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Displaying items by tag: changed life

Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:27

She tried to commit suicide several times

At the Global Outreach Day, Christian felt that there was someone in the audience who had attempted suicide in the last couple of weeks. Using the microphone, he shared this word of knowledge and some other words of encouragement. A woman who was part of the outreach team then gave her testimony publicly for the first time. After the testimony, a young woman approached the ministry team and shared private details about her life. She said she had been raped several times in her life as a child and had already tried suicide several times: the last time was six days earlier. After the team shared the Gospel with her, she experienced the presence of Jesus and gave her life to him. She felt a wind blow on her back, not understanding what was going on. The team explained this could be the Holy Spirit who wanted to reveal himself and to touch her life. She said she will not attempt suicide again.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 18 June 2020 21:55

Once a guerrilla, now a Bible distributor

When Sara was 14, she left home and joined the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Attracted to the group’s Marxist ideology and in search of acceptance, Sara joined FARC to bring about a Colombian revolution. Years later she was urged by fellow guerrillas to denounce her family, who had become Christians; they knew the gospel ran counter to their violent ideology. But Sara left FARC, rejoined her family, got married, and now places her trust in Christ. Because God saved her from a violent life, she feels compelled to share His Word with others who have given their lives to the guerrilla group. She and her husband now distribute Bibles to youth. Their ministry has not gone unnoticed, as FARC leaders have threatened them many times.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 June 2020 23:37

Hardened gang member’s change

After Angel’s babysitter led him in a sinner’s prayer he felt there was a shield around him as a child, but as a teenager he followed his older brothers into crime, drugs, alcohol, rage, revenge, and jail. Finally, after committing an offence that could have imprisoned him for life, he listened to a preacher: ‘God loves you so much. He doesn’t want this for your life. He has more for you.’ His sisters were praying for him. He broke down, fell to his knees, and said, ‘Here I am, Lord. Here is my life. I am totally out of it. I do not know what to do. I have heard about you. I need you to take over because I am out of control.’ For years he mocked people who were healed and fell under the power of the Spirit on Christian television programming. But when he finally broke before God, he decided to go to church.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 June 2017 13:01

Encounter with God changed his life

Victor Torres was 12 years old the first time he stabbed a man. Aged 14, he was addicted to heroin. At 18 he was one of New York City's most feared gang leaders and in jail three times. Today he's a leading evangelist who has helped thousands of young people find freedom from drug addiction and gang life. ‘My story is proof that no matter what the circumstances are, no matter how you feel or how negative it looks, redemption is possible,’ Torres told the Gospel Herald. ‘I want people to know that whatever you're facing, whether it's drugs or any other kind of addiction, nothing's too difficult for God.’ Torres' amazing story is the subject of a new film, Victor, based on his autobiography ‘Son of Evil Street’.

Published in Praise Reports