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Friday, 04 August 2017 10:34

Festivals are often ‘mountaintop experiences’ where we feel the presence of God and hear his voice as Jesus did at the Transfiguration. Each summer we gather thousands of young people, seeing many encounter God in life-changing ways. The vital thing they – and we – must hear is that they are beloved children of God with whom he is well pleased.Mike Pilavachi, Soul Survivor.

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:32

God is advancing His Kingdom in Turkey, despite last year’s attempted coup and the president’s cruel retribution on his people. Christian media are reporting more and more Turks having vivid dreams of Jesus. Christian prayer groups are springing up, people watch Christ preached on the Internet and respond. New Christians are evangelising openly to friends on the Internet. May God give protection, wisdom and boldness to the new converts living in dangerous areas.

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:31

Some of the most powerful Americans are gathering weekly to learn from God's Word. The Trump Cabinet Bible Study is making history. They've been called the most evangelical cabinet since Jimmy Carter - men and women who don't mince words when declaring where they stand on God and the Bible. Also on 11 July evangelical leaders spontaneously prayed with President Trump in the Oval Office during a day-long ‘listening session’ with the Office of Public Liaison. A former Liberty University vice-president posted pictures of the prayer time on social media saying, ‘It shows a substantive relationship between the evangelical community and this administration,’ See: http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2017/july/faith-leaders-enjoy-open-door-at-white-house.

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:27

Palestinian women are scoring a sweet victory against gender discrimination in the West Bank by breaking with tradition and working alongside men at the largest pastry factory in Nablus. They are ignoring prejudices and competing with men for jobs that traditionally belonged to men. However the women only earn half of the amount of the men, even though they have proved to be more competent than the men. Now the factory, supported by women’s rights organisations, plan to provide pastry courses for other women who want to work.

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 06:43

Friends, here is an update from Bernd Oettinghaus, the coordinator of the prayer effort in Hamburg and Berthold Becker of Kainos Ministries on what has been happening there during the recent G20:

Thanks for all who responded to our spontaneous prayer initiative joining in with the many initiatives mobilizing prayer around the globe.

The G20 finished peacefully and in a positive spirit which is an answer to prayer. Also on Saturday around 75,000 people were able to demonstrate peacefully and present their issues.

Saturday night there were riots again but much less than expected. This was certainly an answer to prayer. The force of the riots was extreme, much damage and around 470 police injured. However, the Lord hindered more evil.

The government leaders promised unbureaucratic help and compensation for all damage done over this weekend. On Sunday thousands of people of all ages spontaneously followed a grass roots initiative to clean up the streets. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=hamburg+clean+up+after+g20+youtube&view=detail&mid=169FB132E4C493CFFC7F169FB132E4C493CFFC7F&FORM=VIRE

It was great to be in a net of international intercession. The results of the Summit are less bad as expected. The heads of the 20 nations keep talking instead of walking alone or against each other. But we have to continue in prayer for the world leadership.

In my nation we are cleansing the political arena and weeping out a hidden sympathy for the extrem left wing and asking questions about the strategy of the police, why they let the anarchy situation on Friday night grow for 3-4 hours.

One other result is: The radical left-wing movement and their open-ness for violence is no longer accepted, which helps to stand against it, but on the other side as the danger in it to move in the underground scene.

We will have a prayer conference from 1st to 3rd September 2017 in Berlin where we want to target the leftwing spirit from the 68revolution including the philosophical movement of Adorno and Horxheimer  „Frankfurter Schule“, the terroristic movement of the „Red Army Fraction“ from the 90th. The beginning of this movement is over now for 50 years, and we want to deal with all this socialist movements, kommunist and maoisem/leninism in our nation and in Europe. We also invite Chinese prayer leaders to help in this issue. www.waechterruf.de

We take those days of the G20 as a God given insight in the chaotic powers behind this still alive movement in Europe/the world. We do not want a new wave of radical violent movements in Germany and Europe. Not on the right wing and also not on the left wing.

We do not want a police, which is not under the political control of democratic forces, even no unique individuals or groups among the police fighting their own battles.

We want to learn as the Body of Christ in my nation, to stand together in Prayer alongside the political leaders and the police forces. On 24th September 2017 we will have a national vote.

