transformation. (Eph.3:20-21)



Sunday, 10 February 2013 15:28

Truth today has become that which is true in the eyes of the beholder at a given moment in time or place. It constantly evolves and restructures itself to fit the circumstances of the day. In America same-sex marriages are being perpetrated as an accepted lifestyle and the boy scouts are being encouraged to accept gays from members to leaders. Last week the French National Assembly approved an article of a bill to legalise same-sex marriage. Denmark introduced civil partnerships for same-sex couples in 1989 but stopped short of allowing church weddings. Norway, Sweden and Iceland followed suit allowing partnerships without the rights and obligations of marriage. On April 1st 2001 the first legal gay marriage ceremony was held in Amsterdam. In June 2003, the Vatican launched a global campaign against gay marriage. Two years later, despite a 600,000-strong petition organised by a Catholic group and a rally in Madrid opposing it, same-sex marriage was introduced in Spain. Across the nations we are seeing sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage being accepted as ‘truth’

Pray: for Christians across the nations to stand for the truth of God's Word with regards to marriage and for God’s wisdom to replace secular opinions. (Ps.45:4)


Thursday, 11 July 2013 16:04

The word Islam means ‘submission to the will of Allah’. Allah is the God of Islam. Members of Islam are called Muslims meaning ‘those who submit’. The purpose of the Ramadan season is to take Muslims away from their normal lifestyle and make them re-examine their life in the context of a higher ideal. For example, experiencing hunger makes you more aware of the poor. During Ramadan Muslims around the world face towards Mecca, the holiest city in Islam to pray five times a day. Today, and throughout Ramadan during your time of prayer, ask that God's spirit would descend upon all these people. During this season of Ramadan as Muslims seek the truth pray that they will know the True God. Pray also for Christians living in Saudi Arabia and other closed countries to embody the essence of God in their speech, actions and thoughts, allowing Him to be revealed to all. For a Ramadan prayer calendar go to:

Pray: that seekers will be found by the Alpha and the Omega of faith. (Rev.1:8a)



Thursday, 05 July 2012 14:32

Some time ago Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ wrote. ‘We are experiencing an amazing phenomenon. Moslems are having dreams and visions confirming the reality of Christ’. The month of Ramadan runs from July 20th to August 18th and followers fast from food and water during daylight hours believing it’s a holy opportunity to draw closer to God through obedience rules. Many mosques have extended prayer times. Seekers cry out to God for revelation, and at the same time many Christians pray for Muslims to encounter Jesus. Reports are multiplying of Muslims converting to Christianity through dreams during Ramadan and at other times. A survey of 600 ex-Muslim believers showed 42% of Africans came to Christ through visions, dreams, angelic appearances and hearing God's voice. One-fourth of the world’s Muslim population live in the Maldives, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. (457 million) For encouraging stories of Muslims experiencing supernatural encounters with Jesus Christ click the more button.

Pray: for dreams and visions of Jesus Christ, for Muslims to have opportunities to hear Christian broadcasts, access Christian websites and come into contact with Christians at this time. (Ac.2:14-21)



Saturday, 21 August 2010 08:24

For some Christians around the world, Ramadan represents an opportunity to talk about Christ while Muslims are seeking truth, but for believers in mostly Muslim nations, this Islamic holy month is a time to lay low. Open Doors reported there was an upsurge against Christians in the Muslim world during Ramadan last year. Egypt being one of the worst with a church burned to the ground and at least 155 Egyptian Christians arrested for not participating in Ramadan. This year tension rises after Muslims attacked Christians in Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan and other nations just before Ramadan. The potential for a increase in persecution in the next 28 days is high. For Muslim-background believers who have come to Christ from their Islam background, there's extra pressure on them to return to Islam. These new converts have tremendous pressure from their families, including death threats and many have to leave their homes and families.

Pray: for believers protection and ability to recognise opportunities to share Christ - particularly when Muslims have dreams or visions of Jesus. (Joel 2:28)


Monday, 28 November 2011 22:01

Between 18th and 25th of November the United Nations discussed a new international law on cluster bombs. Religious groups are opposing proposals currently being discussed saying it would put more civilians at risk than an existing treaty. The new law supported by the US, Russia, Israel, China and India would mandate the destruction of all cluster bombs produced before 1980, but allow stockpiled weapons to be used for up to 12 years. It would also allow the continued use of munitions that had a failure rate of less than 1% . A cluster bomb releases smaller ‘bomblets’ designed to kill civilians, damage vehicles and enemy munitions. The Oslo Convention 2010 was ratified by 111 countries and imposed a comprehensive ban on cluster bombs and ordered the destruction of existing stockpiles. The five countries supporting the new law have not signed the Oslo Convention.

Pray: for international Christian groups currently working to eradicate these weapons to be successful – the Mennonites in the US, Tasmania Australia and Canadian churches and the Church of England. (Php.4:1)


Saturday, 26 October 2013 15:26

In the traditional Church calendar All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day in the month of November are set apart to remember the saints and the souls of departed Christians. The modern Church has set apart November 3-10 to remember and pray for the persecuted Church during the international days of prayer for the persecuted Church’ (IDOP). November 3rd is the day set apart in the UK and Ireland, however individuals are free to choose another date if they wish. Believers in Egypt, Eritrea, India, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan and Vietnam face violence, imprisonment and even death because of their faith in Jesus Christ. In North Korea hidden acts of persecution take place. 2013’s focus includes Indian Christians suffering increasing persecution by militants wanting a Hindu-only nation. We can pray that this year many thousands will stand alongside the persecuted Church praying that they will be able to stand firm and to continue making known the mystery of the Gospel to their neighbours.

Pray: for God to strengthen, encourage and protect those Christians living in places where faith costs the most. (Ro.1:16)



Thursday, 30 May 2013 16:24

Two men engaged in a horrific act of violence on the streets of London by using a meat cleaver to hack to death a British soldier. The assailants shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and a video showing one of the assailants citing Islam as well as a desire to avenge and stop UK violence against Muslims spread across media outlets. Also last week, a disturbing video made the social media rounds showing an armed Syrian rebel dismembering a dead Syrian government soldier’s body, extracting an organ and taking a bite out of it while saying, ‘We swear to Allah that we will eat your hearts and livers, you soldiers of Bashar the dog.’ We’ve seen this before with a bloody beheadings of Daniel Pearl and hundreds of others. We’ve seen the lynching of Israeli soldiers by men who then held up their blood-drenched hands in celebration.

Pray: for government implemented media blocks on articles that encourage further acts of terrorism. (Ps.2:1-7) Pray for families of victims of terrorist crimes as they become ‘to-days news.’ (Ps.17:8)



Saturday, 26 October 2013 15:32

30 million people are held as slaves today. Global awareness is rising but there is no major breakthrough. The survivors need healing and jobs with dignity. Jobs are also essential for adequate prevention of human trafficking. A Business as Mission (BAM) think tank’s report explores ways to combat slave trade with concrete and practical steps for businesses to engage in. This report helps Companies understand how businesses can become Freedom Businesses. Martin Luther King said, ‘When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we’re free at last!’

Pray: that this call to freedom through businesses working together would ring out, be heard and acted upon globally. (Ps.133)

