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Thursday, 13 June 2013 18:56

The Leprosy Mission has hit out at suggestions that the Treasury might take a share of Gift Aid or impose a levy on charities. The call came from the Charity Commission, which has warned that it will not be able to cope with the Treasury's request to make a further saving of 10 per cent in the year 2015/16. The Leprosy Mission said, however, that it was "unfair" to take a slice of gift aid to plug the Government's spending cuts. Peter Walker, national director of The Leprosy Mission said a levy could put people off giving while penalizing recipients of the money. ‘If the Government wants a Big Society, it is responsible for providing the framework for the charitable sector to operate effectively, which includes rigorous investigation where necessary,’ he said. ‘The charitable sector is paramount to the delivery of the Big Society and it is, therefore, unreasonable for the government to expect charities to pay to regulate the sector.’

Pray: that this proposal will not become policy and that charitable donation remains entirely with the charity receiving the gift. (Pr.22:16 )

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/leprosy.mission.says.levy.on.charities.unfair/32723.htm


Thursday, 14 February 2013 19:13

Praying can be frustrating. Most Christians are convinced that they should pray more than they do. But it’s hard. Some don’t pray because they don’t know what to say. It can seem that the best praying is done by super-spiritual types who have command of some sacred vocabulary. The forty days to Palm Sunday February 13 – March 24, 2013 makes an ideal time to venture into a season of sustained, hope-filled prayer. To pray differently, praying great things. Because of this sense of frustration, instead of calling people to pray more, we need to urge people to pray differently than they may have learned or experienced. How differently? In what ways should our praying be different? Waymakers is a mobilization ministry focused on seeing Christ’s glory enhanced and advanced by sensitive, persistent prayer. Their website offers new ways to pray differently, equip and encourage Christians to pursue a vision of living in a prayed-for community, and of course, a prayed for world.

Pray: that the Holy Spirit will teach us new ways to pray that will change the world. (Lk.11:1)

More: http://waymakers.org/about/


Thursday, 23 February 2012 12:21

Stewardship is inviting Christians to do their bit in changing the world this Lent. The charity is asking Christians to take up the 40acts challenge and create a movement of generosity. The challenge is to ‘do Lent generously’ this year by taking part in 40 acts of generosity over 40 days, some of which might focus on community engagement, the environment, or stepping out from personal comfort zones. Ideas can be big and small, from inviting a neighbour to church or sending a thank you note, or picking up litter around the neighbourhood. Debbie Wright, Stewardship’s Head of Content explains: ‘Lent marks a pivotal point in the history of the Church, when Jesus prepared to give himself up as a sacrifice for all mankind. Traditionally we mark Lent by giving something up, but what if it could be more than that? What if Lent was a preparation for a lifetime of big-heartedness?’

Pray: that Church would not just ‘do Lent generously’ but make it a lifestyle change. (Dt.15:10)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/lent.challenge.to.demonstrate.generosity/29334.htm

Monday, 17 January 2011 21:04

The Bishop of Winchester, the Rt Rev Michael Scott-Joynt, warned that the death of ‘religious literacy’ among those who made and administered the law had created an imbalance in the way in which those with faith were treated compared to sexual minorities. Highlighting the case of Gary McFarlane, a relationship counsellor who was sacked by Relate for refusing to give sex therapy to a homosexual couple, he said that the judiciary now went out of its way to protect the rights of minorities. At the same time, for the first time in British history politicians and judges were largely ignorant of religion and so failed to appreciate the importance Christians placed on abiding by the scriptures rather than the politically correct values of the secular state. The Bishop’s concerns were underlined by Lord Woolf, a former Lord Chief Justice, who agreed that in some legal cases the balance had gone ‘too far’ in tipping away from Christians.

Pray: that lawmakers and enforcers will ensure that fairness and balance between political correctness and Christian beliefs will be restored. (Pr.16:11)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/8225991/Bishop-of-Winchester-legal-system-discriminates-against-Christians.html

Monday, 03 June 2013 10:36

A generation of children risks being traumatised by the Government's swingeing legal aid cuts, and youngsters caught in violent homes are already being placed in acute danger, family law experts have revealed. Two months after free legal services were abolished in most divorce and custody cases, lawyers warn it is just a matter of time before they are dealing with the murder of an abused mother or her children. In the most damning assessment yet, barristers, solicitors and charities strongly condemned the civil legal aid cuts as an attack on the country's most vulnerable children from its poorest communities. Experts predict a spike in angry too poor to afford private legal help, simply taking the law into their own hands. They warn a generation of youngsters from impoverished communities will be emotionally damaged by parental battles or simply lose access to their fathers and paternal relatives.

