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Thursday, 13 September 2012 21:22

The Methodist Church has launched a national consultation on evangelism. Methodists across Britain will be asked what evangelism means to them and what they find challenging about it. The online survey will ask them what they think it means to be called by God to share the Good News and what shape evangelism should take in 21st century Britain. A consultation day will take place on 27 November at Methodist Church House in London, bringing together up to 80 Methodists from different contexts. The day will be hosted by the Rev Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church. He said. ‘The reality is that many Methodists are doing wonderful and creative things to share God’s love with their communities. We want to affirm that, but also help others to engage more fully with the calling we all have to make disciples of Jesus Christ.’

Pray: for the Methodist Church as it focusses on creative ways to boost evangelism. (2Th.2:14)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/methodist.church.looks.to.boost.evangelism/30632.htm

Friday, 08 October 2010 15:43

Ecumenical relations between the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church (URC) will reach a milestone moment next week when both church’s Councils convene for their first-ever joint meeting. 140 members of the two Free Church councils will meet at the Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick from October 13-15, when they will deal with both domestic and inter-denominational issues. Although the Methodist Church and the URC are not bound by many formal agreements, there has been extensive collaboration between the two bodies during recent years. Next week’s summit will be the latest step in this journey of joint working between the two Churches, which both span England, Scotland and Wales. At the meeting, each Church Council will meet privately to carry out its own business. However, for the majority of the sessions, members of the two bodies will come together to work from the same agenda, as part of an ongoing drive to unite in mission and outreach.

Pray: for unity of purpose between Christian churches (2Co. 11:28)

More: http://www.methodistrecorder.co.uk/mrhlines.htm

Sunday, 01 September 2013 17:43

Methadone has killed more people in Scotland than heroin for the second year running, according to the latest Government figures. The findings come after a review commissioned by the Scottish Government raised concerns about the £36 million methadone programme. Methadone, the heroin substitute, caused 237 deaths last year, amounting to 41 per cent of all drug-related fatalities. Methadone is provided by medics to addicts as a legal substitute for heroin, funded by the taxpayer. It is supposed to reduce dependency on heroin, but critics say users just become “parked” on methadone instead. The review chaired by Dr Brian Kidd, an addictions expert, said they found little evidence of a “real impetus” for addicts using methadone to recover. A Times newspaper investigation in 2010 concluded that addicts were pleading with the Government to help them get off drugs completely instead of just parking them on the heroin substitute.

Pray: for an effective programme to help addicts quit drugs completely. (Php.4:13)

More: http://www.christian.org.uk/news/methadone-bigger-killer-than-heroin-in-scotland/

Thursday, 28 February 2013 20:06

Independent Police Complaints Commission's Deborah Glass, reports that victims have been encouraged to drop rape charges in order to improve the Met's sex crime squad's performance results is ‘a sorry indictment of the performance culture.' This most recent case reported by the IPCC said: ‘There is no doubt from the evidence that a woman made an allegation of rape at Walworth police station which should have been believed and thoroughly investigated.’ The IPCC said the Southwark Sapphire squad's approach of ‘failing to believe victims’ was ‘wholly inappropriate’. It also said it was ‘underperforming and over-stretched’. Deputy chairwoman of the IPCC Deborah Glass said: ‘There's no doubt this was an incredibly serious and shocking incident. We know with all the cases that we've dealt with that the consequences of not dealing with allegations of rape can be extremely serious. This case is yet another tragic illustration of that.’

Pray: that all reported rapes would be investigated thoroughly and that the Police would be given training to enable them to be sensitive from first contact and throughout their investigations. (Dt.13:14)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-21586786


Tuesday, 18 May 2010 16:45

Alcohol misuse is a problem among UK troops who have been in Afghanistan and Iraq, but serious mental disorders are not as common as feared, a study says. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) rates are low despite many deployments in foreign combat zones, a study in The Lancet based on 10,000 personnel found. They are significantly lower than those reported among US troops, it adds. The King's College research, funded by the MoD, said more emphasis should be placed on drinking problems than PTSD. Now the new Government is formed, the members of the Cabinet and their staffs will be selected. Please pray for the new Secretary of State for Defence, the new Ministers of State for the Armed Forces and Strategic Defence Acquisition Reform, together with the Under Secretaries of State. Pray too for good relationships between the Armed Forces’ Chiefs of Staff and the new government.

