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Displaying items by tag: World Prayer Centre

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:20

IPC Calendar

2020 a year of evangelism across the UK


Global Gathering of networks engaged in church planting - Thailand - 3-8 February. (Invite only)

5 Days of Prayer for the Khawlan Tribe - 14-18th Feb


Seek God for the City Feb 26–Apr 5, 2020


The World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK, National Conference 9-11 March


Watchmen Gathering - Seoul, South Korea, 25th-28th March


North East Asia Prayer Summit, Seoul, South Korea, April 7-9, 2020


Go 2020 – Reaching 1 Billion for Christ - May 2020


4th Caribbean Prayer Summit, Montego Bay, 21st-24th May,

EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10 days Spring - May 21- 31


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


The Graham tour 2020. 9 cities celebrating Billy Graham crusades across the UK


17th SEA PRAYER Council in Hanoi, Vietnam - 6-9 October


National Prayer Assembly (USA), Washington, D.C., October 14-15


UPRising Events Calendar

12bUPRISING EUROPE (Battle, UK) – July 6-10, 2020
FB: Uprising Europe
IG: @uprisingeurope

UPRISING AUSTRALIA (Sydney, Australia) --  July 14-18, 2020
FB: UPRising Australia
IG: @uprising.australia

UPRISING NEW ENGLAND (New England, USA)--  Nov 19-21, 2020
FB: United Prayer Rising - New England

- UPRISING MINDANAO (Mindanao, Philippines)-- dates TBA
- UPRISING BUKIDNON (Northern Mindanao)
- UPRISING CARAGA (Butuan, Bislig, and Surigao)
- UPRISING DIGOS (Davao Del Sur)
- UPRISING CENTRAL MINDANAO (South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, and General Santos)
FB: United Prayer Rising Mindanao
FB: United Prayer Rising North Mindanao
IG: @uprisingmindanao

Thursday, 23 January 2020 22:01

Watch and pray on 31 January

Many have been praying, and will continue to pray for Brexit in the lead up to 31 January. The following is an invitation from the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham: ‘You are invited to watch and pray. This is a day for those called to be watchmen for our nation and the nations. It will be a time to watch, listen, worship and pray. We will be focusing on praying for Brexit as we may be leaving the EU on 31 January - deal or no deal. We will also pray for other national and global issues that God reveals to us. Refreshments are provided, but bring a packed lunch. There are many shops and cafes nearby.’ For more details, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 November 2019 23:24

Pray for the election

Passion for the Nation reminds us that ‘the favour that brings promotion and power does not come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God’ (Psalm 75:7). Pray that every political party will be filled by gifted people on whom God’s favour rests; men and women of righteousness and integrity, who will know, experience and be guided by heaven’s wisdom and truth, aligning this nation with Kingdom purposes and plans. We can declare that God’s light will shine into every dark place, and we speak God’s plans for good over every other agenda, in the name of Jesus. The Evangelical Alliance has launched a prayer series entitled ‘Praying ahead of the general election’. CARE has recently gone live on a bespoke election website, EngaGE19. The World Prayer Centre team have invited Christians to join them at PrayerShift on 9 November, Watch and Pray on 25 November, and intercession on 12 December. See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 November 2019 23:14

Hope for the Countryside’s prayer day

Each year the Hope for the Countryside partnership hosts a day to gather those with a heart to see a fresh move of the Holy Spirit across all of rural England. The next one is on Saturday 16 November in Sutton Lanes End Macclesfield, from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm. This is very much open to all who live in our cities and towns as well as in the countryside! Come and join us to worship, learn and pray together - or give some time to pray wherever you will be. Download a flyer for more details: With Brexit postponed, and its implications for farming still unclear and uncertain, farmers are even more anxious about what might be ahead. They are also divided as to what they believe is best for farming’s future, The NFU said a no-deal Brexit would be catastrophic, but a September poll showed over 40% of farmers favor this outcome.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 17 January 2019 15:51

Shepherds & Suddenly's

At the beginning of a New Year and at this time of reset on our WPC journey, I have felt a prompting from God to call for Shepherds to prepare for a suddenly, some of which will be good and others challenging.

