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Displaying items by tag: political correctness

Thursday, 05 August 2021 22:07

Sacrificing girls to political correctness

A recent report revealed Bradford social workers turned a blind eye when a 15-year-old grooming victim took part in an Islamic marriage to one of her abusers. One of her social workers even attended the ‘wedding ceremony’. Despite the teenager not being a Muslim, professionals who were meant to protect her allowed the family of her 'husband' to foster her after she became pregnant. The council even paid them for fostering her. The terrified girl was trapped in 'domestic slavery', too scared to leave the controlling relationship, fearing she would be the victim of an honour killing. The report, which makes difficult and distressing reading, found that children suffered abuse no child should have to experience, and some youngsters in Bradford still remain unprotected. The report’s authors said, 'We believe that practice across all agencies is improving, but there is still much more to do.'

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 December 2019 23:34

Children told not to sing ‘Lord’ in carol

The headteacher of a London primary school ruled that children should sing ‘baby boy Jesus’, not ‘little Lord Jesus’ in the carol Away in a manger (so that pupils of all beliefs could join in). Children also sang edited versions of modern hymns at a carol service and nativity at a nearby church. Margarita, whose children attend the school, said: ‘As a family we go to church, pray together, and celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus the Son of God. If he was just a baby boy named Jesus, there wouldn't be a celebration in the first place. He is our Lord and Saviour and King of all Kings - that's the whole point.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 June 2018 23:16

Free speech or hate speech

(From a Prophecy Today blog) Today, if speech does not conform to secular social mores of ‘tolerance’, ‘diversity’ and ‘equality’, then it becomes ‘hate speech’. In today’s politically correct environment, what we can and can’t say is increasingly regulated - we even censor ourselves for fear of offending some ‘victim’ groups which are given a higher status, deserving special consideration, and placed beyond criticism. Designation of victim groups, undoubtedly well-meant to rid society of prejudice by positively discriminating in favour of ‘victims’, is turning genuine justice on its head. Women’s rights are championed. Men’s rights are unheard of. LGBT rights are promoted over and above those of heterosexuals. Many ‘virtuous’ causes promote immoral living, false religions and the destruction of the family - while Godly living and thinking is ostracised. Pray for a reversal of society’s revolt against Biblical truth, rebellion against God, and the shying away from declaring His truth in public.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:43

Political correctness

Young girls are still being sacrificed on the altars of multiculturalism and political correctness. A recent Sunday Mirror story says that child grooming is still going on after all the outcry in recent years, and police are still failing to act. Authorities don’t keep details of abusers in Asian communities for fear of ‘racism’. Council staff view the abused children as ‘prostitutes’ not victims. Recently police failed to investigate a complaint five times until an MP intervened. The number of victims in Rotherham’s child sexual exploitation has recently risen to 1,510. The worst examples are of criminals being excused because of their culture; a Muslim man in Nottingham who raped an underage girl was spared prison after the judge heard that he had been taught in an Islamic faith school that women are worthless. Islamic values were used by a judge to undermine the fundamental principle of one law for all. See also https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/britains-worst-ever-child-grooming-12165527

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 February 2018 10:08

Christian sues the Scouts after being ejected

After 62-year-old Brian Walker’s membership of the Scout Association was cancelled, he is taking legal action, claiming he was discriminated against on account of his Christian faith. Brian fears that the association is increasingly promoting Islam and moving away from its Christian roots. He accuses it of ‘making a mockery of what was once a respectable organisation’ by its emphasis on Islam, as well as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex issues. Mr Walker argues that the movement has contravened its own Equal Opportunities policy. Scouting was founded in 1907 and based on Christian principles, while welcoming those of all faiths and none. Brian said that parents need to be aware of what is happening at the centre of Scouting; the organisation is increasingly promoting political correctness and interfaith issues above Christian values. See also the next article.

Published in British Isles