Blessings and thanks to all prayer warriors

Bernd Oettinghaus /  Berthold Becker  
www.waechterruf.de / www.kainos.de

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 06:39

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2017 is a very special year on God´s calendar, especially for Israel:

  • 120 years from the First Zionist World Congress
  • 100 years from the Balfour Declaration
  • 70 years from the UN Resolution 181
  • 50 years from the Six-Day war and unification of Jerusalem

Many messianic leaders in Israel have been convicted by the Holy Spirit that this is the year to worship and welcome Messiah, the King of Glory to Jerusalem at a special gathering on 9-13 October in Jerusalem together with brothers and sisters in Christ from all continents and nations.

It is the first time that the Messianic Body of Christ extends an invitation like this to the church from the nations. We believe this is of prophetic significance and therefore encourage all brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ and their friends to join us in Jerusalem this October.

For more details please see the invitation letter of Messianic leaders that follows, and please visit the www.wtkog.com website.

Looking forward to seeing you in Jerusalem October 9-13, and please also distribute this invitation within your churches and networks.

In Christ

Ioan Peia (Romania)
Berthold Becker (Germany)

October 9-13, 2017 - Ramat Rachel Resort, Jerusalem, Israel
The holy Convocation in Jerusalem to welcome the King of Glory!

Dear Family of God from the Nations!

Shalom from Jerusalem, the City of the Great King!

Two thousand years ago our Lord and Messiah, Yeshua, commanded his disciples to take the Gospel from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20). Six hundred years before this, the prophet Isaiah saw that the glory of God would reach even to the islands from the rising of the sun (east), and also to the “ends of the earth” (Isaiah 24:15, 41:5, 42:10).

In our generation, these prophecies of the Great Commission are being fulfilled. The Gospel has reached to the distant islands of the Pacific, exactly on the other side of globe from Jerusalem. And now, peoples from every tribe, tongue and nation, are desiring to bring the Good News and the Glory back to Jerusalem - all in preparation for His glorious return!

We are a group of Israeli, Messianic leaders who have come together to “Welcome the King of Glory.” King David was the first to welcome the King of Glory when he brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. He did this both as an individual worshiper, but also on behalf of his people, Israel.

For many reasons, we believe that this year of 2017 is prophetically significant. Together with a remnant of believers from many tribes, tongues and nations, we desire to welcome the King of Glory into Jerusalem once more. We believe we are on the cusp of a new season of His glory residing in His Body worldwide - according to Isaiah 60. We also believe that this will mark a new season of God’s presence among His people in Israel, and the beginning of a season of the fulfilment of many End Times’ events. (We are not necessarily declaring this season as the time of His Second Coming!)

We want to invite you, your family, your tribes and nations, to come up to Jerusalem for this special gathering during Sukkot 2017.

More info and to register: www.wtkog.com

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 06:37

This abbreviated article is taken from Crosswalk and written by Debbie Przybylski of Intercessors Arise International,

“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills.” (Amos 9:13).

Community transformation is when a culture is impacted by the presence of God. His supernatural power flows into the city and affects every level of society. Our cities are filled with spiritually homeless people who don’t know who they are or where they are going. There is an emptiness without God and we must invite Him into our cities.

Our communities are looking for identity and God’s presence is our identity. We must believe that revival and transformation will affect everything. We need a sense of purpose and the authority of God in our city. Only Jesus can change a city and a nation. Jesus told His disciples, “Without me you can do nothing.” One day God will rule the whole world because He is God of all (Ezekiel 48:35, Isaiah 62:4).

There is evidence that God is bringing transformation to communities around the world. George Otis, Jr. (producer of the Transformation Video series) has witnessed evidence of God’s willingness to transform spiritually barren communities in areas where believers have determined to exchange passive dissatisfaction for active, prevailing prayer. But history tells us that people do not change until they are aware of an imminent crisis or an immediate opportunity. We as humans must be persuaded that our present circumstance is desperate and that time is running out quickly. We must realize that our condition is not only broken or painful, but very dangerous.

If we are only disappointed, most of us won’t change. We think our condition is only temporary or that time is on our side. Our society will change and we will take action in prayer only when we get desperate. Then we will be willing to do the impossible.
Then we will fervently pray for our cities. We need to ask ourselves: “Are we desperate enough for revival and city transformation?”

How to Pray for Transformation in Your City

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you” (Isaiah 60:1-2).

Transformation is the reflection of God’s character coming forth in every way possible. This is what we want in our cities. Let us not draw back at such a critical hour. We are now at the desperate stage in our cities. Let us move forward in prevailing, passionate prayer by the grace of God and seek Him for transformation and revival! This is an opportunity that we must grasp now.

The following are principles that can bring life to your city. They are adapted from The Quickening DVD:

*Pray and invite God into your city.