We cannot plan a suddenly for ourselves, but we can prepare for a suddenly in the place God has placed us, on the journey He has called us to take. In preparing for whatever God will release or allow, I have looked at how a few people in Scripture received and dealt with their suddenly experience and how in many cases a suddenly changed the course of history.

Jacob (Israel) who would shepherd huge flocks, is on a journey. Suddenly angels are climbing up and down ladders and God is saying, “I am the Lord the God of your father Abraham and your father Isaac, I will give you the land you are lying on.” From that holy, fearful place that he called the house of God, the gate of heaven, Jacob the twister, changed to one who blessed and prophesied a nation into being.

Moses is tending the flock when suddenly a bush is burning but is not burned up. Moses, more humble than anyone on the face of the earth, faithful in all God’s house, who talked to God face-to-face, leads the nation Jacob blessed, out of captivity into freedom.

David is out tending the sheep when he suddenly gets the call from Samuel to lead the nation and deal with the giants that are trying to kill God’s flock. Psalm 78 tells us that he did so with integrity of heart and skilful hands. No wonder he could write with such authority, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.”

When God wanted to use a king who did not even acknowledge Him to rebuild God’s city and set the exiles free, He said of Cyrus, “He is my shepherd.”

When hundreds and hundreds of years later God wants to announce the greatest happening in world history, He finds a bunch of shepherds, on watch, and suddenly the skies are filled with the glory of the Lord. An angel freaks them out, the biggest choir heaven could send turns up and such is the impact they decide to go and see this thing that has happened, acknowledging the truth they had been told. World history suddenly changed.

33 years later, suddenly to His followers, this Good Shepherd is being led like a lamb to the slaughter, laying down His life for the sheep of all nations to know God’s Mercy, His Grace, His Freedom, His Justice and His incomparable love.

When Peter was asked by Jesus to, “feed His sheep,” his ministry of shepherding started at a prayer meeting in which suddenly the Holy Spirit comes, shakes the house and shakes him and his friends out of the house, to turn the known world upside down.

When God wants to call a nation into His purposes, when He wants to bring a nation into freedom, when He wants to protect a nation from powerful people, when He wants someone to restore, renew, and rebuild, when He wants to turn our world upside down, He takes a shepherd with a limp, a shepherd on the run, the shepherd who is the odd one in the family, a king shepherd who needs straightening out, a denying disciple, an obedient son and suddenly uses them to prepare the way of the Lord in a family, community, nation and the nations. The coming of His kingdom on earth as in Heaven.

At a time of national and global uncertainty, whether we are shepherds in a family, a church, in a community or in Government, wherever God has placed us, let us as good shepherds keep watch. Prepare for a suddenly, in humility, integrity, skilfully, faithfully and in obedience, with a willingness to go and see and believe what God is doing and join Him, even if in our humanity it freaks us out.

Are you ready?


Source:  Ian Cole, Founder of World Prayer Centre

Published in WPC News
Tuesday, 06 November 2018 16:37

The Ancient path

So much of our everyday life journey is governed by the decisions we make; what we eat, what we wear, what we say, where we go, the people we speak to, the directions we take, all contribute to our decision making. We can choose to be positive or negative, critical or encouraging, build up or bring down. Our decisions are generally based on our past, what we have been taught, what we have experienced or what we are experiencing at a given moment. Often decisions are made on an individual basis, sometimes collectively, sometimes they are rash, sometimes considered, but all have consequences. As individuals, families, churches, local authorities, governments, and global authorities, decisions are made every day that affect our lives and the lives of everyone on planet earth.

The Christian journey begins with a decision. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we are convicted of our sin and our need for a Saviour and we decide to follow Jesus and receive the forgiveness and life He gives. From that moment on, a struggle begins between the new nature that Jesus gives us and our desire to do things His way and the old nature that wants to do things my way. That struggle started in Genesis and continues to this day. Throughout history, in the Old Testament and the New Testament, people lived with good consequences from good decisions made and bad consequences from bad decisions made.

In the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, God speaks to a nation and says, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls.” Later in the same book, God speaks again and says, “Obey Me and I will be your God and you will be My people. Walk in all the ways I command you that it may go well with you.” In other words, make a good decision.

