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Displaying items by tag: Prayer needed

Local ethnic or folk religions have seen great losses to the larger religious movements. They were the dominant faith among 30% of the world in 1900, but only among 9% today. Yet traditional religion has not gone away. Many followers of world religions wear their faith lightly and remain, at heart, followers of folk religions: shamanists, idol worshippers, spiritists or ancestor worshippers. The worldwide fascination with spells, amulets, crystals, and the occult highlights the power of the old ways. People who claim to connect with the spirit-world are still in demand around the world. Their presence is a kind of tax on fear. Yet people who have turned to Christ from folk religion testify to His power over spells, curses, fears, taboos and superstitions, and also in the life-and-death issues like sin and forgiveness. Pray for His light to shine ever brighter into the world of animism.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:56

National Call to Prayer on 28 March - reminder

There will be a national week of prayer around the day we are due to leave the EU. This is an initiative, inspired by some Christians working in the Government, to invite Christians to come together to pray for our nation, without a political agenda - just praying for God's will to be done - at this key time in our nation's history. Individuals who cannot join others in city gatherings in Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, and London are invited to host a prayer event in their church, village, town or city. Pray for the nation to be mobilised in powerful intercession. To find a prayer event near you, or register your event, go to

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 January 2019 09:13

Countries needing prayer in 2019

Cameroon’s president Paul Biya said he wants dialogue with separatist elements to end the ongoing security crisis in the country’s English-speaking regions. But in the same breath, he threatened, ‘If my appeal to warmongers remains unheeded, the defence and security forces will be instructed to neutralise them. I am aware of the difficulties the rebels are putting citizens in.’ Criminal gangs are exploiting the chaos to expand their activities. See http://www.africanews.com/2018/12/31/cameroon-president-ready-for-dialogue-over-anglophone-crisis/ Pray also for peace in Venezuela, for the thousands who have fled, and the families of those killed. 90% of Venezuelans live in poverty. Malnutrition is rampant. Once-eradicated diseases have returned. 3 million have fled to Colombia. Outsiders say President Maduro is a control freak, and Venezuelans need a revolution. Pray that Mr Maduro will listen to wisdom that will bring relief to citizens. See https://www.forbes.com/sites/francescoppola/2018/12/31/why-venezuelas-hyperinflation-problem-is-so-difficult-to-solve/#660ea3c6373c For other urgent international challenges, click the ‘More’ link.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 February 2017 09:19

London mayor accused of double standards

Ex-UKIP chief Nigel Farage has accused London mayor Sadiq Khan of hypocrisy for attacking US President Trump’s travel ban while inviting ambassadors from countries which refuse entry to Israeli citizens. At a meeting in City Hall on Tuesday night, Khan condemned Trump’s so-called ‘Muslim ban’ for being a ‘cruel, prejudiced and counterproductive’ policy. Also present at the reception were diplomatic representatives from eleven of the sixteen countries which do not allow entry to Israelis. Farage took to Twitter to call the London mayor a hypocrite. However, LSE professor and Middle East expert Fawaz A Gerges told the Independent that the two situations are totally different. ‘Trump’s ban is a Muslim ban, based on religious discrimination and racial discrimination. The relationship between Israel and its Arab neighbours is one of war since 1947 - for the last 70 years. By trying to force comparison, it just flies in the face of reality, it’s apples and oranges, sky and sea,’ he said. ‘What Trump has done has undermined America as a moral voice in the world.’

Published in British Isles