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Friday, 30 April 2021 15:55

Continuing our series of articles introducing you to the leaders at IPC, this month we would like to introduce you to Onassis Jeevaraj.

Onassis serves on the Executive Team and Council of International Prayer Connect and is responsible for raising a strong prayer network in 8 South Asian countries. He has been associated with IPC since 2005, identified and encouraged by our previous Chairman, John Robb and given responsibility to facilitate prayers in the South Asia region since 2008.  He conducted the Global Children in Prayer Summit in Chennai in 2008, (45 nations and 200 delegates participated in this summit).  Onassis also facilitated the South Asia Prayer council conferences in Sri Lanka and Nepal. 

Onassis was born in the city of Chennai (Chennai is the city where one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Thomas, was martyred.)  His parents were nominal Christians and were not church goers. He used to go to church once in a while and had no knowledge of Jesus until he received the Lord as his personal savior when he was seventeen years old.

Onassis also serves as the India National Director for GO MOVEMENT.  His job is to envision the body of Christ, with the need to go for one-on-one Evangelism, ‘each one reach one’. He travels across the nation of India to meet with leaders / bishops / overseers of different denominations and to encourage churches to reach the nation.  His journey with God has been an interesting blend of learning stewardship and applying the Kingdom principles through the Marketplace and also through being an ordained minister.

IPC April 2021 02bWINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK - www.win1040.org

Onassis’s journey in Window International Network started when he first attended their global prayer summit in East Malaysia in 2006. Now he is part of their network as a prayer mobilizer and trainer.  10/40 nations (those between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude) consist of 69 countries, close to 4 billion people, yet 90% of these nations have not been reached by the gospel.  As Chief Executive Director, he has social media and reporter teams that inform readers and contacts as to what is happening in the 1040 window.  They regularly send Emergency Prayer Alerts and daily updates of prayer targets covering the 1040 nations. He also takes teams to do prayer journeys to the most vulnerable countries as first-hand experience of prayer walking and intercession.

Tell us a bit about your story of what you did previously and how you got into prayer ministry?

At the age of 19 years, I committed to be a full-time servant of the Lord and involved myself in the local church as a Sunday School teacher, Youth Minister, leading many young people to the Lord.  At the same time, I managed my own Electrical Contracting company for 12 years with a successful career. I was huge tither and giver to missions. However in the years 1990-2000, business was challenging and I suffered losses and rising debts, and I had to ask several people to support me financially. I made a commitment then to leave the business only when I had settled all my debts.   After 3 months, God miraculously blessed my business beyond my understanding and I paid all my outstanding debtors, earned the good will of my market and clients and was again very successful.  In the year 2001 at the peak of my business career, I heard the audible voice of the Holy Spirit, telling me it was time to move to full time ministry. I quit in the year 2001 and closed my company. I was ordained as Pastor of Prince of Peace Ministries in Chennai.

In 2002I had an opportunity to meet Brother Patrick Joshua (a renowned Mission and Prayer Leader in India) and to steward for him during his prayer ministry assignments. One day he said that the Lord had told him that Onassis is the person who will assist him to initiate and network the churches in India for Prayer.  Hence, National Prayer Network was born. I had hardly travelled outside of my city before 2002!  God now helped me to pioneer National Prayer Network, connecting leaders of different denominations, missions, NGO’s , other prayer networks, business networks and to spark prayer by traveling to more than 400 cities and 30 plus nations. I led many National and International Prayer Initiatives, Conferences, Prayer Rallies, fasting Prayers, Prayer Walking, Teaching, and preaching in 100’s of churches across the nations.

Tell us about your family.

My wife's name is Joyce Esther, we have been married for 23 years and are blessed with 2 sons. Solomon is 22 years old and Simeon is 20 years. Solomon is completing his master’s degree in Human Resources and will soon pursue his carrier in HR.  Simeon is in his second year studying Engineering. Both live in Chennai, India.

Tell us about what you do to relax... any hobbies or sports?

I love traveling to new places and meeting new people. I like to spend time traveling alone and speaking to God. I get relaxed when I help someone in need.   My favorite sport is Cricket - I support Chennai Super Kings.

IPC April 2021 02cWho was the most inspirational mentor to you, and why?

Brother Patrick Joshua (pictured right).  He saw the call of God on my life, introduced me to the churches and gave me the platform to minister to big church leaders. I learned first-hand lessons in simplicity, patience and faith from this man of God.

What is the biggest challenge you are facing at the moment? How are you dealing with it?

The Covid surge in India is very alarming.  The government is doing its best, but the nation is facing one of its worst humanitarian crises in the history of our nation. We have lost many pastors and some of them their spouses.  We need more prayers. I am trying to help many of them practically and financially at this juncture. The situation is almost overwhelming. 

What’s your favorite scripture, and why?

IPC April 2021 02dPhil 4 :7- Peace of God and 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  The unending grace of God and His unconditional love is the foundation of my life, But for His grace and grace alone.

What advice would you give to someone considering getting involved in prayer?

