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Displaying items by tag: False Teaching

Thursday, 16 January 2020 20:17

Ghana: spiritual warfare

Spiritual warfare and the mission of the church is woven into Pentecostal / charismatic Christianity as a form of pastoral care. Supporters of spiritual warfare call themselves charismatic prophets and create ritual context for dealing with the problems of life related to education, marriage, promotion, etc. Witchcraft, in particular, may be blamed for both personal and communal problems. It is not uncommon for Ghanaians to explain alcoholism as the result of the wickedness of family witches who seek to bring victims to ruin. Mental health and human reproductive problems are similarly explained as the work of evil spirits. In Pentecostal traditions, unless deliverance occurs through warfare prayers, the influences of evil are believed to continue until people’s lives are completely wrecked. This teaching does not call for ‘victims’ to be personally responsible for their actions.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 12 September 2019 22:22

Benny Hinn and the prosperity gospel

Benny Hinn says he is done with the prosperity gospel. Since the 1980s, he has taught that God rewards active faith with health and wealth. But on 2 September, during his weekly broadcast,  he told his studio audience and those watching online, ‘I am correcting my own theology and you all need to know it. The blessings of God are not for sale; miracles are not for sale; and prosperity is not for sale.’ Hinn said he now believes ‘give-to-get theology’ is offensive to God. He specifically repudiated the practice of asking for ‘seed money’, where evangelists tell people that God will bless them if they give a specific amount. He himself has done this numerous times, promising God will give material blessings in exchange for a gift of $1,000. He said he would not do it any more. Many are praying he will be true to his word.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 13 April 2018 04:40

Portion of a reflection on today’s Church

Jesus, Paul and John warned of counterfeit spiritual activity and false doctrine in the last days - Christians will fall away. The following are observations from David Noakes - It is of vital importance in these days that we are alert to the dangers of false teaching. Those of us who teach must be diligent to declare the whole counsel of God; it was only on that basis that Paul was able to declare ‘I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God’ (Acts 20:27). He was warning the Ephesian church elders to be equally diligent saying that we in the church need to re-examine our diet of the seemingly-endless flow of books and magazines, and to ensure that above all we are fully acquainted and familiar with the whole of the Bible. Only by knowing what is in God's word can we walk in safety.

Published in British Isles