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Displaying items by tag: Famine Emergency

Friday, 24 March 2023 06:08

Somalia: Christian Aid prayer for East Africa

43,000 people died during Somalia’s longest drought on record. 18,000 deaths are expected in the first half of 2023. Christian Aid is urging the UK's government to act immediately and for us to pray the following prayer. ‘Loving God, When Famine stalks the land, nothing grows. Plants cannot, people cannot, ideas and dreams cannot, and everything dies. It is a violent anomaly of your will for the world, and it is multiplied by covid conflict and climate change. God of flourishing fields, there is enough to feed everyone. Call us to that sacred sharing neighbour to global neighbour Your gifts of food, water, a chance to live the life so delicately crafted by your divine spirit. May we turn towards each other with generosity and justice-driven compassion that searches for solutions. Famine stalks the land, so may our outrage grow, may our determination steel itself, and may our solidarity spur us into action. Help us feed each other. Amen’

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