  • Prayer ministry is not a stage. It is done in close quarters, one may not get the credit, but then you will have the satisfaction of doing what God wants you to do.
  • One needs to have a big heart to accept all kinds of people for mobilizing united prayer.
  • One should sacrifice their Ego.
  • The attitude of John the Baptist is one to hold on to - Let me decrease and Christ increase.
  • Work hard and leave the rest to God.

IPC April 2021 02eOnassis’s Other Story:  www.saathchalo.org

Along the streets of Kolkata near Kali Ghat, a little girl’s eye caught my attention. I was there working and did not realize until I had seen this for myself that this little girl, who couldn’t have been more than 12 years old, was working too. She looked away immediately. As I kept walking, I kept turning around to look at what was going on. There were about 6 other little girls too. They were being accosted by men – large, burly, and rough. I kept walking, feeling helpless, unknowing as to what these men who, perhaps were fathers themselves, were doing. I heard that they were expected to service 20 customers during the weekend alone. I felt I had let that little girl down. I have replayed this a million times in my head, but I’ve also seen this repeated in real life as I traveled across our country and the world from Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, South Africa and in several cities in India, the same stories are repeated. Girls, women, helpless, hapless crying for restoration of dignity, freedom and hope. A life – that’s a dream.
From the desperation of that helpless moment grew an inspiration for action – to do something about it – I knew that no woman or child should be violated. I also knew I could never counter this alone. Did you know, next only to the arms and drugs industry, trafficking is the most profitable business in the world?
The Kolkata episode was not a beginning, but it helped me understand what my purpose in life was – to see that every human being lives the life that they’ve been created to live – well, full of hope and opportunity. The desire to see people live to their potential was tempered from a very young age. I would always be moved deeply when I saw a poor person. I couldn’t do anything then.
Though we live in a free nation, the question remains are we really free? On the other, if freedom is for all, why do we still exploit our women and children? Why are families still living in slavery? Why does bonded labor and exploitation still exist? In a country that boasts of the top 5 richest Indians having half of the nation’s wealth, why is it difficult for us to alleviate poverty?
Saath Chalo seeks to bring together those that are asking similar questions and believe that we can end trafficking and bonded labour. The answers pop up as we come together and stand with each other, walking alongside those that have been affected and impacted by these horrific experiences. Saath Chalo is a movement – of students, of youth, of corporates, of business houses, of people like you and me - that will be a voice – a voice for those that are exploited, made vulnerable, oppressed and with no dignity. It will come along and be a bridge to restore hope and dignity, in their walk towards justice and regaining their destiny.

More info at: www.saathchalo.org

Onassis Jeevaraj – Executive Council Member
International Prayer Connect
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 30 April 2021 15:51

May prayer report looking at the opportunities and challenges of vaccinations, Covid-19 Hot Spots and some suggested Prayer Pointers with links to resources:

As of 25th April, the total global figure for people infected by Covid-19 stood at 146.5 million according to Johns Hopkins University. In addition to this, the recorded number who have died totalled 3,100, 822.  From a peak of worldwide daily cases in early January, numbers declined steadily until mid-February when they started to rise again, and are now close to exceeding the January peak.

Covid-19 hot spots

Here are those countries / regions which are currently showing high levels of infection.

The current wave of infections is causing devastation in India. India is the second worst-hit country in the world by the pandemic after the United States. The overall case count now stands at 16,960,172 cases, and 192,311 deaths. Having previously peaked in September, cases have grown exponentially since mid-February with a current average of nearly 350,000 new cases each day and 2676 daily deaths, with the health system on the verge of being overwhelmed.

Brazil has also seen great suffering in 2021.  Cases have increased since early February, peaking at the start of April at over 100,000 per day.  The current daily average of 79,000 cases per day is slowly declining, but still exceeds that of the first wave in July 2020.   Total cases have exceeded 14.3 million with 389,392 deaths.  Having peaked at 4249 daily deaths on 8th April, the figure still remains extremely high with over 3000 daily deaths still being reported, currently higher than the reported figure in India.  Argentina and Colombia have also both seen significant recent increases in cases.

The US continues to be the country with the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths related to Covid-19 with figures at around 32,045,235 and 571,921 respectively. Thankfully the daily infection rate has fallen dramatically from a 7 day rolling average high point of nearly 250,000 cases in early January to 53,363 cases late April (John Hopkins) and daily deaths were reported as 724 on 24 April .

A growing number of European countries continue to see high numbers of cases as they struggle to vaccinate their populations at a fast enough rate to reduce the impact of new waves.  Cases continue to rise in Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands, but have become stable or started to fall in France and Italy.

New waves and Variants

New variants of COVID 19 continue to be the source of discussion and focus, not least as their interaction with the vaccination programmes and new waves of infection become a greater priority.  The BMJ reported that on average one new mutation emerges each week and that this will continue without knowing when or where they will occur.   This raises particular questions regarding the transmission and severity of variants, how the pandemic might develop over the coming months, and the implications for international law and travel.  For governments, understanding their impact on vaccine efficacy and the implications for policy is a real challenge. 

