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Displaying items by tag: World Prayer Centre

Thursday, 18 January 2018 12:13

The Call to Discipleship

The last great command that Jesus gave to His disciples was “All authority has been given to me. Therefore, go out and make disciples of all nations, baptising them ……” Matt 28:18. He did not say – “Go out and make converts”, or “Go out and find people in need of counselling”, or “Go out and sign up some church members”. These are all laudable but they are not the Great commission. Have we lost our call to make disciples?

The scriptures say Jesus taught His disciples. He committed time to them “He withdrew with them to the lake” Mark 3:7, “He was teaching His disciples” Mark 9:31. He challenged them to “let the little children come to me” Luke 18:16. He encouraged them “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8. After the resurrection “He appeared to them for 40 days and spoke to them about the Kingdom of heaven.” Acts 1:3. What an incredibly rich and wonderful period that would have been, preparing the disciples for the birth of the Church and their role within it.

We started 2018 with the resolution that we commit to be better disciples of Jesus Christ. We have found ourselves in some tremendous times of prayer and insight as we consecrate who we are and what we are doing to Jesus. In turn, He is giving us wisdom and direction and the authority to declare change.
Some years ago, research within the seeker friendly Church movement found they had made a grievous error. They had created baby Christians. There was a good track record of attracting people to services but a poor one in equipping people to pray, study the word, or bring others to Christ. The keenest Christians were the most disillusioned. Church had become a nursery for babies, a place for dependent people rather than a place sending independent people out to show Jesus to the world.

There is a book for cyclists called ‘The Rules: The Way of the Cycling Disciple’ with rules like #6 – Free your mind and your legs will follow. The letter to the Philippians gives us the ‘Way of Jesus disciples’:

  • He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. v1:16
  • I press on towards the goal, to win the prize, for which Christ has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. v3:14
  • Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your interests but each of you to the interests of others.” v2:3,4.
  • Let your gentleness be evident to all. v4:5
  • Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil His good purpose. v2: 10.11
  • Stand firm in the Lord v4.1

A friend put it to me recently “Jesus is on the throne of my heart.” As a disciple, I want Him to shape my actions, my feelings, and my life. Jesus’ standards are high. We are His servants and He wants us to serve with confidence, authority and capability. We need to understand the gifts and the abilities God has given us. Where has He called us to? We are not all the same, the body is made of many different parts. We move at different paces, are motivated by different things, work in different ways – but whoever we are, Jesus wants us to be fruitful. His servants get things done.

Disciples need to be resilient. Simon Guillebaud describes it “There’s a battle going on for our hearts. What I watch, listen to, spend money on and give time to.” We need to keep asking the question, is Jesus on the throne of our heart? We all know we can plateau, or get stuck in the past, or on what feels comfortable.
Peer discipleship can be a very powerful tool. I have worked with two other guys for nearly twenty years. We pray for each other every week by email and reflect on what God is doing in our lives and we meet together to ensure we are being stretched and challenged. This has been an essential part of my Christian walk.

Finally, we go back to Jesus command, “Go and make disciples”. In this Time 2 Turn we anticipate many coming to faith who will need welcoming and encouraging. They may not be comfortable people, they may have a very different lifestyle or experience to us. We are not called to make comfortable people to fit into comfortable churches. Our call is to make disciples, people who have found freedom in Christ, have a fire to learn about Jesus, and represent His Kingdom. It is up to us.


Steve Botham

Director of World Prayer Centre

Published in WPC News
Thursday, 18 January 2018 11:30

Becoming better disciples of Jesus

The World Prayer Centre team have been like eager students in these first few weeks of 2018. Yet again, we keep saying “Wow” because God is taking us on a journey and we thought you might like to come with us.

As part of our Resolution 2018 campaign which we started at the beginning of the year, we resolved to pray together for the first two weeks of the year in the mornings covering the topics from our campaign:

This has been a key element. Many scriptures relate to consecration, washing our hands, changing our robes and preparing to enter God’s presence. We keep coming back to “If my people” and these four acts of consecration:

  1. Humble ourselves
  2. Pray
  3. Seek His face
  4. Turn from our wicked ways.

Bill Johnson describes humbling as reflecting on our insignificance and meditating on His significance. Or as the Psalmist puts it “As the eyes of the servant look to the hand of the master, so our eyes look to the Lord our God.” (Ps. 123). Making Jesus number one has always been part of our Christian thinking but there is a new intensity to this, a deeper call to intimacy.

