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Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:53

24:14 is a community of people catalyzing, nurturing, and supporting church planting movements globally.

The vision of the 24:14 Coalition is to see every unreached people and place engaged with a reproducing Church Planting Movement team by the end of 2025.

Strategic Prayer for Movements

The vast majority of new movements are started by existing movements. Supporting existing movements through prayer (receiving specific prayer requests from existing movements) gives strategic prayer access toward seeing more movements started, and thus, the fulfilment of the 24:14 vision.

God is joining prayer movements directly with mission movements through trusting relationships. As a result, the 24:14 prayer team has launched a unique prayer initiative for mission work today amongst the least reached peoples and places. They are receiving prayer news and requests from church planting movement leaders around the world, and sharing these with the wider Body of Christ.

These valuable insights into the needs and opportunities in movements, and work amongst unreached people groups, give strategic prayer access toward Kingdom advance. Each week the requests focus on a different region of the world. They are sent out via email on Sundays (September only), Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Join us as we pray for movements and movement catalysts to find and fill every gap where there is not yet CPM engagement!

Sign Up For Prayer Updates from Church Planting Movement Leaders

For more information about the 24:14 Prayer Team please email us at:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:53

UPRising South Africa - ‘PRAYER By Youth For Youth’ - 4-6 Oct 2019

The young people of UPRising (United Prayer Rising) are saying that as young people in the church, we are Uniting in Prayer, Rising as a body of young people, forming a revival wave, taking a stand, marching to the gates of Hell to give the devil back his surname and take our Identity back.

And Uniting in prayer together, black or white, every tribe, putting our differences aside and praying non-stop with every young person across South Africa, Africa and around the world. Because where there is United Prayer, (Psalm133:1-3) God is present and where God is, there is hope, love, transformation and honour.

UPRising South Africa aims to mobilise young people in every street, every township, every city, every province to Pray, BELIEVING.... and to see great and wonderful things happen as a result!

We will gather. We will pray. We will see change across our country.

4th - 6th October, Orange Farm, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Bishop Peter Sekhonyane - IPC Leadership Team

More at: www.uprising-south-africa.or

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:51

50 Days of Prayer for Revival of Korea and the Korean Church – 1 Sep to 20 Oct

Everyday at 8pm, ANI Centers (Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu)

10 Days - 24-7 Virtual Prayer Gathering - 29 Sep - 9 Oct 2019

12 Days of Prayer for Transformation of Iberoamerica- 1-12 Oct 2019


Nationwide Prayer Assembly - South Korea – 3 October 2019

United Prayer Rising – South Africa – 4-6 October 2019


South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019


Hindu World 15 Days of Prayer - 20 Oct - 3 Nov 2019


Go 2020 Prayer Gatherings - 1stMay 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


06bUPRising Events Calendar

UPRising South Africa – October 4-6, 2019, Johannesburg
UPRising North Mindanao - October 28-30, 2019 - Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

UPRising Magpet - November 8-9, 2019 - North Cotabato, Philippines

UPRising Mexico - November 7-10, 2019 - Juarez, Mexico

UPRising Australia - July 14-18, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

UPRising New England - November 19-21, 2020 - New England, USA

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:50

ABUJA, NIGERIA –  Chuck Holton of CBN visited a refugee camp for people who have been internally displaced from their villages in the north and to the west. 'There are about 2.5 million internally displaced people within Nigeria, and that makes this one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world right now. And the thing that all of these people have in common is that they are Christians,' said Chuck.

Much of Boko Haram's terror is directed at Christians. Enoch Yeohanna was in a village invaded by them. "They started with burning churches, killing the pastors, and killing the members. Shutting them down," he said.

“On 29 September 2014 was the day that they attacked my village.  Around ten I had a call that they have killed my dad. They asked him to deny Christ and when he refused they cut off his right hand. Then he refused [again], they cut to the elbow. In which he refused, before they shot him in the forehead, the neck, and chest," Yeohanna went on.

Many of the 1,500 Christians living in this camp have similar stories.

The Nigerian military has mounted large offensives against Boko Haram in recent months, and even with heavy losses on both sides, there seems to be no end in sight. Despite the hardships, these displaced Christians are firm believers in the power of prayer.

"If there is peace, there is nothing that will stop us from going there," Enoch Yeohanna said.

"My faith has helped my prayer life and I believe the prayers of the saints around the world have helped us make it through these tough times,"

Enoch's neighbour, Aisha Walla said -"My hope is that God will bring all those displaced back to their homes so we can worship God together and live in peace."

Full story at:https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2019/august/when-he-refused-to-deny-christ-they-cut-off-his-right-hand-nigerian-christians-describe-horrific-attacks-by-boko-haram

Pray: for the thousands of families displaced in this disaster, largely Christian – that they will find strength to endure these times of hardship and that they will soon be able to return to their homes safely.