The variant that emerged in the UK has been identified as the B.1.1.7 variant. It accounted for a significant surge in cases and deaths in the UK, having been demonstrated to be approximately 1.5 times more transmissible than the original strain.  There is also evidence to suggest it causes increased mortality and hospitalisation, particularly in the over-65 age group.  This same variant has become significant in the new waves in Europe and is also contributing to rising cases elsewhere in the world.

Thankfully it appears that at least 3 of the main vaccines continue to provide protection against this variant.

It is feared that the P1 or ‘Brazilian’ variant is a significant cause of the rising cases in South America. Research has suggested it may be twice as transmissible as earlier strains and may evade up to nearly half of immune defences built during previous infections.  Whilst it is not clear if the variant makes people sicker or is more deadly than other strains, researchers estimate that coronavirus infections were 1.2 to 1.9 times more likely to result in death after P.1 emerged than before.

There has been recent focus on a new variant B.1.617 that was first detected in India in October. Scientists do not yet know whether this variant is more infectious or resistant to vaccines however given the terrible situation in India, it is being kept under observation.


The vaccination programme remains the most likely vehicle for ending the pandemic.   As of late April, more than 1.03 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, equal to 13 doses for every 100 people. Vaccines have now been administered in approximately 180 countries.  Vaccines are concentrated in high income countries - about 55% of people who have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine were from high income countries, and at least 53% were from Europe and North America, yet these countries only represent 16 percent of the world’s population. A team at Duke University’s Global Health Innovation Center estimate that the world’s poorest 92 countries will not be able to reach a vaccination rate of 60 percent of their populations until 2023 or later.

Since the last report, issues have emerged regarding side-effects of vaccines, most notably blood clots.  This has added another layer of challenge for countries as they develop, administer and seek to retain public support for their vaccination programmes.  Some countries have adjusted their programmes to only use certain vaccines with specific age groups and genders based on the risk/benefit profiles for that country. It is important to note that the World Health Organisation continue to support the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, saying in a recent statement that it “continues to have a positive benefit-risk profile, with tremendous potential to prevent infections and reduce deaths across the world.”

In terms of approved vaccines, the RAPS website provides a good overview of the current situation.  The approval by US authorities of the Janssen Biotech vaccine now means that there are 13 vaccines with some form of regulatory approval, of which 8 are being used widely across the world.  6 new vaccines are currently in Phase 3 trials, with a further 51 in earlier stages of development. This is unprecedented and something we should all give thanks for, not least when considering the partnership work between scientists, public and private organisations, which is a source of great optimism. 

Government Policies

The start of 2021 has seen a number of countries returning to various levels of lockdown in order to deal with rising cases, as highlighted by this ‘government response stringency’ index. It is clear that many governments are nervous to relax restrictions too quickly after lifting restrictions last summer led to new waves of the virus.  Countries are also considering the introduction of vaccination certificates or passports which could be used to allow individuals access to services, leisure and travel. Whilst there is a degree of public support for this in certain countries, many, including church leaders in the UK, have rejected this approach as likely to lead to greater inequality.  With conflicting scientific advice, violent anti-lockdown protests, economic turmoil, huge backlogs in other health treatments, it is no surprise that these remain incredibly difficult times in which to govern and lead.

Let’s Pray… Let us continue to declare that the novel coronavirus is defeated by the blood of Jesus.

We pray for divine intervention and for God's name to be glorified even as each nation and government tries its best to prevent or control the emergence of new waves of infection and finally arrest this epidemic.
We pray that individuals, leaders and nations focus on the needs of others rather than themselves, and that cooperation and compassion lie at the heart of the world’s response to the crisis.
We pray for our scientists.  In particular we pray for those assessing and communicating risks associated with vaccines, that they be filled with wisdom and understanding. We pray too for those investigating, sequencing and analysing new variants.
We release wisdom, skill, and integrity upon our leaders, particularly as they grapple with the complexities, challenges and many voices that seek to influence them.
We pray that leaders and nations will see their moral duty to the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people and back this up with action not just words.
We pray for protection, wisdom and strength, for those working to bring treatment and comfort to the sick and their families.
We pray for individuals struggling to decide whether to receive the vaccine.  We ask that their fears be settled and that the information they receive be truthful and honest.
We pray release and healing from mental illnesses as a result of the lock-downs.
We continue to release faith, hope, and love over the peoples of the world. May the Church seize this opportune time to manifest Jesus our Lord and Savior to those who are seeking answers and peace.

Join in Online Prayers:

World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK – Virtual House of Prayer

iHop Kansas Prayer Room

247 Prayer Coronavirus Prayer Room 

Additional Prayer Resources for Coronavirus

God and the Pandemic – Tom Wright
Beyond the Pandemic - Rev Dr Clifford Hill
A coronavirus prayer from Pete Greig

19 Things to Do in response to Coronavirus

Prophecy Today UK’s Responses to Coronavirus

PrayerCast Video and Prayer Briefing
CSM Nigeria Article

Lausanne Resources
Operation World EBook on the impact on Mission

WW11 Veteran Gets 180k Praying

On a lighter note… 50 countries affected by Covid 19 sing Amazing Grace in this video

Reporting from John Hopkins University: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality


Friday, 30 April 2021 15:49

George Herman is Pastor of Delhi Bible Fellowship - North Delhi Congregation.  His wife is a Doctor. We invited him to update us on the acute pandemic situation in India and to bring us some prayer pointers.