Today and every day we as individuals, families, churches and indeed our nation stand at crossroads. A point is reached, a decision has to be made. It was the same for the people of Israel in Jeremiah’s day; unfortunately for them, they decided they would not listen to what God was saying but listened to what they wanted to hear from leaders who were deceitful and greedy, who were saying peace, peace when there was no peace.

Today in this hectic, rushing, high speed, sat-nav driven journey of life, God once again is asking for us to stand, pause and consider, look and ask for the ancient paths. Ask where the good way is and walk in it. Walk in the way that brings rest for your souls. So what does that mean for those caught up in today’s frantic pace of life or those caught up in the, ‘don’t know where we are going,’ lifestyle?

Hundreds of years before Jesus, a very wise man wrote, “In the way of righteousness there is life; along with that path there is immortality.” He also wrote, “There is a way that seems right to man but in the end, it leads to death.” 2000 years ago, Jesus taught that there were two paths we could take. In His words, “One was a broad path that led to destruction and the other a path that led to life.”

Today in all of life’s twists and turns, we chose to follow Jesus who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me.” Today, as again we stand at the crossroads, we decide by the grace of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in the way of faith, the way of holiness, the way of obedience to God’s Word. It may be an ancient way, but we are promised we will travel well and find rest for our souls. We truly will never walk alone. We would love your company on the journey.

Ian Cole

Published in WPC News
Tuesday, 06 November 2018 16:03

Revisiting your dreams

Yesterday, I was in a meeting and talking to a friend of mine. He had been prayed for at a global conference and told to go to Big Ben and declare it was time for God to move in our nation. He did this two years ago, soon after he was walloped with a host of issues and challenges. I felt I should ask him whether he needed to go back to the call and see if there was unfinished business. Later in the afternoon, we were concluding the meeting when a colleague suddenly said to my friend, “I think God is telling you to revisit your call to Big Ben”. My friend said “That’s interesting because I am just revisiting the prophetic word on my laptop.”

I believe this is a season to revisit our dreams. We may have lost faith, focus, or belief but God tells us to hold onto that word, one season of prayer may not be enough. We need to have persistent faith to see the fullness of the promise coming through. Waiting is an important spiritual discipline. Abraham had to wait for God’s promise. Joseph had many setbacks as he waited for his dreams to be fulfilled. Moses and Israel had to wait before entering the land of promise. David sets himself to wait patiently for God to fulfil his promise of kingship. In waiting we humble ourselves, we let go of our plans and wait on God’s. We become more aware that only a sovereign work of God can really deliver the fullness of the promise.

In a time of spiritual drought there are few dreams, “In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.” 1 Samuel 3:1. When the spirit falls “Your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions.” Acts 2:17. I believe we are in a time of awakening when God is going to fill many of us with a deep passion to see past promises fulfilled (and is stirring up many new dreams). It may be the return of a prodigal, it may be for a breakthrough, it may be to see the fire of God move in your church.

One thing is at the heart of this. Intimacy with Jesus. He is the author and perfector of our faith. He guides and inspires our prayers. Let us hear His words of preparation to the disciples at the last supper, “I tell you this timeless truth; the person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do – even greater miracles than these because I go to the Father! For I will do whatever you ask me to do when you ask in my name.” (John 14: 12 – 14 – Passion). Intimacy enables us to bring our dreams to Jesus, and to fully align with His purpose. Be open to even greater miracles!

Steve Botham, Director of World Prayer Centre

Published in WPC News
Tuesday, 09 October 2018 16:54

World Prayer Centre Annual conference 2019



“They will rebuild the ancient ruins, and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” Is.61:4

On March 11-13th 2019, World Prayer Centre will be hosting our National Prayer Conference at The Hayes conference centre, Swanwick.

We are moving to a new chapter in our nation’s history and feel this will not be like other conferences. It will be two weeks before we leave the EU - a time of great uncertainty.

Paul writes “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Col.4:2. Paul’s words sum this conference up well. It is a time to devote ourselves, give our hearts to prayer for the nation and the nations, and it is a time to be watchful and celebrate the promise and purposes of God.

God continues to challenge and encourage us to turn from the things that hold us back and turn to a closer intimacy with Jesus. The Time to Turn theme from our 2018 conference is the cry of the Father to the prodigal son, city, and nation, “Come home, turn from sin and despair, turn from hopelessness, turn from your separation – and return to me.”