After consecration, we come humbly to God and dedicated 2018 to Him. We hear a holy call to dedicate all we have and all we are to Him. Part of this is a struggle because we might like to hold some things back, or adopt a wait and see approach, but servanthood is full commitment. We stood at our first Prayershift gathering of 2018, with people from across the country, at Betel in Birmingham on January 13th – dedicating this year of turning to God. Betel is the Spanish word for House of God, reflecting Jacob’s heaven to earth experience in Genesis 28 – a great encouragement to us as we started the year. They have a wonderful track record working amongst drug addicts. What an inspirational place to think of the wonderful transforming power of Jesus and why this call to turn is so vital.

We spent a lot of time in the scriptures around 2 Chron 5 – 7. They record marvellous times of celebration as the temple was dedicated. There was a huge wall of noise with 120 trumpets, hundreds of other instruments and multitudes of voices, shouting, singing, and declaring God’s praise. “For he is good, and His steadfast love endures for ever.” As the Ark of the Covenant entered the temple the place was filled with God’s glory cloud. When Solomon prays his prayer of dedication to the Lord the fire came down from heaven. Wow – let our praise be like this! As we prayed together as a team we were reminded of that familiar carol – “Hark the herald Angels sing, glory to the new born King.” Hark is not a word in common usage but it is really saying “listen up” “pay attention” – the King is here.

We met with a group called England Prayer Watch on 4-5th January for a rich 24 hours. God spoke about our hearts being at one with His, and in harmony with each other. This creates a reconciliation and unity. We were reminded that the Holy Spirt fell when the disciples were waiting and were of one mind. In lots of other settings we are hearing God’s call that His people will be one. We are turning from pride, dissension, independence and asking God to forgive us that we have often blocked the work of His Kingdom. Let us be one that we can be effective channels for the Holy Spirit to heal our land.

At Prayershift as we wanted to know if, having done these things, we could ask the King of Glory to come in (Psalm 24 takes us through a process of consecration and dedication). We believe we had the authority to pray for the doors to be opened that the King of Glory may come in. These are not times for half-heartedness. A prayer as straightforward as Thy Kingdom Come can have powerful consequences when we see the dominion of Jesus in our churches, schools, families and communities.

It is interesting to report that we went through this process of consecration, dedication, reconciliation, celebration and invitation with the England Prayer Watch group. There were intense periods of humility as we kneeled and prostrated ourselves, there was a commitment to deepen relationship, serving each other and prophetically standing shoulder to shoulder in a line for our nation.

Finally, there was the invitation –

Lord we need you. Things must break in our nation and only you can bring it about. We welcome you Jesus, the King of Glory, the life giver and nation changer. We proclaim your Lordship; let us serve You in these times. Amen


Steve Botham

Director of World Prayer Centre

Published in WPC News
Thursday, 11 January 2018 04:59

Crosswinds Prayer Trust

Donec vulputate sapien arcu, at lacinia lorem vulputate eu. In posuere purus et magna aliquet porttitor. Nullam massa lectus, tincidunt vel massa at, maximus molestie tortor. Integer rutrum ante sapien, eu ornare tortor interdum sed. Duis vitae dapibus quam. Aliquam nec ex vel libero maximus suscipit sed quis risus. Maecenas ullamcorper dui quis lectus mollis consectetur quis et orci. Ut sapien arcu, posuere id rutrum eget, elementum eu leo.

Sed fermentum tincidunt purus et accumsan. Aliquam posuere mattis posuere. Cras a vestibulum leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc quis mi eros. Vivamus ac arcu vel lorem tempor ultricies. Sed urna augue, tempus nec molestie eget, pharetra vel ante. Etiam eu blandit nulla. Duis sit amet leo eu massa posuere lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus hendrerit placerat mattis. Vestibulum turpis tellus, semper nec consequat quis, finibus ac enim. Cras luctus lorem eget dui finibus, sed porta ligula sollicitudin. Proin ac elit eget lacus eleifend eleifend.

Published in Whos-Who
Tagged under
Thursday, 21 December 2017 10:32

Resolution 2018

World Prayer Centre is calling on Christians across our nation to start 2018 in a different way. This is no ordinary year. It is the year of Turning. There is a trumpet sound telling us to awake, to get ready and to dedicate ourselves to the Lord in 2018.