HOPE “In Christ and Christ Alone”

As the coronavirus continues to devastate India, Rev George Herman, a Pastor at Delhi Bible Fellowship, writes for us in these difficult times.

Even as I write this article, I have friends who write in from different states. One mission organisation lost 9 pastors and 3 faculty members from their organisation in the last 4 days. Another had about half a dozen staff seriously ill. From a praying team who lost over a dozen alumni and more than a dozen critically ill in hospital where there are no oxygen reserves - Where does our attention or our eyes turn to in such dire circumstances that have befallen on our brothers and sisters.

“Attention, elder statesmen! Listen closely, everyone, whoever and wherever you are!
Have you ever heard of anything like this?  Has anything like this ever happened before—ever?
Make sure you tell your children, and your children tell their children,
And their children their children.     Don’t let this message die out. (From The Message, Joel 1:1-3) My country’s being invaded by an army invincible, past numbering,
Teeth like those of a lion,’ fangs like those of a tiger.
It has ruined my vineyards, stripped my orchards, And clear-cut the country.
The landscape’s a moonscape.” (The Message Joel 1:6-7)

This morning Pastor Samuel Thomas of the Indian Pentecostal Church, North India Vice President, Operation, shared the whole chapter with me as we talked about Prayer for the Nation of India during such great a crisis. He said, ‘I am here to obey God and listen to his voice and not worry about the outcomes” Prayer is seeking the heart of God. There are times, in prayer I pour out my pain and anguish before the Lord- but I wait on him and commune with Him and HOPE in HIM. There lies for me all the rest’.

About 70 odd years ago C S Lewis writing about the Cold war tensions, says, ‘The first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes, find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs.’  How then do we find ourselves today? How then do we pray? How then are we praying? Is it in fear, depression, or in utter disarray or with our hands lifted in worship to our Sovereign Lord and King as the psalmist wrote We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. 21 In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name’.  (New International Version Psalm 33)

One thing is for sure, prayer has come back front and centre in a Christian’s life in a big way.  There is great need for prayer for our beloved Country India. The cases for covid-19 increases and so do the death rates and numbers. The different governmental branches and the NGOs working round the clock has not been able to see a dent in this 2nd wave that has put fear and anger into people. People are looking to blame systems but of it’s of no help. 

Today’s (29th April) saw 379,000 new Covid cases with 1.1% death i.e. 201,187.  Is this acceptable, are we saying its only 1.1%.  This they say has been the highest spike in the country so far. Different states are going on a lockdown. The ones more affected are those in the margins as they have nowhere to go and can go nowhere ever trying to go back to their villages is difficult with the present scenario.

Pastor Cherian John a national leader in the prayer movement and a pastor in Chandigarh, referring to 2nd Chronicles 7, states that we who believe in Jesus, are also called to humble ourselves as we pray and seek his face. There seems to be a direct correlation between God’s peoples’ repentance and God healing the land. He said prayerlessness causes disobedience and disconnection and so the corollary was true.

So, some responses which all of us can do in a morbid time such as this.

  • Pray for God to heal our Land.
  • More First level care to reduce rushing to the hospitals, also to reduce panic and anxiety.
  • For health care workers (clinical and non-clinical) and their families are at the fag-end of energy. For protection on them and for encouragement and rest to be their portion
  • For greater supply of Oxygen, hospital beds with oxygen connection, ICU beds, for better weather for patients who wait outside hospital gates. (we are coming close to our hottest days) according to researchers the 2nd wave has not yet peaked.
  • For families who have lost their love ones, especially those who are the only earning members in their families
  • For the visible demonstration of the Lord of Lords by the people of God and for hope to be alive in all our hearts. As the psalmist said

IPC April 2021 04bMay your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.  Psalm 33:22 - May that be our earnest prayer.

Rev George Herman - Delhi Bible Fellowship - North Delhi
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 30 April 2021 15:46

Restrictions have violated freedoms to practice faith

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom warned that some countries have used COVID-19 restrictions to discriminate against religious minorities or blame them for the spread of the virus.

USCIRF, a bipartisan commission tasked with informing Congress and the federal government about global religious freedom concerns, released its 2021 annual report detailing the international religious freedom conditions in a year plagued by a pandemic.

The cover of this year’s report, which details where religious freedom is “improving or in peril,” features a globe shrouded in a face mask, showing the worldwide implications the pandemic had.

USCIRF Chair Gayle Manchin said at a press conference that though public health measures in most countries to slow the spread of COVID-19 complied with international human rights standards, some countries used these measures to discriminate against religious minorities.

“Unfortunately, it had a negative impact in many ways …,” she said. “What we found to be unacceptable were where minorities were targeted in much stricter fashion, and their activities were restricted much more harshly than other religions across the country, and that’s where the problem arose.”

