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Displaying items by tag: displaced people

Amid escalating violence between Hezbollah and Israel, thousands of families in southern Lebanon, including many Christians, have fled their homes. As they move north, local churches have opened their doors, providing shelter, food, and medical supplies. Church leaders have stressed their commitment to helping all affected, regardless of denomination, showing God's love through practical support. Despite the challenges and fear brought by Israeli airstrikes, Lebanese Christians see this as an opportunity to reflect Christ’s love. Leaders of the Kurdish Church and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church are among those leading relief efforts, with church members also welcoming families into their homes. SAT-7 continues to broadcast live, bringing messages of hope amid the chaos. As many as 200,000 people have been displaced, and church leaders ask for prayers for peace and strength during these difficult times. Breaking news: an Israeli airstrike on Beirut has killed at least 22 people.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 20 June 2024 21:30

Haiti: UN sends food aid for displaced

The UN has announced the delivery of aid to Haiti, which will help hundreds of displaced families due to the ongoing violence and the upcoming hurricane season. A spokesman said, ‘Two cargo flights organised by the World Food Programme (WFP) have landed in Port au Prince, carrying 55 tonnes of medicine, shelter and hygiene materials. The WFP school meals programme has distributed some 30 million meals across the country since the start of the current school year: of these, nearly 17 million have been provided through its programme which supports local farmers. The education sector has been severely impacted by the recent violence, with more than 200,000 children and 4000 teachers affected.’ Haiti’s hurricane season, which lasts from June to November, is forecast to be severe this year. A gang-fuelled crisis has devastated the country, and the UN estimates that currently 360,000 people are displaced.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 May 2024 05:46

Brazil floods: 75 dead, over 100 missing

Massive floods have devastated a state in the south of Brazil, resulting in at least 75 deaths and 103 people missing. Over 88,000 residents have been displaced; 16,000 have sought refuge in schools and temporary shelters. The floods have caused extensive damage and significant disruptions to electricity and communications. Over 800,000 people are currently without a water supply. The state’s governor, calling the devastation unprecedented, has called for a comprehensive reconstruction plan, while President Lula has emphasised the importance of proactive disaster management. This environmental disaster is the fourth major flooding event in the state within eight months.

Published in Worldwide

Heavy flooding in Kenya, after weeks of intense rain and flash floods, has left at least 103 people missing, with 71 confirmed dead. Most of the missing are from Mai Mahiu, near Nairobi, where on 29 April flooding near a railway bridge, caused by a clogged tunnel, caused at least 45 deaths. The country’s president William Ruto has ordered the military to help search and rescue efforts. Nearly 191,000 Kenyans have been displaced by the floods, which are said to have been exacerbated by the effects of El Niño. The government has established 52 displacement camps to provide temporary shelter, but with more rain forecast the situation may worsen. The floods have affected other countries: a week ago, Tanzania’s president said that 155 people had been killed and 200,000 displaced. See

Published in Worldwide

Consuelo Manyoma, a resident of San Isidro, waits anxiously for the time when her family can safely return home. Located along a strategic corridor for the cocaine trade, the village frequently experiences gunfire and threats. Two years ago, Manyoma's family and others fled, seeking refuge in Buenaventura. They are now in makeshift accommodation in a huge basketball stadium, enduring uncertainty and longing for peace. The country’s conflict, a bloody war between paramilitary groups, rebel militias, drug traffickers, and the army, has displaced 6.8 million people - one of the world's largest internally displaced populations.  In another development, former president Alvaro Uribe is to face criminal charges for alleged links to some of the paramilitary groups: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 May 2023 23:28

Myanmar: cyclones, camps, and conversions

Cyclone Mocha tore through Myanmar last week with 175 mph winds, making it the strongest cyclone on record in the North Indian Ocean. It ripped trees and crushed homes, killing dozens and doing the most damage in fragile Rohingya refugee camps. Pray for the million displaced Rohingya people in these camps who are trying to rebuild their destroyed communities while suffocating in a cloud of fear of the ruling military junta and genocidal attacks. The dominant religions in these camps are Buddhism and Islam, but they both fail to provide lasting comfort for the fearful. Yet there is good news. The Church in Myanmar is growing, and the Gospel is spreading through faithful believers and Christian radio. 83.4% of the population are in unreached people groups.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 26 May 2022 23:32

Ukraine: 14 million displaced in three months

More than 14 million people are thought to have fled their homes since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the UN says. More than six million have left for neighbouring countries, while eight million people are displaced inside the war-torn country itself. The EU has granted Ukrainians the right to stay and work throughout its 27 member nations for up to three years. The UN says that as of 24 May, 2.1 million Ukrainians have returned to Ukraine. Some are returning to areas such as the capital Kyiv, which is now considered safer. Kyiv's mayor, Vitali Klitschko, says the city's population is back to two-thirds of its pre-war level.' More than 60,000 Ukrainians have arrived in the UK, after fleeing the Russian invasion. Some have travelled on family visas, while others have come via a sponsorship scheme which lets unrelated people host an individual or group.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:09

Mozambique: jihadist conflict

After almost a week of walking and sleeping rough, three young men arrived at Nacaca, a displacement camp in Cabo Delgado province. They fled as far as they could get from the gunmen who attacked their village. A jihadist conflict has shaken Cabo Delgado for five years; al-Shabab has routed an under-equipped army, decapitated civilians, abducted young men, and enslaved women. Last June a coalition of southern African countries scattered the insurgents, but now al-Shabaab units are re-terrorising communities. They have depopulated northern Cabo Delgado, with at least 730,000 people (1/3rd of the population) fleeing to safer southern districts. The uprising began in 2017 but its origins go deeper, growing out of fury over state corruption and opposition to establishment Islam. The displaced are settling in a poor region. The chance of these former farmers and fishermen finding work are slim. The World Food Programme is only able to deliver half rations to camps and registered displaced living in communities.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 January 2022 19:41

CAR: persecuted Christians

Despite being called a predominantly Christian country, the Central African Republic (CAR) is a difficult place for biblical disciples to live. Since 2012, Islamic rebel groups, called Seleka, have caused civil unrest. Fighters opposing the Seleka, the anti-Balaka, considered to be mostly ‘Christians’, have carried out brutal revenge killings. As with the Seleka, some anti-Balaka have targeted biblical followers of Christ. In truth, the anti-Balaka are simply non-Muslims. While 85% of CAR’s 5 million people identify as Christians, only 30% are thought to be committed followers of Christ. These believers are increasingly attacked, driven from their homes, and killed. Since the fighting began, over 1.2 million people have been relocated across CAR because of violence. Another 600,000 refugees live outside CAR, and 600,000 live in camps for internally displaced people. Pray for adequate donations to be given to aid agencies providing thousands with food, shelter, and medicine.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 September 2021 22:09

Burkina Faso: Islamic extremists attack Christians

Pastor Samuel lived in the north of Burkina Faso but had to flee from extremist attacks on his church and members of the Christian community. ‘We don’t know who the attackers are, nor do we know who is sponsoring them,’ he said. ‘All we know is that they attack Christians. These attacks have shattered the lives of our people. We are troubled and filled with pain over the deaths of our family members.’ There are no open churches in parts of the northeast. Pastor Samuel lives in a camp for internally displaced people, praying with others there and encouraging them to not lose hope. Open Doors estimates there are over a million internally displaced people, and many are Christians. Believers who have converted from Islam also face significant pressure and opposition from their communities. Families may reject Christian converts, and new believers may be pressured to renounce their new faith.

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