So we invite everyone with a passion to see the good news of Jesus renew His church and transform lives to join us. Pray through this resolution below as God mobilises His people for His amazing purpose.

  1. In 2018 through the power of the Holy Spirit, we commit to be better Disciples of Christ Jesus, Son of God, our Saviour, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
  2. We resolve to humble ourselves, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways.
  3. We proclaim 2018 a year of Turning for the church and nation through our consecration, dedication, reconciliation and celebration.

We are inviting the Body of Christ to join us on our discipleship journey to:

  • Turn from anything and everything that grieves His Spirit - pride, unbelief, idols, disunity, self-righteousness, critical attitudes and in humility and repentance…
  • Turn our hearts and minds to Him.

As disciples, our desire is to know Jesus more, to keep Turning and being refined.

We believe that 2018 will also be a year when the Church asks the nation to turn - in our proclamation, preaching, witnessing, caring, loving of our neighbours, and in our praying, we are declaring “It is time to turn.”

We shall not invite the nation to turn to religion, or turn to faith, not even turn to the church. We are inviting them to turn to Jesus, the Light of the world, the forgiver of sins, the Lover of our souls who is the only way to a wonderful relationship with God the Father.


Please make this declaration out loud as your spiritual resolution for 2018:

I resolve to be a better disciple. I consecrate and dedicate myself to Jesus. I commit to serve Him, and serve others and to stand as an agent of turning for my family, community and nation.


2018 - A Year of Turning. God says, “If we turn, He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal the land”. 2 Chronicles 7:14


Download a PDF version to use in your church, small group or prayer meeting.


Published in WPC News
Tuesday, 21 November 2017 15:23

Global Prayer Update

One of the great joys and responsibilities we have at the World Prayer Centre is to pray for a different nation each day. As with everyone involved in any way with the nations, be it political, social and missional or through prayer, the needs, challenges, emergencies, traumas and opportunities are at times overwhelming.

How do we pray, how do we give, how do we support, how do we encourage our global neighbours as well as our local neighbours? In all the pressures of daily life, how do we care for our global Christian family, our local Christian family, and our immediate family?

Christ Jesus, the Son of God, our Saviour, had everything in perfect balance. He knew His mission was for the world His Father loved, for the nation in which He lived and for twelve men He was disciplining. He ministered, prayed and worked with great love, compassion and truth with all He met wherever He met them.

As you read this article, your world is changing around you. As I write this article, suddenly Zimbabwe is in the headlines. Yesterday it was an earthquake in Iran/Iraq. Last week the leaders of Saudi Arabia were announcing great changes in the nation. Who knows by the time you read this, what else will be happening, what else God will be shaking, what other dramatic news will be hitting the headlines. And that is the point of this article. You have this magazine because you are a watchman or God may be calling you to be a watchman.

The Scriptures teach us to ‘watch and pray’. So not only are we looking, listening, observing all that is happening in the world, but also watching to see all that God is doing in His world.

We know that generally the media only reports on the failings of nations, governments, those in positions of responsibility and individuals. As Christians we note those things, we do not condemn but we pray. At the same time we recognise that as we are seated in heavenly places in Christ, we not only see what the media see but we see how the Kingdom of God is growing around the world. Day after day, sometimes in the midst of great persecution and need, thousands of men and women, boys and girls are becoming followers of Jesus. Of His Kingdom there is no end.

Thousands of young people and children are involved in prayer and mission in their nations. Churches are being planted at an unprecedented scale. Many across the Middle East are physically seeing Jesus and becoming Evangelists and Pastors. Many prayer houses are springing up, 24/7 prayer places, prayer in public places that changes the spiritual climate in a community or nation enabling the good news of Jesus and His saving work to be experienced.

Please don’t fall into the trap that there is so much going on we don’t know where to start. As you hear the news today, watch and pray. Let’s encourage one another to stay alert as we go through the day. Let us look for the stories of where God is at work and rejoice and let us understand that as we stand on God and the promises of His word, our prayers prayed in the name of Jesus change situations, remove obstacles, bring down walls in families, communities and nations.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Ian Cole is the founder and visionary of the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham.