“Also, there were countries that literally blamed the COVID-19 virus on a particular religion, [claiming] that they were responsible for the spread of that virus across their country,” she continued.

Some countries used the pandemic as an “excuse” to “punish and penalize” minority religious groups.

“While many of these restrictions were justifiable under public health exceptions defined in international law, some restrictions harmed religious minorities or otherwise violated freedom of religion or belief,” the report reads.

Where certain religions were targeted or blamed for causing the spread of the virus, there was a greater risk of being arrested and placed in prison or “deplorable conditions.”

“As the restrictions are lifted, we will be watching very closely to make sure that those restrictions are being lifted fairly across the country to all religions,” Manchin said.

IPC April 2021 05bOne example is Malaysia, where “non-Muslim houses of worship, including Hindu temples and Christian churches, were not prioritized for reopening and faced different reopening times than mosques.” Additionally, the country banned refugees and migrants from entering mosques.

In Turkey, an individual attempted to “set fire” to an Armenian church for “bringing the coronavirus.”

The commission reported that “the pandemic also fostered a wave of misinformation targeting religious minorities.”

MORE: https://www.christianpost.com/news/some-covid-19-restrictions-harmed-religious-minorities-uscirf.html?uid=f1f5a81e89&utm_source=The+Christian+Post+List&utm_campaign=CP-Newsletter&utm_medium=email

Pray for all persecuted Christians throughout the world
Pray for governments and leaders, that they show wisdom and good judgment in these difficult times
Pray for those in prison for their faith, that they may know the sustaining presence of Jesus alongside them

Pray that God’s justice will rain down in the darkest places

COVID-19 has harmed girls' education

IPC April 2021 05cBefore COVID-19, the longstanding educational disadvantage for women had been declining and even led, in some cases, to a 'reverse' gap where girls were outperforming boys in enrollment rates and learning outcomes.

However, evidence suggests that the pandemic may slow or reverse these gains, through factors such as an increased risk of dropping out of school.

Action is needed immediately to reverse these losses and ensure girls around the world return to school.

The returns to schooling are especially high for women. That is, the earnings increment associated with more education is in fact higher for women than for men. One additional year of schooling and women’s wages go up 12% (compared with 10% for men).

However, the schooling gains of girls and women are under threat. Prior to the COVID-19-induced school closures, girls were staying in school longer and learning more than at any other time. The longstanding disadvantage for girls in terms of enrollment had been declining. In some cases, this led to a “reverse gap” where girls outperform boys in both enrollment rates and learning outcomes – a female learning premium.

COVID-19 may put a temporary halt to this progress. COVID-19-induced school closures may slow or reverse these gains and may further prevent girls and women from realizing the potential returns – representing a “hidden” future cost. Urgent action is needed to ensure that girls and women can realize the returns to their schooling.

The World Bank is forecasting lower levels of schooling, learning, and future earnings because of school closures due to COVID-19. Learning loss is expected and predicted. Recent evidence from several countries shows that the COVID-19 slide is real. For women and girls, who are already being significantly negatively affected by the pandemic, there is a particular risk in the realm of education.

The pandemic puts girls at an increased risk of:

  • Dropping out of school
  • Being vulnerable to domestic violence and other Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
  • Child marriage
  • Early pregnancy
  • Being exploited as child labor

UNESCO has projected that 11 million girls may never return to school following the pandemic.

What can be done, what might work?

Remote learning was a useful action in the Spring of 2020; but it’s not the answer now. Rather, we need to open schools – safely – in order to mitigate and reverse learning losses and get girls back in school. For many girls, especially the youngest, the learning lost during the pandemic can be limited and even reversed by improving distance education during school closures and by implementing learning recovery programs such as Teach to the Right Level and High Dosage Tutoring, which the evidence has shown to be effective. However, for older girls, the risk of dropping out is real, and they may leave school before their learning losses can be recovered, unless innovative programs are put in place in a timely manner.

The risk of dropping out needs to be addressed right away by providing extra support to students and their families to ensure that they stay in school, making sure to target girls as being at a high risk of dropout and learning losses. Targeted support may also be needed to overcome constraints specific to girls, especially adolescent girls. For example, the Keeping Girls in School Program in Zambia provides cash transfers to families of adolescent girls so they can afford to keep their daughters in school and has set up an early warning system to identify girls at risk of dropping out and of other vulnerabilities.

Organizations and communities can work to ensure students continue their education while at home but at the same time ensure that they are receiving other crucial services as well, so they do not lose momentum.

The role of government is key. Progress will only come when they are able to implement at scale, and once policymakers, business leaders, nonprofits, and individual communities work hand in hand.

More:  https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/04/covid-19-has-harmed-girls-education-here-s-what-needs-to-be-done/

Pray for equality of access for girls to education throughout the world
Pray for those organisations at the heart of efforts to bring education to girls in under-developed nations
Pray for teacher, educators and administrators that they may know wisdom in overcoming the devastation of the last 12 months

Friday, 30 April 2021 15:46

Jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny’s political network is disbanded ahead of court rulings declaring it an ‘extremist’ organisation.

A Moscow court is expected to ban the network’s crowdfunded work, which would put members and supporters at risk of six years in prison.

