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Displaying items by tag: sermon

In her sermon during the inaugural prayer service at Washington’s National Cathedral, Bishop Mariann Budde spoke directly to Donald Trump and J D Vance. She challenged Trump’s recent executive orders, including policies affirming biological distinctions between men and women, trying to end birthright citizenship, and intensifying immigration measures. Speaking of immigrants' contributions and the fears of LGBTQ+ children, Budde called for mercy and compassion, emphasising Christian teachings of kindness to strangers. She concluded by urging Trump to alleviate the fears of children worried about deportations and show mercy to refugees fleeing persecution. Afterwards, Trump said he ‘didn't think it was a good service’, and one Republican congressman sarcastically suggested she be deported. The bishop is known for her past criticism of Trump, such as his controversial 2020 photo holding a Bible outside a church.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 February 2023 22:01

Rabbi uses AI to write sermon

In what might be the latest sign of things to come, a rabbi in New York has become the first Jewish teacher to deliver a sermon written entirely by artificial intelligence. Before teaching on Genesis 44, Rabbi Joshua Franklin of the Jewish Center of the Hamptons, told his congregation that his AI-written sermon was, in fact, written by ChatGPT. Following the crowd’s reaction and applause, Franklin said the real issue is how AI will impact what the world considers spiritual. He asked, ‘How does spirituality function in a world that’s driven by data and driven by information?’ AI has jumped from simple task management to being used to design self-flying planes, paint works of art and consider ‘moral dilemmas’ for AI-driven ‘driverless’ cars.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 05 December 2019 23:45

Bishop of Dover urges unity

At her installation as bishop, Dr Rose Hudson-Wilkin asked the congregation to think what it might look like if we became a unifying body, focussing not on what separates us but on what we have in common. ‘What if we recognised God’s presence as we seek to ensure that the resources we have been blessed with are not for amassing personal wealth but to be shared in such a way that those in poverty are no longer in need? She added, ‘If we are going to experience that oneness of purpose that Jesus prayed for, we need to be identified more with the name of Jesus. We have kept him hidden in our beautiful churches and cathedrals that people visit on our terms.’ She challenged the congregation to think about how they might share the gospel in a natural way on social media, challenge policy-makers, and make decisions that will help their community.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 24 May 2018 23:59

Royal wedding sermon

Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon at the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex created a huge media reaction. Many UK newspapers quoted it on their front pages. The Sunday Times said that no one delivers a church sermon quite like a fire-breathing American revivalist preacher, while the Sunday Telegraph said that his sermon was ‘sure to wake royal wedding guests up. It was quite a gear change.’ Sky News described him as ‘the unexpected star of the wedding’. Thousands of people from across the nations are tweeting about his sermon on love: ‘Love, the love that comes from God in Christ, is the only way.’ If people were stunned by the presentation, the message of Christ’s love and God’s love for His creation got through to millions.

Published in Praise Reports