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Displaying items by tag: 200 Governments

Friday, 24 March 2023 06:05

Global: Plastic rubbish

We’re facing mountains of plastic pollution. 2 billion people have no safe way to dispose of rubbish, and its people in poverty who are suffering the worst impacts of the rubbish problem. They must live and work among piles of waste, which releases toxic fumes, floods communities and causes up to a million deaths annually. During 2023 and 2024, nearly 200 governments are meeting to develop the first-ever global treaty on plastic pollution. But it’s not a done deal, so Christians from six continents are calling people to take bold action and petition their leaders who are responsible for food and rural affairs or the environment, plus all who are negotiating on the plastics treaty - To create an effective, binding plan that holds big polluters to account, reduces plastic production, supports the vital work of waste pickers, and ends the impacts of plastic pollution on people living in poverty. See

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