Pray: for those living with the traumas and shocking memories, for healing of their minds and peace.

Pray: that those aligned with Boko Haram will find Jesus, repent and turn from their wicked ways.

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:49

Iran has world’s ‘fastest-growing church,’ despite no buildings - and it's mostly led by women: documentary | Fox News

A new film tells the story of the "fastest-growing church" in the world, an underground, persecuted Christian movement in a country known for exporting radical Islamic terrorism -- Iran.

But the Muslim-majority nation's citizens are reportedly fleeing Islam in droves, as believers bow their knee to Jesus, and become aggressively pro-Israel.

“What if I told you Islam is dead?” one unidentified Iranian church leader says in the film, which was directed by Dalton Thomas and produced by Frontier Alliance International Studios.

“What if I told you the mosques are empty inside Iran?" he continues. "What if I told you no one follows Islam inside of Iran? Would you believe me? This is exactly what is happening inside of Iran. God is moving powerfully inside of Iran.”

The pastor adds: “What if I told you the best evangelist for Jesus was the Ayatollah Khomeini? The ayatollahs brought the true face of Islam to light and people discovered it was a lie...After 40 years under Islamic law — a utopia according to them — they’ve had the worst devastation in the 5,000-year history of Iran.”

The documentary, "Sheep Among Wolves Volume II," directed by Dalton Thomas and produced by Frontier Alliance International Studios, a non-profit group "dedicated to disciple-making," highlights the untold story of the persecuted church in Iran.

Thomas calls the movement "the Iranian awakening."

"It owns no property, no buildings, no central leadership, and is predominantly led by women," he said in a statement.

More at: https://www.foxnews.com/faith-values/worlds-fastest-growing-church-women-documentary-film

Praise God - for the many testimonies to people finding Jesus through natural and supernatual encounters.

Pray: for those for whom renouncing Islam comes at a huge personal cost.

Pray: for this 'church without walls' to continue to grow and nurture those young in the faith.

Pray: for the Supreme Leader of Iran – using this videofrom PrayerCast

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:49

With ever-escalating political divides and turmoil sadly being superimposed on the church, many churches in Korea have split apart, made strife with one another, and altogether have been too eager to find reasons to be in antagonism rather than in unity.

Well-known leaders of the church publicly denouncing one another has earned the scorn of many and has left the younger generation disillusioned.

Young adults in the church are confused, leaving the church, or downright apathetic. And this is why we believe the turning point is near.

As many are disillusioned, a hopeful number of believers are springing up from various groups and churches all across Korea who believe this is surely the time to get down to our knees. Many are starting to cry out to the Lord with greater resolve to see revival.

Please pray for the Korean church to be united,not by ideological/political sameness but by sameness of our passion for Jesus and His Kingdom.
Please pray that the church would be fervent in our love for the Lord and for one another.
Pray that believers in Korea would diligently live out the calling to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.
Please pray for those who are at the forefront of bringing unity especially among the leaders, that the Lord would give these reconcilers/intercessors words to convict, change and inspire hearts.

More info:


Becky Park - IPC Leadership Team

Let’s join with many across Korea (and worldwide) in 50 Days of Prayer for Revival for Korea and the Korean Church - September 1 'til October 20th.http://aniprayer.org/2247-2/

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:49

China is killing religious and ethnic minorities and harvesting their organs, UN Human Rights Council told.

Lawyers for independent China Tribunal say UN member states have ‘legal obligation’ to act.

The Chinese government is harvesting and selling organs from persecuted religious and ethnic minorities on an industrial scale, the UN Human Rights Council has been told.

Speaking at the council’s headquarters in Geneva on Tuesday, lawyer Hamid Sabi presented the findings of the China Tribunal, an independent tribunal on allegations of forced organ harvesting.

Mr Sabi told the council that UN member states have a “legal obligation” to act after the tribunal’s final report in June found that “the commission of crimes against humanity against the Falun Gong and Uighur [minorities] had been proved beyond reasonable doubt”.

The China Tribunal was chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC. It concluded that there was clear evidence China had been extracting organs from, and thereby killing, members of the Falun Gong spiritual group for at least 20 years, and that the practice was ongoing today.

Detainees were “killed to order - cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale”, the tribunal’s final judgement said. 

The tribunal said there was also possible evidence, though in less volume, of forced organ harvesting in detainees from the Uighur Muslim minority, as well as Tibetans and some Christian sects.

China’s campaign of detention and “re-education” of more than a million Uighurs in the northwestern Xinjiang province has gained significant international attention and condemnation. The tribunal found evidence they were “being used as a bank of organs” and subjected to regular medical testing.