Leonid Volkov, the network’s former coordinator, said that keeping the work of Navalny’s network in its current form would lead immediately to extremism charges and criminal sentences for those helping or cooperating with it. He said the breakup was a ‘punch in the gut’ after four years of hard work in very difficult circumstances: ‘The networks had victories. We cancelled corrupt public procurement orders, secured the resignation of thieves and crooks, won elections, protected parks from development projects, and helped local activists. Now there are direct orders from the Kremlin to destroy the network of offices.’

The network’s website shtab.navalny.com was still accessible on 29 April, showing dozens of locations spanning eleven time zones.

Pray: for the dozens of regional politicians, thousands of supporters, and independent political organisations to remain strong as they organise investigations, and rallies. (Proverbs 21:15)

More: www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/04/29/navalny-dissolves-political-network-ahead-of-expected-extremist-ruling-a73774

Friday, 30 April 2021 15:45

It’s now nearly three months since the military coup in Myanmar. The junta has intensified its crackdown on protestors, with around 600 people now believed to have been killed. For the country’s minority Christian population, there continues to be fear – not just for their safety but of forced recruitment to the army. In this update, Christians in the country share experiences and fears, as well as gratitude for your ongoing prayers. All names have been changed to protect identities.

Given the communication restrictions in Myanmar, it’s hard to obtain information from Open Doors local partners in the country. When contact is made with believers, the fear and uncertainty speaks louder than their words.

“Every day I hear gunshots and sound grenades near my house,” shares Min Naing* from Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city. “The sound comes only one bus stop away from my house. At night, most homes do not turn on lights after 8pm. And nobody makes any noise. This has been happening for about two weeks. Sometimes I hear gunshots in the evening and around midnight. We also stay indoors during the day. We cannot go out except for putting out rubbish and shopping for groceries. I live in the middle of Yangon without security. Please pray for the safety of me and my family.”

Pastor Kyaw* leads a church in a township where martial law is imposed. Because of the daily gunfire near the church building, it’s been impossible to organise church activities. “My wife has not been able to sleep for two weeks,” the pastor shares. “That’s why we fled to another town. When we arrived in the town, I had to flee again after two days, because the army was recruiting more soldiers.” Thankfully, the couple are now home and safe, but without internet. The pastor is concerned about not having access to the news.

Believers hiding in the forest

Others are also at risk of being forcibly enlisted into the army. “In a remote village, a pastor is leading a small church,” Brother Lwin*, an Open Doors local partner reports. “There are no soldiers or police in their village so regular prayers are held every night. Last week, the village chief was asked to recruit 30 men for the military in their village. Now the believers, including the pastor, are hiding in the forest.”

Brother Lwin and others live and work under enormous stress because of the uncertainty and rapidly changing situation. Nobody’s safety is guaranteed. But one thing is for sure: Brother Lwin and the other believers know they are not alone. “Thank you for standing with us during this crisis,” Brother Lwin shares. “We don’t know how or when this will be over. Please pray that the believers will stand strong in their faith, and non-believers – of who many are frustrated and hopeless, even with their own faith – will come to know the true and living God.”

*Names changed for safety of individuals

More at: https://www.opendoors.org.hk/en/christians-in-myanmar-fear-for-safety-and-forced-recruitment-to-army/
Pray for the violence and extra-judicial killings of peaceful protestors to stop.
Pray that the international diplomacy and sanctions along with the strong will of the people of Burma will bring the Junta to stand down and free the democratically elected leaders.
Pray that Beijing does not take advantage of this instability.
Pray in more depth using these resources:
Prayer Guide  |  Operation World  |  Joshua Project  |  Open Doors

Friday, 30 April 2021 15:44

A vaccine against malaria has been shown to be highly effective in trials in Africa, holding out the real possibility of slashing the death toll of a disease that kills 400,000 mostly small children every year.

The vaccine, developed by scientists at the Jenner Institute of Oxford University, showed up to 77% efficacy in a trial of 450 children in Burkina Faso over 12 months.

The hunt for a malaria vaccine has been going on the best part of a century. One, the Mosquirix vaccine developed by GlaxoSmithKline, has been through lengthy clinical trials but is only partially effective, preventing 39% of malaria cases and 29% of severe malaria cases among small children in Africa over four years. It is being piloted by the World Health Organization in parts of Kenya, Ghana and Malawi.

The Oxford vaccine is the first to meet the WHO goal of 75% efficacy against the mosquito-borne parasite disease. Larger trials are now beginning, involving 4,800 children in four countries.

Prof Adrian Hill, director of the Jenner Institute, where the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine was invented, said he believed the vaccine had the potential to cut the death toll dramatically. “What we’re hoping to do is take that 400,000 down to tens of thousands in the next five years, which would be absolutely fantastic.”

Other interventions, such as impregnated bednets and malarial drugs, have reduced the death toll from a million a year, he said, and those must continue. But, if the vaccine could cut deaths to the tens of thousands, they might be able to look towards “a greater goal – eventually eradicating malaria”.

