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Displaying items by tag: chaplains

Thursday, 03 December 2020 20:51

Seeds of prayer

Sadly, some rural chaplains report that recent months have seen an increase in levels of stress and tragically in suicides, especially amongst younger farmers. This has been a difficult farming year, with the impact of the pandemic, TB, and now an increasing risk of avian flu (see next article). With the uncertainties of isolated working and living conditions, people are stressed, vulnerable, feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Pray for the work of chaplains and all those ministering to farming communities and families.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 April 2018 11:19

Australia: Christians in Commonwealth Games

There will be ten international chaplains at the Commonwealth Games. Their first role is to make themselves available on a pastoral level to anyone who wants it. Christian athletes will want to have Bible studies and corporate worship, and the chaplains will provide that for them. Pray for them to be excellent servants to all the athletes, coaches and games officials. Pray for the special relationships they will develop with athletes - both those who are committed Christians and those who wish to explore Christian faith. May those friendships grow deeper over the course of the Games. Pray for boldness at such a large event, where they will be outside their comfort zones.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 29 September 2017 11:49

The British army

There are particular demands and challenges that come out of the special nature of life in the Army. The Army recognises this, and many layers of welfare support are available. Pray for the Army Welfare Service, delivering a comprehensive and confidential service for the needs of regular soldiers and their families living abroad, or families separated by overseas postings. Pray for the unique family set-ups in army base communities, and for the wellbeing of Army reservists, and, in certain circumstances, veterans. Pray also for God to bless the confidential chaplaincy support that is available (regardless of faith) for all family members of service personnel and those dealing with casualties of war. Community development workers also need our prayers as they provide projects focusing on the learning and personal development activities of children, young people, and their families, both in the UK and overseas.

Published in British Isles