God wants to be invited into our communities. He wants His presence to become so strong that men see themselves as lost and start coming to Him. If God is to increase our spiritual appetite, we must ask Him. First we must be emptied of our own satisfaction and feel the awareness of our emptiness. We are “undone” like Isaiah which will cause a cry from our heart (Isaiah 6:5-8). As God’s watchmen, we must call on the Lord and invite Him into our cities.

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth” (Isaiah 62:6-7).

*Pray for holiness and humility.

God is drawn to holiness and humility. If we want to be change agents in the city, we must be changed agents. The humble and the poor in spirit He brings to himself. The biggest thing that impedes unity is our own pride. What is ready to die? We have to make the basic decision,“I will not be offended by others.” God uses humility and broken people. A sincere heart cuts into the frozenness of the world.

“Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?’ declares the Lord. ‘These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit and who tremble at my word” (Isaiah 66:2).

*Pray for corporate revival.

It begins with individual obedience and solitary decisions. The most important thing is that we begin. It’s not what we do but why we do it. Man is impressed by activity but God is impressed with obedience. We will encounter resistance and get discouraged, but God is focused on us. We must make that commitment ourself and search out a core group who have that commitment. It starts with a few who won’t give up, press on and keep praying and crying out to God month after month with fasting, prayer and humility. This will have a domino effect.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16).

*Pray for unity.

Biblical unity is a majority with God. It’s not based on numbers. Unity is a byproduct of relationships. When kingdom connection occurs, we then live under kingdom rule.
Where two or three hungry hearts join together in the cause of revival, God is there.

The presence of God unites people in a supernatural unity. Leaders must be committed to a community.

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity… For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore” (Psalm 133:1, 3b).

*Pray for fervent prayer among the churches in your city.

Breakthrough, fervent prayer releases destiny. It’s desperation and humility, a foundation of fervent, persevering prayer when we become desperate for God.  People of travailing prayer have a determination with a desperation that says,“We will not let go of you until we hear from you.” Allow Him to break and mold you. Pray for your city’s destiny. We forget that God is the God of destiny, and we are people of destiny. Prayer has to be more of a priority, and we must hear the trumpet call.

“They all joined together constantly in prayer” (Acts 1:14).

God is looking for leaders who will stand in the gap for their nation who don’t care who gets the credit. They are not stakeholders but shareholders. They give God the glory. Revival leaders are often unlikely choices. The measure of leadership is not influence with the public but influence with God

TC Kim
Facilitator - Transform USA

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 06:35

There are many stories these days of government trampling parental rights, but what happens when parents are the ones doing the trampling?

Recently on BreakPoint we talked about the tough case of recently deceased Charlie Gard—the terminally ill baby whom British courts decided should die in the hospital rather than travel to America with his parents to seek experimental treatment for his rare condition. In that commentary, I said that the government had overstepped its authority, taking away the right of Charlie’s parents to make decisions for their son.

But another story shows that there’s another side to this coin. The parent of a Canadian newborn not only wants to make a crucial life decision for him or her, but also force the government to recognize that decision. Now I say “him or her” because it has been hidden whether little Searyl Doty of British Columbia is a boy or a girl. Only the child’s mother, who identifies as a “non-binary trans person” and is taking male hormones, knows the truth.

Searyl made international news when this baby received what his or her mother is calling the first ever “genderless” document issued by any government. The Gender Free I.D. Coalition, an activist group Searyl’s mother participates in, seeks to “remove all gender/sex designations from identity documents,” and in this case, they appear to have gotten their wish. The card issued by British Columbia lists Searyl’s sex as “U,” presumably for “unknown” or “unclassified.”

Searyl’s mother (who, again, would prefer I call her a “parent,”) said in a statement that “It is up to Searyl to decide how they identify, when they are old enough to develop their own gender identity.”

Doty believes so deeply in liberating children from biological sex that she’s a complainant in a case currently before the province’s Human Rights Tribunal, arguing for genderless government I.D. She’s also applied for judicial review of her child’s birth certificate, which British Columbia still says must list either male or female.

Doty’s lawyer says requiring such a designation violates the baby’s rights “as a Canadian citizen to life, liberty and security of the person.” And by the way—folks, I promise I’m not making this up—this lawyer refuses to use capital letters in her name because it’s oppressive.

Now why am I telling you all of this? Because in contrast to the Charlie Gard case in which the government overstepped its sphere of sovereignty, this is a case of a parent overstepping her sphere of sovereignty as well as crossing the line into abuse.