Hill said the institute might apply for emergency approval for the malaria vaccine just as it did for the Covid jab. “I’m making the argument as forcefully as I can, that because malaria kills a lot more people than Covid in Africa, you should think about emergency-use authorisation for a malaria vaccine for use in Africa. And that’s never been done before.”

The institute would probably ask the regulatory bodies in Europe or the UK for a scientific opinion on the vaccine and then apply to the World Health Organization for approval for use in Africa. “They did Covid in months – why shouldn’t they do malaria in a similar length of time as the health problem is an even greater scale in Africa?” Hill said.

The vaccine will be manufactured at large scale and low-cost, say the researchers, who have arranged a deal with the Serum Institute of India, which is involved in manufacturing the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.

The Serum Institute has had to delay supplies of the Covid vaccine to the rest of the world because of the huge rise in cases in India, but has promised to deliver 200m doses a year of the malaria vaccine if it is licensed.

Hill said the best-case scenario was approval by the end of 2022, by which time the Serum Institute would have plenty of capacity.

Dr Cyrus Poonawalla and Adar Poonawalla, respectively chair and CEO of the Serum Institute, said in a statement that they were “highly excited to see these results on a safe and highly effective malaria vaccine which will be available to the whole world”. The project was through collaboration with Oxford and also Novavax, which is supplying the adjuvant, a substance that enhances the immune system response.

“We are highly confident that we will be able to deliver more than 200m doses annually in line with the strategy, as soon as regulatory approvals are available,” they said.

Gareth Jenkins, of Malaria No More UK, said: “We can end malaria in our generation but only if governments invest in the research needed to deliver the new medicines and products that can accelerate the end of this terrible disease.

“The Jenner Institute’s groundbreaking work on both the new Covid-19 and malaria vaccines is a great example of this and demonstrates just how much humanity’s safety is dependent on new science.

“An effective and safe malaria vaccine would be a hugely significant extra weapon in the armoury needed to defeat malaria, which still kills over 270,000 children every year. For decades British scientists have been at the forefront of developing new ways to detect, diagnose, test and treat malaria, and we must continue to back them.

“A world without malaria is a world safer both for the children who would otherwise be killed by this disease, and for us here at home. Countries freed from the malaria burden will be much better equipped to fight off new disease threats when they inevitably emerge in the future.”

MORE: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/23/oxford-malaria-vaccine-proves-highly-effective-in-burkina-faso-trial


Pray for all those who suffer from Malaria each year.
Pray for the many young children who endure suffering and death at the hands of this disease.
Pray with thanksgiving for the scientists working to eradicate this disease.
Pray for the success of the vaccine and that money and politics will not hinder successful distribution.

Friday, 30 April 2021 15:44

Pope Francis’ first-ever papal trip to Iraq marked a watershed moment in relations between the Catholic Church and the Middle East. Yet for all the optimism of the Pope’s message, his visit also serves to remind us that Christianity and other minority faiths of the region are facing dark times.

The Middle East is the cradle of the three Abrahamic faiths that have more than 4 billion adherents around the globe. The region remains home to some of the world’s most ancient languages, cultures and heritage sites.

Yet oppressive governments and violent extremist movements have been busy erasing the Middle East’s diverse religious communities. Today, Syria and Yemen have lost almost all of their Jews, while Turkey has done the same with its Chaldean Christians, ethnic Syriacs who follow the Catholic rite. Iraq’s Yazidis, a Kurdish-speaking community that adheres to a long-persecuted ancient monotheistic faith narrowly escaped destruction during the Islamic State’s genocidal campaign. Iraq’s Mandaeans, followers of another indigenous Middle Eastern faith, also fear extinction.

Governments should take a stand to defend diversity and pluralism in the Middle East and beyond. Security assurances to protect embattled communities from future genocidal campaigns, substantial development aid for rebuilding them and support for inclusive institutions can all play a role.

Mideast religious minorities face a particularly potent threat from the insidious collaboration between authoritarian states and violent extremist groups, as proxy wars have come to replace conventional warfare between nation-states. The growing footprint of non-state actors has exacerbated the danger to religious minorities.

The Islamic State, for example, recruited foreign fighters from all corners of the globe as it targeted the Yazidi community with its genocidal campaign of mass executions, rape and enslavement. As the Economist recently noted, many Yazidis who escaped the immediate threat when the Islamic State was defeated militarily are still fighting for their survival.

Although Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad presents himself as the protector of minorities, especially Christians, he has executed and tortured critics regardless of their religion. The Assad regime’s indiscriminate massacre of its own citizens with barrel bombs and chemical weapons not only received financial support from Moscow and Tehran, but also utilized Russian private military contractors and Iran’s militias recruited all the way from Lebanon to Afghanistan.

In northern Syria, according to a report of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Syria, Turkey’s proxies committed war crimes targeting Kurds and Yazidis, including hostage-taking, torture, rape and pillaging, in addition to violating international humanitarian law by looting and destroying cultural property.

