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Displaying items by tag: extension

Thursday, 16 April 2020 23:14

Brexit deadline

Currently, Britain will remain under EU’s rules until 31 December, but the withdrawal agreement allows for a one- or two-year extension if both sides can reach an agreement by 30 June. This gives both sides more time to negotiate a trade deal after talks were halted due to the coronavirus crisis. EU diplomats expect the Prime Minister to ask for a delay, but Downing Street remains resolute in its bid to complete Brexit by year end. Any delay would require a new treaty - another lengthy divorce deal. A Flextension for an extra few weeks was ruled out by Brussels, enraging Brexit supporters. The IMF said that the UK and the EU should not ‘add to uncertainty’ by refusing to extend the period to negotiate a post-Brexit trade deal: see

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 11 April 2019 23:20

Intercessor Focus: Brexit extension

Waves of prayer continue to rise for the governance of God’s Kingdom to be in Brexit debates and decisions. On 10 April the EU summit in Brussels pressed a restart button for a possible further six months of discussions. Pray for an effective Christian presence and influence in all UK deliberations; may gracious politicians be quick to listen and slow to anger. Pray for our leaders who know Christ to give wise explanations for their reasoning, so that God’s values are listened to, understood and adhered to by others. May the Christian groups in each of the political parties grow in influence, making many positive contributions in all future negotiations and decision-making. Pray for your constituency MP to cope with public office stress. May Christian MPs, peers, and staff be salt and light in the corridors of power, so that integrity, truth and compassion are interlaced through British politics.

Published in British Isles