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Displaying items by tag: Visegrad group

Friday, 03 August 2018 09:59

Europe not coping with mass migration

Not only does Europe continue to fragment as anti-migration views gain political force, but because of the migration crisis, the EU's internal border-free zone, Europe's most precious possession after World War II, ‘is in danger’, according to the Italian and Austrian governments. Recently the Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, joined the leaders of the four countries that make up the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). When discussing the protection of borders he said, ‘We need a Europe that can defend us.’ According to a report by the Heritage Foundation, many believe that recent massive migration has created excessive problems for internal stability in Europe, and security has been compromised. Immigration also challenges ethnic and religious coexistence; quoting 10% of Jewish citizens in Paris being forced to move because they were no longer safe, calling it a silent ethnic cleansing. Statistics also show that the controversial quota system for migrants is failing.

Published in Europe