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Displaying items by tag: danger point

Thursday, 13 August 2020 20:52

Northern Ireland: dangerous point of pandemic

Health minister Robin Swann has warned that NI is facing the most dangerous point of the Covid-19 pandemic. He is concerned that some people have stopped following even the most basic guidance. The current daily average of reported new cases is 27, compared to three last month. ‘If we get this wrong now, if we don't keep our controls in place, if we don't see people actually respecting the guidance and regulations, we could see a further increase of Covid outbreaks, more hospitalisations, more people going into ICU and more deaths.’ He added that complacency was setting in among some people even though it is now compulsory to wear face coverings in shops. In addition, he would like to see executive daily Covid briefings on the pandemic to be reinstated.

Published in British Isles