China has repeatedly denied the use of unethical organ transplant practices, and said that it stopped using the organs from executed prisoners in 2015. In a statement earlier this year, it accused the London-based China Tribunal of perpetuating “rumours”.

But Sir Geoffrey said the evidence collated by the tribunal meant the international community “can no longer avoid what it is inconvenient for them to admit”.

The organ transplant industry is estimated to earn China more than $1bn (£801.4m) a year, according to the tribunal. Sir Geoffrey called on the International Transplant Society and national medical associations dealing with transplant surgery to “face up to what is revealed in the China Tribunal judgment and act”.

The International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (Etac), which initiated the China Tribunal, said it expects a private members bill to stop unethical organ tourism will be tabled in the UK parliament in October. Etac is hoping its findings will prompt the Human Rights Council to open up a UN Commission of Inquiry into forced organ harvesting in China, said Susie Hughes, the organisation’s executive director.

Adam Withnall Asia Editor - Independent

More at: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-religious-ethnic-minorities-uighur-muslim-harvest-organs-un-human-rights-a9117911.html

Pray: that the international community will take a stand against this shocking and inhumane treatment of minority groups.

Pray: for the ‘re-education projects’ to be closed and for the human rights of all people across China to be restored and respected.

Pray: Lets pray continually, for the church in China, that despite persecution, it will grow stronger. (Matt 5:10)

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:48

Trump takes first UN stand to stop religious persecution.

President slams world leaders for 'silencing, shunning, or censoring the faithful.'

NEW YORK—President Donald Trump called on countries to end religious persecution around the world, asking governments to release prisoners of conscience and repeal laws that restrict religion and belief.

World leaders gathered in New York recently for the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Trump started his meetings by hosting the “Global Call to Protect Religious Freedom” event on Sept. 23 at U.N. headquarters.

In his keynote remarks, the president said that he was the first leader to initiate discussion of religious freedom and persecution at the UNGA high-level meetings. He added that the meeting was long overdue.

“I was shocked when I was given that statistic that I would be the first. That’s very sad in many ways,” he said. “Today, with one clear voice, the United States of America calls upon the nations of the world to end religious persecution.”

Trump urged governments around the world to stop persecuting their citizens, release prisoners of conscience, eliminate laws that restrict religion, and protect oppressed people.

“Our Founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one’s religious convictions,” he said.

Trump noted that the religious freedom enjoyed by Americans is rare in the world, adding that 80 percent of the world’s population live in countries where religious liberty is threatened or banned.

He slammed world leaders saying that too often they “preach diversity while silencing, shunning, or censoring the faithful.”

In his speech, Trump condemned both state-sponsored persecution and terrorist attacks against religious targets in the United States and around the world.

“We’re also urging every nation to increase the prosecution and punishment of crimes against religious communities,” Trump said.

He announced that the United States would form a coalition of U.S. businesses for the protection of religious freedom.

“This is the first time this has been done. This initiative will encourage the private sector to protect people of all faiths in the workplace,” he said.

In addition, the Trump administration will allocate an additional $25 million fund “to protect religious freedom and religious sites and relics.”

‘Communist Party in China’

Speaking at the event, Vice President Mike Pence singled out countries where the persecution against people of faith is the most severe, such as Iran, Iraq, China, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

“The regime in Iran brutally persecutes Christians, Sunnis, Baha’i, and Jews,” he said, adding that Iran-backed militias slaughtered Christians and Yazidis in Iraq.

“The Communist Party in China has arrested Christian pastors, banned the sale of Bibles, demolished churches, and imprisoned more than a million Uyghurs in the Muslim population,” he said.

“The president’s speech is an important and historic moment precisely because religious freedom is too often ignored or downplayed at the U.N.,” Kelsey Zorzi, Alliance Defending Freedom international director of global religious freedom and president of the United Nations’ NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief, said in a statement.

By Emel Akan - Follow Emel on Twitter: @mlakan
Full article at:

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:48

Warwick Marsh an Australian Prayer leader who is the Coordinator for the Canberra Declaration, after much consultation with Australian Christian leaders feels challenged to call the Nation to Pray & Fast for rain in October.

James Condon the Chairman of the National Day of Prayer & Fasting (NDOPF) and the Executive team of the NDOPF are also endorsing this prayer call as are many other Christian leaders, Churches and Christian Ministries all over the nation.

Australia is desperate for rain but our nation’s greatest need is for Repentance and Renewal. 

Watch this 3 minute video about the drought: https://vimeo.com/344449314

Every state in Australia has encountered some level of drought over the last several years. Some areas of Northern NSW and Southern Queensland as well as WA, SA and NT are equal to the driest on record. Some say the worst drought ever.

Some towns in Australia are about to run out of water and some towns have already run out of water. Elders Long Range Forecast shows little indication of significant rain over the next 28 days. The Bureau of Meteorology are forecasting a hot dry spring and summer.