Published in WPC World News
Wednesday, 28 June 2017 10:03

Praying for our youth over the Summer

The summer holidays are almost upon us, heralding the start of a wide range of Christian activities involving our young folk across Scotland. There are 25 Scripture Union holiday clubs and missions planned in association with local churches which will reach many hundreds of children and youth. Many local churches will also be running their own week-long holiday clubs and other summer events drawing in thousands.

There are 46 SU holiday activity events which, based on previous years, will involve around 1,500 young folk, and several hundred youth and young adults will be at Lendrick Muir in Kinross in the first week of August for Soul Survivor Scotland 2017.

These and many other events and activities provide a rich opportunity to impact our young generation for the Gospel and introduce them to Jesus. There are hundreds of testimonies over many years of how important being at one of these camps has been in a person’s journey of faith, of how they were helped and guided into making a decision to commit their lives to Jesus.

Please pray:

  • for the safety and security of everyone involved in organising and taking part in every club, camp, event or other activity – if there is one happening in your church or near you – commit to pray for it each day it is on;
  • for health, strength and energy for the teams leading each club, camp etc.;
  • for wisdom and discernment to handle all the situations that will no doubt arise, and that each team would model and demonstrate the love of the Father to each child and young person attending;
  • for a wide variety of creative ideas to interest, excite and engage all ages;
  • that each club etc. would be more successful than the organisers dared to believe, with significant numbers either making a commitment to or wishing to know more about Jesus, and developing a hunger to get to know God’s Word;
  • that the transforming of many young lives would in turn contribute to transforming their homes, schools, colleges and communities.


Source:  Pray for Scotland

Published in WPC News
Wednesday, 10 May 2017 12:26


ne of the calls we believe God has given us at World Prayer Centre is to act as Watchmen. We know that watchmen have to make sense of what they can see, but their role is to serve. In this role, we will give you strategic overviews from time to time. We’d love to get your feedback but we hope this will encourage and bless your prayer life and focus.

Malcolm Duncan spoke powerfully at our recent ‘As One’ National Prayer Conference. He made the powerful comment that people of prayer are the lungs in the Body of Christ. The Body needs the lungs to function. Malcolm and others have helped us identify five themes we believe are on God’s heart at this time. Download Malcolm's podcasts.

Be filled
God wants us to ensure our lamps are constantly full of oil. In WPC, we are continuously praying to be filled. “Breathe on us breath of God,” let us be equipped, refreshed, energised and led by Your Spirit. This is a time to pray for those close to us to be filled, and for our churches to be filled with His Spirit, His presence and His love. This is a time to see things changed, and renewed by the breath of God.

God’s extraordinary
Ian Cole, WPC founder, has a vision for God’s extraordinary. We believe God wants to equip us, in these times with extraordinary resilience, extraordinary intimacy with Jesus, extraordinary unity and extraordinary faith. As we pray continuously to be filled, we want to keep praying for God’s extraordinary. He is equipping us for a new extraordinary time. Let us keep praying big prayers, and wait on God for the faith to see significant change. Let our 2017 testimonies be about the extraordinary love, goodness and power of God. Read Ian's article on the extraordinary.

Word and Spirit
The Word and Spirit are God’s great gift to His church and to the world, but they have been neglected. We have now moved into a time when they have been powerfully combined. Our experience in WPC is that the Spirit of God is revealing more and more from the Word. The Word is alive and active. This in turn is triggering powerful, authoritative prayer. So our encouragement to you is – expect more and keep your Bible by your side!

Call the midwives
At our conference in March, Brian Mills brought a simple word “Call the midwives”. We believe God is doing something new and very special in the nation; these will be God’s new babies! For us the “call the midwives” word links to our long wait since 1992 for what we call our Isaac – a World Prayer Centre building which can equip and empower people of prayer. We believe God was promising us that the wait is over and the promise will be fulfilled in the coming years. Many others have long term dreams and visions and it seems God was saying “now is the time” to them as well.

R.T. Kendall also carries an Isaac burden, also dating back to 1992. He believes God is going to release the greatest revival the world has ever seen – and it is God’s Isaac. He describes it in his remarkable book, “Prepare your heart for the Midnight Cry”. He looks at the story of the wise and foolish virgins – both had the Word and Spirit, the lamp and the oil – but only half of them had kept the lamp filled. We have always believed that the WPC building and the great revival would be aligned. 2017 is a highly significant year – heavens strategies are being unveiled.

