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Monday, 07 June 2010 18:56

Hindu nationalists on May 27 falsely accused a pastor of forcible conversion in Karnataka after disrupting a worship service. The Global Council of Indian Christians reported that the Hindus also warned the Christians not to worship in the area. Extremists from Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh barged into the rented home of Pastor Barmanagowda as he led a house church service affiliated with the Karnataka Evangelical Association. The extremists forced the pastor to the police station and filed a complaint of alleged forcible conversions. They warned him against conducting worship services in the village and told him to vacate his home and leave the area. On May 23rd in Andhra Pradesh Hindu extremists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh damaged a church building and installed an idol of the Hindu god Hanuman inside it. (This deity is believed to give courage, hope, knowledge, intellect and devotion).

Pray: for God to give the persecuted church in India strength, hope and wisdom as they continue to gather in His name. (Ps: 25:1-2)


Friday, 09 July 2010 16:56

In India, Hindu extremists have continued to victimize pastors by using anti-conversion laws as an excuse to attack Christians, thereby limiting church activities. UK based Release International (RI) said in a recent report that pastors were beaten and cars burnt amid accusations of forced conversion. The RI report stated that on June 23, two pastors from Bethel Assembly of God Church were seriously injured when men attacked them with iron bars in Chandapura, Karnataka state, accusing them of converting people to Christianity by force. Before that attack some extremists burnt at least seven vehicles belonging to the Jesus with Us Pentecostal Church in Mathikere, Tamil Nadu. This attack followed efforts by Hindu extremists to prevent the church holding a four-day convention and that in the event, the gathering went ahead in a different location, under police protection. Eight Indian states have introduced anti-conversion laws however Tamil Nadu has since repealed them.

Pray: that the church in India will remain steadfast in their faith and pray that politicians and law enforcers will take a tougher line on extremist elements. (2Th.1:4)


Thursday, 27 June 2013 14:46

Every summer hundreds of thousands of devout Hindus make the Char Dham Yatra pilgrimage to four temple towns in Uttarakhand, returning before monsoon rains begin in July. This year early monsoon rains,the heaviest in 80 years, swept away entire villages in Uttarakhand along with thousands of pilgrims. The Army has evacuated 100,000 stranded people. The Air Force is conducting search and rescue operations with 45 helicopters - but bad weather has hampered progress. They were unable to fly to the temple town of Badrinath where 5,000 pilgrims need rescuing. Officials said they must get to the affected areas urgently - time is running out for survivors. Thousands have no shelter, fresh water or food. On Wednesday morning Air Force Chief NAK Browne visited Uttarakhand to boost the morale of pilots a day after a rescue helicopter crashed near a pilgrimage site. More than 800 have died in the floods so far.

Pray: for the thousands who still need rescuing from remote mountain areas, for the children, elderly and vulnerable who are most at risk. (Neh.9:17b & Ps.86:15)



Thursday, 12 January 2012 14:01

The Catholic Secular Forum (CSF) reported Islamic and Hindu extremists in India are posing as Christians and infiltrating churches and Christian NGOs to obtain information about them to pass it on to radical groups. The CSF is also concerned that the tendency to post photos of Christian celebrations around the internet and on social networking sites is putting Christians at greater risk. Recently Pastor Khanna was arrested after a video surfaced on YouTube showing him baptising Kashmiri Muslim men. Although Christians in most parts of India enjoy religious freedom, there are pockets in the country, most notably Orissa, where Christians are being targeted by radicals.

Pray: that information about Christians available on the internet would not be used to generate violence.



Thursday, 06 December 2012 11:41

Christians in India's most religiously intolerant state have witnessed heightened violence in the past weeks, including Hindu extremists attempting to slit the throat of a pastor as he lay hospitalized from a previous attack, sources said. Christians or their property are attacked an average of three times per week in Karnataka, Christian Legal Association Senior Advocate S. Nova Bethania told Morning Star News, who said the extremists took four Christians to a Hindu temple, where they forcibly bathed them in water and told them to eat sacrificial meat, said a pastor who goes by a single name, Annaiah. Christian leaders reported the incident to police, but officers refused to take action. Later Morning Star News reported, the Hindu extremists marched toward the district collector's office shouting anti-Christian slogans, demanded Pastor Annaiah's arrest on accusations of forceful conversion and burned an effigy of him.