In regional drought affected areas one farmer a week is committing suicide. The needs at every level in the bush in regional Australia are massive. 

Now is the time for both prayer and action.

Register now to receive daily devotions and login details for the daily 8PM AEST Time Pray for Rain calls from the 1 – 31st of October 2019 at WWW.CANBERRADECLARATION.ORG.AU/PRAYER-FOR-RAIN

Australia has a desperate need for RAIN, but we have an even more desperate need for God. We pray that as we get down on our knees to pray for RAIN in October that God will give us the grace of REPENTANCE and the RENEWAL of our love for our Father in Heaven. 2 Chronicles 7:14

  1. Pray for Repentance – Father give us the grace to repent as a nation in Jesus Name: “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Acts 3:19
  2. Pray for Renewal – Lord we pray for renewal in our hearts, in the church, in the community and in the nation: “And now I pray, let the power of my Lord be great, just as You have spoken… The Lord is long suffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving the iniquity and transgression (of the nation) … Pardon the iniquity of this people I pray, according to the greatness of your mercy… Then God said, ‘I have pardoned according to your word’.” Numbers 14:17-20
  3. Pray for Rain – Father we pray as we unite together to pray the first two prayers that you will give us the rain because of your abundant mercies: “The Lord sends the rain on the just and the unjust.” Matthew 5:45

We encourage our friends overseas to share this call for a Month of Prayer & Fasting for REPENTANCE, RENEWAL & RAIN  1 -31 October 2019 with your own prayer group, church and Denominational leaders.

Yours for Revival & Rain

Warwick Marsh - Canberra Declaration

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:48

A group of Church of England bishops has issued an open letter on the prospect of a 'no-deal' Brexit and the need for national reconciliation.

The full text can be found below:

The Archbishop of Canterbury has conditionally agreed to chair a Citizens Forum in Coventry and, without prejudice for any particular outcome, we support this move to have all voices in the current Brexit debate heard.

However, we also have particular concerns about the potential cost of a No Deal Brexit to those least resilient to economic shocks.

As bishops with pastoral responsibilities in communities across urban and rural England, we respond to the call by Jesus to tell the truth and defend the poor. We also recognise that our obligations go beyond England and impact on relations with the wider UK and our neighbours in the EU.

Exiting the EU without an agreement is likely to have a massive impact on all our people and the Government is rightly preparing for this outcome.

The Government believes that leaving the EU on 31 October is essential to restoring trust and confidence. It is unlikely, however, that leaving without an agreement, regardless of consequences, will lead to reconciliation or peace in a fractured country.

“Getting Brexit done” will not happen on exit day, and we have to be transparent about the years of work ahead of us in bringing the country together for a better future. We also need to be frank about the potential costs.

Our main social and political priority must be to leave well, paying particular attention to the impact of political decisions on those most vulnerable.

We hold different views about Brexit and how our country should proceed from here. However, although we agree that respecting a public vote is essential, democracy and committed debate do not end after the counting of votes. Our concern for the common good leads us to express concern about a number of matters. Our conviction is that good governance can only ever be based on the confidence of the governed, and that includes minorities whose voice is not as loud as others.

Seeing the evidence of division in every part of England, we are deeply concerned about:

Political polarisation and language that appears to sanction hate crime: the reframing of the language of political discourse is urgent, especially given the abuse and threats levelled at MPs doing their job.

The ease with which lies can be told and misrepresentation encouraged: leaders must be honest about the costs of political choices, especially for those most vulnerable.

The levels of fear, uncertainty and marginalisation in society, much of which lies behind the vote for Brexit, but will not be addressed by Brexit: poor people, EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in Europe must be listened to and respected.

The Irish border is not a mere political totem and peace in Ireland is not a ball to be kicked by the English: respect for the concerns on both sides of the border is essential.

The sovereignty of Parliament is not just an empty term, it is based on institutions to be honoured and respected: our democracy is endangered by cavalier disregard for these.

Attention must be paid not only to the Union, but also to the meaning of Englishness.

Churches serve communities of every shape, size and complexion. We continue to serve, regardless of political persuasion. We invite politicians to pay attention with us to the concerns we register above and encourage a recovery of civil debate and reconciliation.

Pray: for all the politicians to adopt mutual respect, thoughtful and non-antagonistic wording and tones of speech and behaviour that are commensurate with the responsibility and status of their positions.
Pray: that the issues affecting the marginalised, poor and vulnerable people will not be side-lined.  
Pray: for a workable 'deal' and implementation plan to be brokered that is acceptable to all parties.
Pray: for peace, patience and calmness to prevail among the people of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom. Pray for reconciliation of the issues that have divided them.