Be alert
alertWe believe God’s word to people of prayer is - “Be alert”. We are being instructed to be on constant look out and engage in spiritual warfare. We need to know the enemies tactics – sickness, unbelief, tiredness, lost confidence, broken relationships and fear. We stand with faith and perseverance and take ground from the enemy. We believe that our God is able, that Jesus’ commitment to us is total and the cross is the place of victory. As God’s army we stand together on the alert – not alone.

Knowing the Times
Part of our role is to understand these fast changing times. On the one hand we can see chaos, uncertainty, tension, intimidation and fear. On the other hand we see Jesus, the Rock, the Everlasting One, the Redeemer and Restorer whose depth of love can change everything. So our decision in these times is to look to Jesus. We believe it is harvest time. God is mobilising people of prayer first to prepare the ground but He is also declaring “Awake” to His whole church. The bridegroom is coming, let us hold the lamp, the Word of God close and let us ensure it is constantly filled with the oil of God’s Spirit. Here we are Lord, use us.
The election is in that context. God is calling a Parliament that will enable the great revival; He is preparing the nation for change. In His great mercy we have ten days of prayerwith Thy Kingdom Come and the great expectation of Pentecost leading up to the election.

Standing shoulder to shoulder
God is calling an army of ordinary people into His extraordinary. Unity is high on God’s agenda, and we are called to stand shoulder to shoulder, ready for God’s call. 2017 is a year of God’s extraordinary and we want to encourage you to stand with us and

  • Be on the alert – so much will be happening in the place where God has put us. We are watchers on our local walls. Alongside that pray for our nation as we approach the election of this important parliament it will be a time of real spiritual contention. We also believe God has made us spiritually interdependent across the United Kingdom. Pray for the flames of God’s Spirit to blow across each of our nations.
  • Pray with expectation and authority – we are stepping up!
  • Join us to pray – our monthly Saturday Prayershift gatherings are events where we expect to see God move powerfully. Our monthly Monday meetings – WATCH + PRAY are to stand in the gap for our nation and the nations. We believe the most powerful prayer engine can often be a local small group. Use our 3 Things prayer videos, sign up to receive prayer issues identified in the Pulse and Prayer Alert. Make your requests known to the Lord.
  • Send us your stories and testimonies – part of our standing together is to bring God glory! Contact us on social media or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Enjoy God’s presence – “Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy, and I will praise you with the lyre, Oh God, my God.”(Ps: 43.4). Let us ensure we always have oil in our lamps!


Steve Botham, Director of World Prayer Centre

Published in WPC News
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 17:33

The Story of The Turning

The World Prayer Centre has been journeying with The Turning since summer 2016. We provided prayer cover as this all began to develop and Jane Holloway is part of The Turning National Leadership team. We see this as a part of all that God has asking His church to get ready for in this time of unprecedented shaking – an unprecedented harvest. 

Here is an update from Yinka Oyekan, leader of The Gate in Reading: ‘On the 29th of May 2016 we began what we thought would be a one-week mission at our Baptist Church ‘The Gate’ which would possibly stretch into two weeks. In the end because of the results we were witnessing on the streets we stretched out the mission for a total of four weeks. In that time, we saw over 1850 people prayed for on the streets of Reading with many first-time commitments and rededications to Christ. Quite apart from the large numbers of responses to the gospel the sheer number of people willing to let us pray for them on the streets took us by surprise.

Seven months on from The Turning outpouring that shook our church in Reading, we have been excited to see in practice that this grace can and has been released in other cities. We have gained much insight through conducting five months of mission which has culminated in seeing over 4150 people in England and at last count over 865 in Lille in France respond in prayer to an invitation to accept Christ.

In the UK leadership teams covering over 230 towns and cities have asked us to bring The Turning to their town or city. In England, we are calling the implementation of this campaign to bring The Turning to these places ‘The Big Bang’, a campaign that will be inviting cities and towns to receive the best training we can give them prior to launching a Turning Team in their city or town. We will also be launching a similar event in several other countries in Europe where we have invitations to bring The Turning’.  December 2016

For more information http://theturning.eu

As this continues to develop we would invite you to pray with us for:

  • Protection for Yinka, his family and all the leadership team for The Turning and at The Gate church
  • Wisdom and continued grace to flow as they travel across the UK and beyond
  • God’s presence to be experienced at every training session
  • God’s kingdom to come and His will be done as churches get ready for this harvest
  • For an awakening across the body of Christ to respond to the Father’s invitation
  • For workers to go out into the harvest fields

Jane Holloway….