Pray: for all those who are under attack from Hindu extremists that God will protect them from violent assaults. (2Th.3:3)



Friday, 09 July 2010 16:59

Suspected Islamic militants have chopped off a Catholic professor’s hand in Kerala for allegedly insulting Islam in an exam question paper. Professor T.J. Joseph was attacked on July 4 while returning home from Sunday mass with his mother and sister, a Catholic nun. Kochi inspector-general of police, B. Sandya, told that an Islamic extremist group is suspected of the crime and have arrested four people and impounded a vehicle. She said the attackers used the vehicle to block Joseph’s car before dragging the professor from his vehicle and chopping off his right hand. The attackers then threw the hand away before fleeing. Church-managed Newman College in Thodupuzha had suspended Joseph, its Malayalam professor, on March 25 for allegedly preparing a question paper with insulting references to the Prophet Muhammad.

Pray: against the evil that fills the hearts and minds of those who perpetrate such crimes. (Ph.3:2)


Thursday, 21 July 2011 08:50

Dalit, which means ‘trampled upon,’ refers to lower caste Indians treated as ‘untouchables’ in Indian society. They perform menial jobs while living in segregation from upper castes in rural areas. A Catholic bishop in south India has admitted that Dalit Christians are being forced to forsake their faith due to continued discrimination against them under Indian laws. Bishop Anthony Poola told a seminar at Hyderabad on 1 July that the Government is acting as missionary agent of Hinduism. An estimated five million Christians have left their faith due to this continuing discrimination. In 1950, the government gave Hindu Dalits Scheduled Caste status in an effort to improve their social standing, but it has been denied to Christian Dalits, who account for two-thirds of the 27 million Christians in India.

Pray: for true justice and acceptance for Christians in India and for Christian Dalits to know God's provision for them. (Ps.54:1-4)



Friday, 01 July 2011 19:07

Churches in India have called for a three-day hunger strike July 25th, 26th and a rally to Parliament on the 27th demanding Scheduled Caste status for Dalit Christians and Muslims. It is a matter of great concern for the Church in India that its own people who belong to the Dalit community are denied Scheduled Caste status, the National Council of Churches in India statement said. NCCI along with Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India have taken many initiatives but now realize it's imperative to step on the gas to achieve the goal. Christians of Scheduled Caste Origin have been seeking the right for equal Constitutional provisions on par with Dalits of the country. The campaign coordinators have obtained the letters of support for the cause from major political parties except the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Pray: for a fair Constitutional mandate that will allow Christian and Muslim Dalits Scheduled Cast status. (Ex.23:6)


Wednesday, 29 September 2010 12:08

Two days ago the athletes village faulty infrastructure was highlighted when a bridge collapsed injuring 23 workers. On 31st July India Sports News and the Times of India reported New Delhi officials uncovering evidence of corruption in construction projects and illegal cash transfers for contractors developing the site. Officials of India's Government Watchdog reported construction quality certificates scrutinized in 16 games-related projects had turned out to be fake or suspect. Also another corruption scandal over money being transferred from the Commonwealth Games account to a little-known film company based in London was discovered in July.’ see The BBC reported, ‘From the time of winning the bid New Delhi was accused of influencing the voting in its favour by offering cash inducements to Commonwealth member countries and when building work began it was behind schedule and under the control of 20 competing organising committees. 45 workers have died in accidents since work began. See Pray: for an end to this corruption and any other hidden corruption and exploitation, resulting in future safe working conditions, honest dealings and security for the Games. (Is.56:1)


Friday, 24 August 2012 14:30

Churches are initiating steps to broker peace and restore harmony in the northeast Indian state of Assam, which has been rocked by bloody clashes between local ethnic Bodo people and Muslim migrants. ‘We have hosted leaders of both communities twice already. We are now preparing a larger meeting of both communities after Ramadan,’ Roman Catholic bishop Thomas Pulloppillil of Bongaigaon diocese that comprises the troubled region, told ENInews on 15 August. The clashes have left 78 dead and over 400,000 refugees. Three dozen leaders of Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran and other Protestant churches had to travel in tractors, motorbikes and even boats to reach relief camps sheltering displaced families in remote areas even as sporadic violence continued. ‘Brokering peace is not an easy task in the present situation. But we are trying our best to restore harmony,’ Benzjlaigra Moshahary of the Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church (NELC) and a member of the Inter Church Peace Mission, told ENInews.

Pray: that God will protect His people as they seek to do His will. (Eph.4:3)