Since Turkey’s failed coup attempt in 2016, the country’s increasingly authoritarian government intensified its scapegoating of Christians, Jews and Alevis (a Muslim minority). The revisionist historical dramas on Turkish state television have become the new means through which antisemitic, anti-Christian and anti-Western conspiracies are distributed in multiple languages around the world. Social media platforms compound the problem by amplifying hateful messages from state-funded media and the propaganda outlets of violent extremist groups.

Since the Iranian revolution, the Islamic republic has not only decimated the country’s Jewish community, taking its numbers from 100,000 to below 9,000, but also threatened to wipe the Jewish state off the “global political map.” Last year Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif went so far as to invoke the Nazi phrase “the final solution,” echoing Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s vow to uproot and destroy the “cancerous tumor” of Israel. A new Anti-Defamation League study of Iranian textbooks found that the Islamic republic teaches antisemitism and incites schoolchildren against the Jewish people as well as the United States.

No scientific study, media report or opinion poll can give a more accurate account of the state of the Middle East’s minorities than demographic trends. As vulnerable minorities vote with their feet, we continue to witness a mass exodus of ancient communities. A 2019 report commissioned by the British foreign secretary warned that Iraq’s Christian population fell from 1.5 million before 2003 to possibly less than 120,000. Turkey’s Greek Orthodox, Jewish and Syriac Christian citizens are more likely to live in diasporas rather than in their original homes. Coptic Christians still number around 10 million in Egypt, but according to the Hudson Institute’s Samuel Tadros, the Coptic church is blossoming “outside Egypt’s borders.”

U.S. leadership and cooperation with transatlantic allies are imperative to reversing these alarming trends. As the Biden administration emphasizes making human rights central to U.S. foreign policy, the Middle East’s endangered religious minorities should be one of its priorities.

More: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/03/08/middle-easts-religious-minorities-are-facing-extinction-world-must-act/

Pray for persecuted Christians in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, Turkey and Syria

Pray persecuted believers would know the hope God brings 

Pray for international leadership from leading nations, that they may stand up for the oppressed and disempowered

Friday, 30 April 2021 15:41

Join millions of people from across the nations as we gather online for World Prayer Together / GO PRAY.  We will worship and pray for the launch of GO MONTH – a month of evangelism calling every believer to be a witness! (Luke 10:2)

Throughout May 2021, many millions of people will be evangelizing - one to one, in public and through social media and we want to cover them in prayer!

'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'   Luke 10:2

Our primary prayer focus during the 2-hour program will be evangelism and gospel movements amongst the remaining unreached peoples of China, India and the Middle-East.

World Prayer Together is being convened by International Prayer Connect and GO Movement in association with IHOPKC, GOD.TV and numerous ministries around the world.   It is part of a series of global prayer events under the World Prayer Together banner.  GO PRAY is 1st May – and represents a day of united prayer for this month of mission.

Join us on May 1st!  -  We will be hosting this global prayer and worship event at IHOPKC, broadcasting on GODTV.

Inspirational Leaders…

The online prayer and worship gathering will be led by many inspirational prayer-leaders and teachers including: MK Bharti, Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, Dr Hormoz Shariat, Dr Jason Hubbard, Asher Intrater, Onassis Jeevaraj, Leslie Keegel, Daniel Lim, Werner Nachtigal & Eric Watt.  Worship will be led by IHOPKC.


IPC April 2021 10bSaturday May 1st at 7.30pm in your region:


Click your nearest city link above to Watch for free online. Also watch on Digital TV + GODTV APP

View on YouTube anytime from 7.30pm (UTC+1) May 1st

May 1st will be English language. The event will be re-broadcast online in multiple languages on May 7th at 12:00HRS UTC.

Join a dedicated 24 hours in the IHOPKC Global Prayer Room online from 4pm April 30th - 4pm May 1st

Full details, timings and links to the livestreams and GOD TV regional programmes are at www.worldprayertogether.com


Part of #hopeofharvest2021 | www.hopeofharvest2021.org

Friday, 30 April 2021 15:39

10 Days Pentecost is a 24/7, 10 Day online prayer meeting with believers from around the world.

From Ascension Thursday (May 13) leading up to Pentecost Sunday, May 23, we will have 24/7 prayer with two daily teaching times at Noon Eastern (7pm Israel) and 7pm eastern (2am Israel).

You are welcome to join for prayer at any time during 10 Days Pentecost. Each hour is facilitated by a different prayer-leading team, so please follow the lead of the leader in each hour.

Partnering with the Global Family 24/7 Prayer room, this gathering will include believers from all 6 continents and speaking many languages. The teaching times will feature powerful teachings coming from many different perspectives and cultures. You can see the schedule of who is leading prayer each day at https://globalfamily24-7prayer.org/

10 Days Pentecost is an equipping event, a gathering time to prepare people to organize 10 Day events in their own cities and regions this September 6-16.

Register today and join us for 24/7 online prayer starting at Noon Eastern US (7pm Israel) on May 13-23, 2021.

10 Days Pentecost is partnering with Hope of the Coming Harvest to see prayer and missions accelerated globally as we approach Pentecost.

More:  https://www.10days.net/   |   https://www.globalfamily24-7prayer.org/

 Part of #hopeofharvest2021 | www.hopeofharvest2021.org