And no, I don’t think “abuse” is too strong a word for a mother who refuses to acknowledge the biological reality of her child’s sex, and to raise him or her in denial of such reality. The potential for harm here is great, and not only should government officials refuse to accommodate it, they should stop such practices, even if necessary, removing the child from that home.

Of course, I don’t expect for a moment the Canadian authorities will actually do this. But they should. And Christians shouldn’t be afraid to say so.

And just as there are limits to the state’s authority over the family, there are limits of the family’s authority over the state. A parent doesn’t have the right to force the government to violate its responsibility to recognize reality either.

God designed the family before all other institutions to produce, nurture, and protect children. The state isn’t competent to do this, and neither is the market, the academy, or even the church. But when the family fails to fulfill its God-ordained role—when parents try to deny a fundamental and biological truth about who their children are, they’ve failed.

It’s awful to watch governments steamroll one family to end Charlie Gard’s life, while failing to intervene in Searyl Doty’s life. Because children are helpless against our social experimentations, Christians can’t simply retreat from the public square or concede the clash of worldviews. The bad ideas of adults in any sphere of authority often have small victims.


Bad ideas and faulty ideologies have consequences, and they also have victims. Children shouldn’t be those victims. As John has urged, let’s not retreat but rather be pro-active in the public square, encouraging families to nurture and protect children, promoting reality and the truth of God’s design.

More and further discussion at http://breakpoint.org

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 06:32

My word …will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.  Isa 55:11  


This is one of the areas that the devil tries the hardest to stop. People come to believe through God’s Word.   It is very hard to sustain a church (new believers) unless they have the Word in their own language. Those doing this work are asking for prayer for each of the groups they are working in.

Translation is being done for 15 different groups, some are large groups, others are smaller.  In two of the groups each time a project like this was started the devil blocked it.


  • Pray that the work might not be blocked by the evil one by sickness, death, family problems, or in any other way.  
  • Pray for heath for all those involved
  • Pray for those teaching them how to do this work, that they may be able to stay in country and not lose their papers
  • Pray for those learning to learn quickly and well
    • Persistence - this is a long process
    • Completion of each project


The translation of the film for Muslims.  Changes are being made on physical things in the film that are offensive to them (like Jesus going into the temple with shoes on, hand actions, etc). Some of these changes could cost up to a million dollars, but the suggestions have been well received. Then language is needed that is acceptable and not offensive.  Pray for this huge project   Pray for wisdom from God to see and make the right suggestions.


The Prime Minister is being accused of money laundering and corruption (he has been thrown out twice before for this).  Opposition parties are against him. A high percentage of the lawyers are against him.  It has been on the floor of Parliament again and again, and is supposed to come up for the final time on the 17th. PRAY God’s will:  If he is thrown out who would take his place?  It would probably be much harder for Christians and foreign workers.

Thanks for PRAYING for PAKISTAN!!

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 06:29

Global Prayer and Missions Leaders from around the world are linking together in unprecedented ways.

There is a great need in this season to see how we can collaborate together in more effective ways. We would like to share this opportunity with you.  

As a part of this conference there will be a Prayer Track

You will be fully engaged and embedded in this influential and impactful network conference (Ephesians 3:20). We will look at how to be more effective and intentional together (Luke 10:2).

Global prayer and missions leaders will be sharing on the value of collaborating together (John 17:20-23). You will hear from top mission leaders as they share current stats, trends and prayer needs of finishing the task (Matthew 24:14).

As we spend the week together we will become familiar with what is still needed to see a shift from NO Scripture, NO Missionary, NO Church, NO Known Believers, to adoption and an intentional strategy toward getting the Gospel where it has not been previously (Revelation 5:9 & 7:9).  

Who Should Attend?

If you identify with one or more of the following categories, this conference is for you!

Sending Organization/Church

You want to send (or help send) gospel workers to plant multiplying churches among Unengaged, Unreached People Groups (UUPGs).

Resource Provider

You indirectly engage UUPGs by gathering resources (i.e., finances, training, or media tools).

Mission Mobilizer

You promote the engagement of UUPGs by increasing awareness, vision-casting, and connecting potential gospel workers and resources with engagement opportunities.

Prayer/Prayer Leader or Mobilizer

You promote the engagement of UUPGs through prayer in building a platform of prayer, awareness building, vision casting and connecting prayer as a foundational aspect and resource with opportunities among UUPGs.

Registration Information:  

Early Registration:  $175/person (ends November 14th)   
Registration:  $200/person   
Note:  Registration cut-off is December 2, 2017

Register and find out more information about travel, lodging, transportation, etc. by visiting:  www.finishingthetask.com