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Displaying items by tag: J John

Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:15

Singapore: Celebration of Hope 17-19 May

Thousands of Christians have travelled to Singapore to grow in the knowledge of God’s power and grasp the concept of Holy Spirit-led personal evangelism. They will become part of a Gospel rally led by Canon J John. The organisers expect that his message will encourage thousands to reach their friends and relatives with the Good News that Jesus Christ is Lord - the one name in which everyone can have solid hope. The vision is of personal evangelism on a mass scale, culminating in Gospel rallies at the 55,000 capacity national stadium over three days. Pray for all of them as they worship together and listen to the message of evangelism; may they duplicate the training learnt over the three days in their home churches. Pray for brokenness in spirit, oneness in the Body, and a bountiful harvest. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 09 May 2019 23:29

J John to speak in Belfast

Christians across Northern Ireland have the opportunity to bring relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues to hear the good news of Jesus Christ proclaimed by evangelist J John in CS Lewis Square, Belfast. The square features seven bronze sculptures from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, including the great lion, Aslan. As J John preaches the gospel in this unique setting, organisers and supporting churches will be praying that many come to know the true and living Christ. The last evangelistic event in Belfast was in 1923. At that time 2,000 dock workers marched straight from work, still wearing their dungarees, to go and hear evangelist WP Nicholson preach. Such was the power of his preaching that a shed named the ‘Nicholson shed’ was erected in the shipyard, to house the stolen tools that newly-converted workers returned.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:16

The black hole and the cross

J John writes, ‘As I thought about black holes in this run-up to Easter, I found myself contrasting the idea of the black hole with the cross. There are comparisons - the black hole looks inward while the cross points out, takes in while the cross gives out, brings destruction while the cross brings life. Those opposing images could be principles that govern our lives. Do we take in or do we give out? Is our priority our own well-being or that of others? Do we focus on the fulfilment of our own desires or the concerns of those about us? Each of us must choose what principle we live under; to decide whether the geometry of our lives is the shape of the cross or the monstrous and ever hungry circle of the black hole. These two opposing principles are important when it comes to Christian involvement in society. We can choose to look inwards or outwards. Jesus constantly encouraged his followers to be salt and light.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 25 January 2019 09:56

J John: pray about Brexit

J John has recently commented: ‘However Brexit is resolved, it offers both encouragements and challenges to us who pray. Brexit is a symptom of a world that appears to have gone off-script. Many of the pillars of our world have either been destroyed or are shaking badly. Within a lifetime we have gone from a culture founded on solid Judeo-Christian values to one in which the only fundamental truth is that there is no truth. In the dysfunctional world we live in, prayer and praising remind us that, however spectacular the damage to these pillars is, they do not in fact hold up the world. Underneath and over this world is God, and he remains immovable. Psalm 11 says, “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne.” Nothing has changed. Prayer reminds us that where the world sees only instability, we can focus beyond to eternal stability.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 June 2017 12:00

JustOne Day with J John

On Saturday 8 July 2017 at 3 pm, over 40,000 people of all ages will gather at the Emirates Stadium in London. Thousands will hear how the Good News of Jesus can transform lives and bring purpose. The simple idea is that JustOne will enable 20,000 people to invite a ‘plus one’ - a relative, friend, neighbour or colleague. The event is being led by J John - born less than two miles from the Emirates Stadium - who will talk about the relevance of Jesus and what he can do in our lives today. Worship will be led by Matt Redman, Hillsong London, Dr Noel Tredinnick with a large children’s choir, Noel Robinson. and the London Community Gospel Choir. Canon Andrew White (Jerusalem Ministries), Julia Immonen (Sport for Freedom), Lord Michael Hastings (KPMG) and Linvoy Primus (Faith and Football) will be among a number of people sharing their testimonies.

Published in Praise Reports