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Displaying items by tag: conversions

Thursday, 23 January 2025 23:34

Ghost hunters discovered who they were contacting

Corey and Kristin Deel were once ghost hunters, equipped with cameras and K2 meters, helping 'spirits with unfinished business' cross over. However, their encounters with the supernatural led to chilling revelations. Kristin experienced an evil presence after a ghost hunt, realising she had opened spiritual portals. Corey faced demonic oppression in the form of violent convulsions, rage, and even physical attacks, including a scratch from a demon. These harrowing experiences forced them to question their beliefs about ghosts. Through Scripture, they discovered that souls cannot return to communicate with the living (Luke 16) and that they were interacting with demons (Ephesians 6). Surrendering to Jesus, they were born again, married, and learned to exercise authority over the demonic realm in His name. Though they faced spiritual warfare and opposition, Corey and Kristin boldly warn others about the dangers of the occult and testify to the power of God’s deliverance.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 November 2024 10:13

Young medic amazed by Liberia healings

Bethany Ashcraft joined a mission trip to Liberia, encountering extreme poverty and spiritual warfare. Working alongside a team of medical professionals, she witnessed firsthand the impact of the drug 'Kush' on local people, causing disturbing symptoms. Amid her medical duties, Bethany prayed for patients, leading to surprising healings. One Muslim woman, after accepting Jesus, experienced a complete healing. Throughout the week, as Bethany prayed, some individuals manifested demonic behaviour, which was resolved through prayer, demonstrating God’s power. This experience strengthened Bethany’s faith and inspired her desire to continue witnessing God’s tangible impact on others.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 03 December 2020 21:18

Tanzania: thousands saved at Operation Decapolis

Gary Smith, one of the evangelists at a two-week outreach, writes, ‘Tonight was the last night of the crusade in Singida. The last two weeks have been absolutely incredible with thousands of salvations, miracles, and people filled with the Holy Spirit. I am rejoicing in all that the Lord has done. I’ve heard testimonies from bishops and pastors who are overjoyed as many new believers joined their church this morning. This is worth every dollar spent and every day away from family, to see people saved and planted into the local church. It’s not just making converts but to make mighty disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:57

Church learning to love enemies

‘It was as if God had prepared us for this,’ said Pastor Hikmat Kashouh of his congregation. He is recalling the time when over a million Syrian refugees started pouring into Lebanon, fleeing civil war. Resurrection Church, Beirut had already built strong connections with local Syrian workers. But what the church was less prepared for was the radical transformation it would take to welcome former enemies as equal members of their church family. From an unremarkable congregation of ninety people to one that welcomes 1,300 people and broadcasts to thousands across the Arab world via SAT-7, Resurrection Church has experienced a great transformation in the last ten years among Arabs, Kurds, and Muslim converts. To read the inspiring story of conversions, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 April 2019 23:05

Romania: Christianity v witchcraft

Parts of Romania are hotbeds of the occult and witchcraft, as well as home to large groups of unreached Roma gypsies and Romanians. Witchcraft is a respected (and feared) profession: even the president is known to wear purple on certain days to ward off evil. The witches are known as the vrăjitoare, and their practice is government-regulated. In 2011, a new law required them to pay a 16% income tax, the same as any other self-employed Romanian citizen. The response was twofold. Some supported the tax, arguing that it established witchcraft as a verifiable profession, while others threw poisonous mandrake plants into the Danube River. Meanwhile missionaries are being sent to Romania. Greater Europe Mission (GEM) reported recently that its disciple-makers invited 130 youth from areas rife with witchcraft to a week-long camp, and between 60 and 70 people gave their lives to Christ. See

Published in Europe
Thursday, 17 January 2019 21:36

Turkey: Muslim refugees and Christian aid

A Muslim man recently told a Turkish ministry leader, ‘In a few weeks I’m going to go down to the refugee camps. I have a friend who bought a young Syrian girl to be his second wife; I am going to go and pick one for myself.’ The leader replied, ‘I’m very sad that you would want to buy a little girl as a slave and take advantage of these poor people who are just trying to survive.’ It’s too dangerous for most Syrian refugees to return home, even if they have homes to return to after seven years of war. Mothers in refugee camps are grief-stricken when criminals steal and sell their daughters. The refugees are aware that it is Muslims who are buying their daughters, and that Christians are the ones bringing them compassionate aid of food and blankets. Recently a worker was asked by a Muslim refugee, ‘Please pray for us!’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 November 2018 00:45

'I can't believe this is happening'

Many thousands of Christians came to Melbourne for ‘Awakening Australia’, as part of a mission to bring 100,000 Australians to Jesus. Leaders spent the weekend preaching the gospel, leading people to Christ, and commissioning them to share the love of Jesus with others. Participants included Bethel Music, Todd White, Heidi Baker, Jake Hamilton, Daniel Kolenda, and Bill Johnson. ‘Hundreds were born of God as they responded to Jesus. There is truly something remarkable happening in Australia! There is an Awakening, a sound in God's people here, that will shake the nation’, said Ben Fitzgerald, leader of Awakening Europe. The weekend saw powerful moments of freedom, deliverance and salvation, followed by mass baptisms for those who gave their lives to Christ. Thousands proclaimed the gospel in the streets. ‘I can't believe this is happening in Australia,’ Fitzgerald said.

Published in Praise Reports

'The villagers started punching and kicking us, all over our bodies. They asked us to praise Hindu gods. We refused. They kicked us harder.' This is what happened to Sohan, after he decided to follow Jesus and began sharing the gospel with others. His attackers then called the police and accused him of converting people to Christianity. He was imprisoned for four days, and saw God work in amazing ways. Sohan says, 'I preached the gospel and prayed for an inmate who was sick. He was healed and believed in Christ instantly. My other cellmate was a person suffering from intense depression. He kept saying that he wanted to kill himself. I prayed for him and the suicidal thoughts left him. He also accepted Christ. I also met a young man falsely accused of raping a woman; he was very upset and felt hopeless about his life. I shared the gospel with him, and he also accepted Christ. This way I saw God's immense power and deliverance.' Open Doors partners were able to bail Sohan out of prison, and are helping him to fight the false claims filed against him.

Published in Praise Reports