Pray: for all those who are suffering from PTSD or alcoholic problems following their deployment in combat zones. (1Tim. 2:2)

More: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8677941.stm


Monday, 18 June 2012 11:05

Only a quarter of people under 65 with mental health problems are receiving care, according to a landmark report that is highly critical of the lack of access to therapy. The authors of the report, led by academics at the London School of Economics, say those who cannot get treatment are essentially being discriminated against. They say that mental health now accounts for almost half the total burden of ill health suffered by people under 65. However, they found that only a quarter of children and adults of working age received treatment, due in part to poor provision. Ministers have promised to raise the profile of mental health services - using such slogans as ‘no health without mental health’, but the report’s authors want them to back up their words with action. They say: ‘The under-treatment of people with crippling mental illnesses is the most glaring case of health inequality in our country.

Pray: for all those affected by such illness and their needs may be better met. (3Jn.1:2)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9334977/Mental-health-shockingly-under-treated-claims-report.html

Thursday, 23 February 2012 12:23

A group of 11 men plied girls as young as 13 with drink and drugs so they could use them for sex, a court has heard. The offences are said to have happened in and around Rochdale, Greater Manchester, in 2008 and 2009. Liverpool Crown Court heard how the men, aged between 22 and 59 and from Oldham and Rochdale, ‘acted together to sexually exploit the girls’. All deny conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16. Rachel Smith, opening the case for the prosecution, said: ‘No child should be exploited as these girls say they were.’ The Court heard that some of the girls were raped and physically assaulted and some were forced to have sex with ‘several men in a day, several times a week’. Miss Smith said the girls were given alcohol, food and money in return for sex and there were times when violence was used. The Court was told that some of the defendants also took payments from other men to whom they supplied the girls for sex.

Pray: that the authorities and the justice system would come down hard on the perpetrators of this crime. (Ps.96:13)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-17117530

Thursday, 26 May 2011 18:50

Cross community campaigners for social cohesion in Newham have condemned the decision of a government planning inspector to allow Islamic group, Tablighi Jamaat, permission to breach planning laws. In a ruling, the inspector authorised the radical group to continue using the current temporary mosque on the site of their proposed Olympic mega-mosque at West Ham. Local opposition association Newham Concern say the decision will provide succour to Islamic radicals. ‘For years Tablighi Jamaat have deliberately flouted building regulations and planning laws’, said Alan Craig, Newham Concern’s campaign director and former leader of the Opposition on Newham Council for the Christian Peoples Alliance party: ‘After much delay and procrastination Newham Council at last took the right action and told them to move off site. But the Planning Inspector has overturned this and apparently decided that illegality pays. They can now stay on site with temporary planning permission for a further two years.’ (See Prayer Alert 06-2011)

Pray: that this decision will be over-ruled. (Pr.29:26)

More: http://www.cpaparty.org.uk/?page=news&id=383


Thursday, 08 March 2012 15:33

In an article in the British Medical Journal two medical ethicists said doctors should be allowed to kill disabled or even unwanted newborn babies because they are ‘not actual persons’. They argue that parents should have the choice to end the lives of their children shortly after they are born because, at this stage, they are morally irrelevant’ and have ‘no moral right to life.’ And, ‘Infanticide is no different morally to abortion since both a foetus and a newborn baby were only ‘potential persons’. Rev Joanna Jepson said the article highlights ‘false ethical assumption made by many pro-choice groups, that abortion was morally justified because the child was still in the womb.’ Lord Alton said it is profoundly shocking to see how opinion-formers within the medical profession have ditched the professional belief of the healer to uphold the sanctity of human life for this impoverished and inhumane defence of child destruction.

Pray: for people to recognise the distorted thinking in the justification of post-natal abortion and to reject it completely. (Mt.19:14)

More: http://www.christiantoday.co.uk/article/christians.reject.afterbirth.abortion/29416.htm

Thursday, 29 September 2011 18:59

A GMC Investigatory Committee has decided to continue to pursue the case against Dr Richard Scott, the Kent GP accused by a patient of sharing his faith in a one-to-one consultation, despite the witness not being at the hearing and showing an ‘unconditional disinclination to attend’. The case has now been temporarily adjourned by the GMC's Investigatory Committee whilst another attempt is made to get the complainant to attend. With no witness at the hearing this week, Dr Scott was not able to cross-examine and challenge the evidence of the complainant on what was allegedly said between the two individuals in the consulting room. Concerns have been raised that without the chance to cross-examine, any doctor would be made extremely vulnerable to allegations. (See Prayer Alert 21-2011)

Pray: for Dr Scott and pray that the GMC would be granted true wisdom. (Ps.89:21-22)

More: http://www.christianconcern.com/our-concerns/religious-freedom/gmc-medical-council-case-dr-richard-scott