Published in WPC News
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:52

Join in with a global wave of prayer

We want to encourage you, as part of the World Prayer Centre family wherever you live in the world, to support The Archbishop of Canterbury’s call for Christians to join a wave of prayer across the UK and around the world. WPC will be providing resources and updates and will be working with church leaders in Birmingham to provide prayer points and prayer events in the city.

It’s not complicated – Thy Kingdom Come are simply asking people to pray in whatever way they want and with whoever they want for others to come to know Jesus Christ.

• Everyone is asked to Pledge2Pray by visiting www.thykingdomcome.global where there are resources to help and inspire. You can sign as an individual, family, church group, church, group of churches or organisation
• As Thy Kingdom Come falls in half term week in England resources are being prepared to help families engage wherever they are on holiday

The aims are:
• For people to pray with God’s world-wide family from 25 May – 4th June - individually, as a family or as part of a church

• For prayer events to be held across churches in the UK and the world. This will culminate in many larger ‘beacon’ events in cathedrals where communities gather to worship and to pray for the empowering of the Holy Spirit for effective witness.

• For people to be transformed through prayer by the Holy Spirit, finding new confidence to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Last year in May 2016 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York invited people to join a wave of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost. The response in May 2016 was overwhelming as hundreds of thousands joined in from churches of many denominations and different traditions around the UK and across the world.

For 2017 the vision is even bigger. The hope is to see at least 80 per cent of Church of England churches and cathedrals taking part as well as many other denominations and the churches of the world-wide Anglican Communion. Leaders from the international Methodist church, the Free churches, the Roman Catholic Church, Pentecostal churches and several of the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches in the UK have all signalled their support.

“This is not a Church of England thing, it's not an Anglican thing, it's a Christian thing! “ World Prayer Centre see this as a very significant element in a fresh call to pray for our nation and expect a great move of God.
What can you do?
We would love people to champion “Thy Kingdom Come” at a local level. In February 2017, further resources and information will be available on www.thykingdomcome.global including tips and materials to download on prayer and details of prayer events and how to organize your own. Please look at these and ensure local clergy and church leaders are aware. Encourage them to engage.

UsePledge2Pray and you’ll be kept updated on new resources and information and if you’re on Facebook or Twitter reminders will be posted there.

Pray for a great wave of prayer to hit our nation and your local area. This is a really important time to keep praying – “Your Kingdom come, your will be done.”

“Jesus prayed at the Last Supper that we, those who follow Him, might ‘be one that the world might believe’. We are invited to make a lasting difference in our nations and in our world, by responding to his call to find a deep unity of purpose in prayer.” Archbishop Justin Welby

As more information becomes available we will keep all WPC family updated. It is a privilege for us at World Prayer Centre to partner with Thy Kingdom Come and for me to serve on the national steering group.

Jane Holloway National Prayer Director

Published in WPC News
Wednesday, 18 January 2017 15:06

Stand together on a global watch

At the last Trumpet Call, we stated that 2017 was going to be the year of the extraordinary; extraordinary good things, extraordinary bad things and extraordinary surprise happenings. I believe that this will not only be at local and national level, but most certainly globally.

For Christians around the world, persecution will continue... and the Church will grow. Political shakeups will continue... but the Church will continue to grow. New leaders will emerge... but the church will continue to grow. Brexit will move in one direction or another, elections in several European countries will take place with as yet unseen consequences, but the Church will continue to grow. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church.

Already planned for this year are several gatherings of Christian Leaders from different Continents, who in waiting on God in prayer and discussion are looking towards the fulfilment of the Great Commission through worldwide prayer and mission out of real unity within the Body of Christ.

This will be a year like never before. We must look beyond the media’s headlines and stories and see what God is doing, and what God is allowing around the world through His Church to bring His Kingdom here as in heaven.

Fellow global watchmen and women, we stand together on a global watch in faith to see, to warn, to rejoice, to pray without ceasing, as the extraordinary unfolds across the nations.

What an extraordinary privilege!

Published in WPC World News
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