We are urging people to come and devote these three days to seeking God’s purpose, focused on the great promises in Isaiah 61. He calls us to proclaim the good news to the poor, and the year of the Lord’s favour, to comfort all who mourn and put on a garment of praise.

We are in times of great change and in the midst of them, there is a biblical cry to Rebuild, Restore and Renew that takes us back to the ancient ways. It turns us fully to Jesus – His way, His purpose, His glory. It is a call to action.

Our starting point is God’s presence, drawing close in worship and love. We will have national and global updates and prayer with the WPC team and input from Dave Landrum the Director of Advocacy at the Evangelical Alliance who leads their work impacting political, cultural and economic life. We will also have Malcolm Duncan, Senior Pastor at Dundonald Elim as our guest speaker.


You can receive a reduced rate of £160 for standard rooms or £190 for en-suite rooms if you book online before 1st December.
Residential rates for 3 days include accommodation, all meals, and refreshments plus conference brochure and our high-quality speakers.

Published in WPC News
Thursday, 01 February 2018 14:50

I Love Prayer


Prayer is powerful – It writes the capital letter at the beginning of each sentence of history.
I believe that, as we intentionally connect to God and pray in agreement with His heart, we shift and alter the destiny of nations. What a privilege we have to pray. In days of uncertainty and uproar, it is easy to pray “worry prayers”, those conversations that just speak of our anxiety rather than prayers of hope and declaration. In this book we look at our devotional life of prayer, study the place of intercession, and explore the journey of prayer walking and staking our nations for Jesus. We will learn to become friends of God who understand the days in which we live and know how to pray.

Connected to God, now changing the world.
As we get connected to God’s heart, I believe that God wants the Church to become His house of prayer and write history – His story – in these turbulent days. Prayer is this special place where we connect to the heart of God and then change the world. I do not know why you pray, but I love to hear the stories of lives changed, people envisioned and hope awakened; but more than the answers to prayer, I love prayer. I love the incredible privilege we have to talk to God and become His friend.

Buy online here

Published in Books
Thursday, 01 February 2018 14:38

A trumpet call to turn back to God

The Children of Israel heard the trumpet call many times on their journey through the deserts to the Promised Land. In the seventh month, there was a blast of trumpets to proclaim a holy gathering and day of rest (Lev 23:24). Similarly, the tribes were called with a trumpet blast to stand before Mount Sinai - wrapped in smoke because the Lord descended on it in fire (Ex 19:18). They are told they must send a loud trumpet throughout the land to proclaim the Day of Atonement (Lev 25:9). In Numbers 10, they are told that trumpets will sound to summon the congregation and to break camp. When the walls of Jericho fell the trumpets blew. 120 trumpeters made a huge noise of praise and worship when Solomon dedicated the temple. Psalm 98 tells us to make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord with trumpets and the sound of the horn.

On Saturday 9th June 2018 at the International Convention Centre Birmingham, we shall be sounding the trumpet.

  • It will be a trumpet call to mobilise God's people to come and pray for our nation to turn.
  • It is a trumpet of declaration - it is time for an unprecedented turning in our nation.
  • It is the trumpet of victory - walls, barriers and obstacles come down.
  • It is a trumpet of consecration - it draws God's people into His presence.

Joel 2 shows the link between turning and trumpet blowing - "Even now" declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." At this late time, we can still turn. "For He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing." (Joel 2: 12 - 14). Here is this wonderful picture of our God and a marvellous insight into turning - as we turn, God turns. Turning shifts things in heaven.

Joel then takes this time to turn further "Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly, gather the people, and consecrate the assembly." Joel 2 :15, 16. It is time to gather. This is the great call for our times - it is time for God's people and our nations to turn away from our wicked ways and to turn to the love, mercy, forgiveness and power of Jesus.

Jean Darnall brought a substantial prophetic word to our nation fifty years ago. God was going to renew His church and awaken this nation. We would see fire and lightening and a powerful move of the spirit of God. We believe that time is now. So, we call you and your friends, and your church to a solemn assembly on 9th June.

Let us stand together to pray for renewal in the church and an awakening in the nation. It is time to turn.

Published in WPC News
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