Pray: for government, the courts and children's services to work together to ensure the protections of children at risk of family violence. (Ps.9:9-10)

More: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/legal-aid-cuts-put-a-generation-of-children-in-danger-8640801.html


Wednesday, 25 August 2010 12:09

Christian relief and development agency Tearfund is asking Christians to consider leaving a legacy in their will as part of their discipleship. Tearfund made the call following its decision to join the Christian Legacy consortium, a group of Christian charities which encourages people to leave a gift to their favourite Christian charities when writing their will. Paul Brigham, Tearfund’s UK Director, says: ‘Because so many Christians have not yet considered leaving a legacy to a Christian charity as part of their lifetime’s discipleship, Tearfund is passionate about joining with other charities to encourage people to consider prayerfully this important area of ministry. Partnerships are key to everything Tearfund sets out to achieve, and we’re pleased and privileged to be working alongside other Christian organisations as part of this consortium.’

Pray: that the Spirit will continue to remind us that everything we have belongs to the Lord. (Lk.16:11)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/legacies.should.be.part.of.a.christians.discipleship.tearfund/26522.htm


Friday, 25 May 2012 13:17

The Law Society has revoked the booking of a major marriage conference to be held by Christian Concern and others because it is contrary to its ‘diversity’ policy. Christian Concern, which forms part of a family values coalition, the World Congress of Families, was due to host a colloquium at the Law Society on the issue of marriage, entitled ‘One man-One woman. Making the case for marriage for the good of society’. In an astonishing e-mail, Adam Tallis, General Manager of Ampersand at the Law Society, stated that the event ‘is contrary to our diversity policy, espousing as it does an ethos which is opposed to same-sex marriage.’ The Law Society’s decision comes at a time when the debate over the Government’s proposal to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples has reached fever pitch after over half a million people have signed a petition opposing the plans.

Pray: for our country to return to traditional marriage values and may God’s wisdom saturate the law makers at this time. (Is.33:6)

More: http://www.christianconcern.com/our-concerns/social/law-society-bans-a-marriage-conference-because-of-its-%E2%80%98diversity%E2%80%99-policy



Thursday, 27 June 2013 14:57

A Christian group has reached an agreement with the Law Society after its marriage conference was cancelled at the last minute. Christian Concern was due to hold a conference in May last year at the Law Society's headquarters exploring the nature and meaning of marriage, but the booking was cancelled after a member of the society complained that the conference was ‘anti-gay’. As part of a mediation process, Christian Concern and the Law Society met last week to discuss the cancellation. A joint statement released after the meeting said that both organisations ‘uphold the right and freedoms of other members of society based on the principles of a democratic society and debate’. The Law Society has announced it will organise a full debate on the issue of same sex marriage joined by a speaker from Christian Concern, and that it welcomes bookings from the Christian advocacy group in the future.

Pray: that, following the meeting between the two organisations , a meaningful open debate will allow Christian views to be discussed. (Ps.119:137)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/law.society.and.christian.group.reach.agreement.over.marriage.conference/32942.htm


Monday, 12 December 2011 12:08

Parents should spend less on presents because commercialisation is ruining Christmas, according to David Cameron’s top adviser on childhood, who urged families not to give in to ‘pester power’ and resist the temptation to get into debt by buying lavish gifts. Mr Bailey, who is the chief executive of Mothers’ Union, a Christian charity, warned that commercial pressures threatened to undermine the message of Christmas. ‘Parents have high levels of anxiety about presents,’ he said. ‘They feel as though they have to purchase expensive gifts because that's what all the other children have.’ He said that children should not be treated as ‘mini-consumers’ and said they would benefit in the long run from having fewer possessions. ‘This is a stressful time of the year. There's pressure to buy expensive things. Children admit they pester their parents but it's terribly sad that we end up leaving parents feeling utterly guilty after Christmas, having desperately tried to make ends meet.’

Pray: for all those for whom Christmas merely presents a financial worry rather than a simple celebration of our Lord’s birth. (Pr.14:15)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/8949218/Lavish-presents-ruining-Christmas-warns-childhood-tsar-Reg-Bailey.html

Friday, 24 September 2010 16:05

A Christian advocacy group has launched a new campaign defending the right of Christians to express their faith and beliefs in public. The former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey is among the supporters of the nationwide ‘Not Ashamed’ campaign launched by Christian Concern for our Nation. The campaign criticises the discrimination some Christians have experienced in school or the workplace as a result of being open about their beliefs. It points to the recent high profile cases of Gary McFarlane, a relationships adviser who was dismissed by Relate for refusing to counsel same-sex couples, and Shirley Chaplin, a nurse who was taken off wards after refusing to remove her crucifix. The group is asking Christians to wear the Not Ashamed logo during Advent and on December 1, which it has declared ‘Not Ashamed Day’. Lord Carey is writing a leaflet to accompany the campaign, to be delivered to every household, in which he explains why Jesus Christ is good news for all. www.notashamed.org.uk


Pray: for this campaign to be successful in empowering Christians to express themselves unashamedly. (2Pe.2:2)
